Chapter twenty
I think I'm finally scared now
As the term drew to a close Hermione found herself happy for once to be returning home, happy but still the lingering sadness that always came when she knew she would say goodbye to her friends -old and new- remained.
The feast had gone as well as she could hope for, students didn't want to believe Harry and Cedric that Voldermort had returned. So even pointed out that due to the edited version of the story to help save Cedric from the unwanted attention he couldn't have really seen what happened and had to be confused just like Harry.
While most of the Gryffindor's tried to keep up their loyal stance by Harry's side and even some Hufflepuff's Hermione felt her best friend feeling the stress, she had ordered him and Ron to play a game of wizard chess to which they had agreed while she left to take a walk out in the now quite grounds.
She had gotten as far as the entrance hall before she stopped at the sight of the clear night, sighing she let the last of the stress that had built up in over the past years finally and thankfully draining away into the night air.
Now a girl of fifteen she was amazed at how in just a year her life had changed so much, she thought seeing Harry being entered was the most stressful thing but finding out that not only was one of her fellow students a vampire but his best friend was a werewolf soon blew that out of the water.
Shivering as the memory of her time under the cold surface of the black flooded her mind Hermione stiffened when she felt the same feeling she always got now when she knew someone was watching her.
"For a vampire your not very good at watching people" Hermione teased as she turned to find Cedric now at her side smiling brightly at her.
"Well I'm questioning just how good I am at being a vampire when I can't even read your thoughts" Cedric admitted with a cheeky smile to which Hermione rolled her eyes and turned to stare out at the night.
"How's Potter holding up" Cedric questioned letting her scent spread throughout him like wild fire while Hermione sighed and shrugged.
"The best he can considering everyone is treating him like some liar. Malfoy however is providing most of the entertainment what with his father mysteriously being injured by a misfired spell" Hermione admitted smirking when Cedric chuckled.
Glancing to her he swallowed before rubbing the back of his neck then snapping his hands by his side.
"How do you always do this" Cedric exclaimed as Hermione turned to him with a frown before he shook his head turning to her.
"I've been alive for a hundred years… I've met people more stubborn then you but not one of them made me feel like I'm just a seventeen year old boy" Cedric exclaimed as Hermione blushed and ducked her eyes. Reaching up Cedric held her face in his hands, brushing his cold thumbs across her cheeks before tracing her jaw.
"You should be running away from me" "and you should have guessed by now that I don't leave my friends" Hermione bit him off causing the vampire to laugh then drop his hands happy when he saw her flash a disappointed look at him then quickly stiffen her shoulders.
"Well if your not going to run away how about taking a little run to the clearing" Cedric offered laughing when Hermione paled and darted her eyes around.
"I… well… I better get back to Harry and Ron" Hermione stuttered longing to return to their clearing but refusing to get there by his means of travel.
"So despite Harry having Ron your still going to leave me when I need you" Cedric teased as Hermione scoffed and shook her head.
"Night Cedric" she declared before turning and heading to the stair case but Cedric watched her and took a step forward.
"I do you know… need you that is" Cedric called causing Hermione to stop and turn to stare at him.
"What ever for Cedric" Hermione questioned innocently but he could hear her heart beating faster and her pulse quickening.
"I just need you… I tried to fight it at first, but you just… I can't explain it, if I could breath I'm sure that not having you around would be like me not being able to draw a breath" Cedric offered as Hermione blushed and lowered her head.
"Cedric" she whispered before the vampire hurried to her making her jump back to stare up at him while his eyes darted across her face trying to imprint each and every detail to his memory not that he hadn't done so before.
"Hermione can you just accept that I need you" Cedric ordered before Hermione studied him before with a shaking hand lifted it up and gulped down a growing lump in her throat.
"Friends" Hermione offered as Cedric looked from her face to her hand then back again, with a shaky smile he reached up and shook her head, squeezing it lightly causing her to smile at him.
She turned ready to head up the stairs when Cedric tugged on her hand and turned her around only to come crashing on to his lips.
Tilting his head to better aid the burning at his lips he felt her eye lids flitter close, when she responded he felt the fire spread through out him. The coldness he had felt for so long now burning brightly as this slip of a human girl kissed him back.
It took most of his restraint to pull back and even more restraint then he knew had to stop from reclaiming those lips when he saw her pout and slowly open her eyes to scan his.
"I can't promise you I'll hold you in the same light as a friend Hermione… but I promise you that I will never let you and I promise I will never let you get hurt" he promised in a whisper while she licked her lips and nodded.
"I… I" she stuttered before looking down and Cedric clenched his jaw knowing what she wanted to say, he should have stopped himself there and then.
Hell he should have stopped himself last year when he let her figure him out… he should have stopped the moment she got under his skin.
He should have but he was glad he didn't because he was sure that even when he was a human he had never felt more alive then he did right now having Hermione pressed against him her taste now burned into his lips and tongue.
"You can say it" he whispered as she looked up at him unshed tears glistening in her eyes, a brief smile touched her lips before she meekly reached up pressing her soft lips against his cold ones once more.
Pulling back she reached up and stroked his cold face, brushing her finger tips against his lips.
"I don't have to… because I know it's true and nothing is going to change that" She stated before stepping away from him and smiling brightly at him she turned and headed up to her common room.
Cedric Diggory the hundred year old vampire could read thoughts of most humans. Well most humans who weren't Hermione Granger.
But as he watched her disappear he didn't have to read her thoughts to know she trusted him.
Though it did scare him… he had to admit he was finally scared though about what he wasn't sure.
Being scared at loving someone or having them love him back.
Time would tell.
The end
And that my dear readers is the end. I may think up something to follow this up but as of this moment I think I'm going to rest and carry on with my other fics for now.
So after 35, 852 words... Twenty chapters... 57 reveiws...some positive and creative feedback Hogwarts Twilight has come to an end. I'm grateful to all my reviewers and I wish I could name you all but it would take me quiet a while. A few have been mentioned in my on going one shots in the one shot called 'Fanfiction' and others in previous chapters.
Thanks for sticking with the fic and I hope to hear and read more from you all. Goodnight and best of luck from Hellen Lou.