Chapter One
First days were always the worst. Unlike Alice and Emmett, who jumped at every chance of excitement and change, I hated the drama and attention of being a new student.
I dressed in a long-sleeved navy shirt and dark blue jeans, my disarray of bronze hair in its usual tousled mess. My bright green eyes stood out on my pale face.
"Hurry up, Eddie!" Emmett bellowed. It really sucks to live with two extreme morning person. I ran downstairs, kissed mom and dad goodbye, and hopped in the Volvo to find Alice and Emmett already seated, singing at the top of their lungs to I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry.
The drive to the school was constant mayhem. We parked in the empty lot at the early hour and walked into the office. Forks High was a small, ordinary cluster of dull gray blocks covered with faded maroon bricks.
Behind the counter of the small cozy office, a red-headed woman sat, her nameplate identifying her as Mrs. Cope. She smiled as we entered, her eyes lingering over me a little longer than necessary.
"Hello, can we have the schedule for Edward, Emmett, and Alice Cullen," I spoke for my sibling, afraid that their enthusiasm would frighten or encourage the lady. I smiled politely and her eyes fixed on my face, her face twisted in a look that was supposed to be seductive. I almost winced and gagged. She was a Mrs. and had to be older than forty. Ugh.
She handed us out schedules and told us to come back for "anything". Double gags. I suppressed a shudder and avoided her eyes as I walk swiftly out of the room, forgetting all about my siblings.
"Awww, Eddie's got an admirer!" Emmett boomed, his laughter echoing in the half-filled parking lot. I was about to give him a smack on the head, hard, when I saw a shiny black Ferrari zoom in the parking lot, its quiet purr barely audible even at a few feet away. My gaze was fixed on the car when the door opened. I heard myself gasp at the girl that stepped out.
Five foot four; her small frame was draped in clothing that made me gape at her. She was wearing tight-fitting white thermal, a silver heart necklace resting on the v-neck. Her amazingly longs legs were covered in navy tights and a pair of light blue denim mini. She wore fluffy white boots and a thick cream colored scarf. Her lustrous mahogany curls were tied into two low side ponies, a gray beret covering her head. Her large chocolate colored doe eyes met mine and she gave a small smile before turning and walking away. I watched her speechless, gazing at the spot she was standing at.
"Oh, she was steaming hot!" Emmett whistled. I turned around to give him two smacks on the head to see that Alice had already done my job for me. I almost felt sorry for Emmett; Alice hits a lot harder than I do. She was super tough for someone as small as her.
I shook my head. Concentrate, Edward, she could be spoiled brat or a bitch that couldn't spell apple for all you know.(AN: I actually know someone that couldn't spell apple! :D) I said goodbye to Alice and Emmett and hurried to my first period Calculus AP class.
The bell rang as I stepped into the classroom. I noticed that the girl from this morning was sitting in the far corner of the room, with no one next to her. I silently prayed for the teacher to point me there. I heard the sudden silence and felt everyone's gaze on me. Great. Exactly why I hate being the new student. Mr. Varner signed my slip and pointed me to a desk in the back, the corner opposite the beautiful girl, next to a girl with bronze hair like me. She was one of the few females in the class who wasn't ogling at me. So is the angel from this morning.
"Renesmee Dwyer, but please call me Nessie," she smiled, her brown eyes shone with genuine friendliness.
"Edward Cullen," I shook her hand. All through the lesson, I sneaked glances at the girl. I had to find out her name. At the end of the class, Mr. Varner started handing out graded quizzes. Nessie got a 67 and grimaced, muttering something about should've asked her to tutor me or something. Most of the quizzes were C's and B's.
"Bella Swan, 102," Mr. Varner called, obviously annoyed that whoever it was got such a good grade. I watched in shock as the girl from this morning rose gracefully from her seat and walked up to the teacher. She skimmed quickly through the quiz as she walked, her eyes uncaring, as if it happened all the time, which it probably did. I guess I could mark off the stupid, since she obviously wasn't that.
The bell rang then, I quickly said good bye to Nessie, who invited me to sit with her friends at lunch. I had accepted, intending to bring my siblings with me, too.
The rest of the day passed in the same fashion. A couple of slutty looking girls asked me out, but I rejected. As mean as it might sound, I didn't want to lose brain cells hanging out with them.
After PE, I followed a Native American boy who was Nessie's boyfriend, Jacob Black, to the lunch table. I saw, surprised, Alice and Emmett already there, with two other blonde at the table. They were a boy and girl, clearly twins. The girl was tall, stunning, with a model figure. The boy was lean, but still muscular. They were both pale and had piercing blue eyes. I sat down at the table between Alice and Emmett.
"This is Jasper and Rosalie Hale," Jacob pointed at the twins, "and you know your siblings, and Nessie." His voice turned loving when he said his girlfriend's name. It was clear that they were deeply, and hopelessly in love. Jasper waved at me while Rosalie glanced at me with a speculative look and gave a small smile. It wasn't hostile or cold, though.
The door opened then, and the sound in the cafeteria died down. In walked three girls, one was Bella Swan. The other two looked almost identical, not in features, just the way they held themselves and dressed. While Bella looked angelic in her outfit, the other two looked slutty.
Both the dirty blonde and the curly red-head was wearing way too much makeup, and cheer leading outfits that were obviously cut to be shorter than they were. Bella walked a little behind them, her back straight, her hips swaying just slightly- natural, unlike the two before her. She mindlessly twirled a strand of her soft curl around her finger, her eyes not staring at anything in particular. Evidently, these three were the "it" girls of the school.
They walked over to a table of cheerleaders and sat down, their lunch already purchased for them. Bella started drinking her Oj while the others around them just picked at their food, disgust clear on their faces. The blonde looked around and her gaze landed on me, her mouth curved into a smile. Shit.
She tapped Bella and the redhead and motioned at me. I swear I saw Bella sigh. They got out of their seats and walked over. The blonde and the redhead headed straight for me while Bella went over to Jacob.
"Hello, Jake, Nessie, Jazz, Rose, Alice, and Emmett," her soft voice rang like bells. Jake and Jasper high-fived her while Rose and Nessie gave her a hug. Alice and Emmett looked stunned and excited that she knew their names; they shook hands with her. The blonde's loud, nasal voice snapped into my focus.
"Hey," she attempted to purr, though it sounded like a strangling cat. I saw out of the corner of my eye, the girls at my table snorted.
"Um, hi?" it sounded like a question.
"You want to go out tonight? I'm Lauren by the way, and this is Jessica." She pointed at the red head. I smiled stiffly. Her voice was getting on my nerves and her perfume made my head swim, not in a good way.
"No thanks, I'm busy unpacking," I said, an uncomfortable edge in my voice.
"Laury, Jess, let's try another time, he's clearly busy," her soft, bell-like voice rang out. Lauren and Jessica nodded at her, apparently she's the only brain of the group, and they know it- unconsciously, maybe. Bella was looking at me, a small smile playing on her lips.
"Bella, let's go," Jessica whined. Bella said goodbye to the people of our table and mumbled "see you after school today" to Rose and Jasper. She walked away, and I stared at her like an idiot, the third time today.
"That was interesting," Emmett said, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"Who was the Bella girl?" Alice asked, quietly for once.
"Oh, she is the third, quietest, and most wanted girl of that group, although Lauren and Jessica won't admit it- the most wanted part that is. She is also mysterious, has astonishing good grades, and a, they say and I quote 'heartbreaker'. Rumor says that so far, she has never dated anyone at Forks High." Nessie said, as if she had the whole piece memorized.
"But she is really nice and polite, though she keeps to herself. She doesn't have a lot of close friends, only two, but is on friendly terms with most of the school. She also knows almost everything and anything about everyone." Rosalie finished.
"And the two close friends are Lauren and Jessica? Some taste she has." Emmett commented bluntly.
"No," Rose snapped, apparently unhappy that he insulted her friend, "they're only with her to share her popularity. And she knows that. But she said that, 'it's just wasting energy creating enemies'. Her two closest friends are Jasper and Jacob." To say I was shocked was an understatement. These two guys are the most beautiful girl in the world's only close friends?
"What about when she said to you guys 'see you after school today'?" I voiced my curiosity. I was dying to know everything about this girl.
"Oh, that, Bella comes over almost every day to hang out with us since she lives alone, and she ends up cooking dinner for our whole family because she apparently loves to. She rocks at it too." Jasper answered. His eyes became dreamy at the mention of her cooking. I was amazed yet again. She was, so far, perfect in every sense. But did he say she lives alone?
"I can't wait to become her friend!" typical Alice is back. I chuckled.
"Then you guys should come over today, usually Friday is sleepover time," Rose said, getting excited.
"Let me text her and ask if we could go to hers instead," Jasper said, taking out his shiny Blackberry. I glanced over in what I hoped to be a secretive way.
B, honey,
Mind if me and Rose bring a couple friends over to yours for a movie night+ sleep over today?
Jake and Nessie too.
J 3
My heart twisted. I was almost certain that they were dating, but Nessie had said she hadn't dated anyone in Forks High. Geez, I am so confused. I looked over just to see Bella typing on her phone. Just then, Jasper's phone beeped. I stole a glanced again.
J =)
Sure, I'd 3 to meet them
Properly, that is.
Bring popcorn, kay?
3 ya.
B :D
Funny how I noticed random things at this point. Jasper and Jacob both start with J. I wonder how Bella could tell the difference. If I could, I want to be at least a friend to her too. That is, without getting too close to her two plastic friends.
The bell rang then, I dumped my lunch in the trash and walked to my AP Biology class, hopeful that Bella will be in there. When I walk through the door, I almost cheered. There she was, sitting next to the only empty desk. YES!
Mr. Banner pointed me to the desk of my designation and I couldn't help but grin. I think Bella noticed, 'cuz she stifled a giggle. I sat down in my desk and turned to her, unusually nervous.
"H…ello. My name is Edward Cullen," I stuttered and held out my hand, feeling completely like an idiot.
"Hi," she smiled, her face like an angel's, "Bella Swan, but you probably already know that, since they were obviously giving you guys all the dirt on me."
"Yeah," I grinned, suddenly confident. I couldn't help but notice how extremely gorgeous she was. Her hair was shiny and small strands cascaded in gently waves down the side of her heart-shaped face. Her extremely long eyelashes framed two deep pools of melted chocolate. Her collarbone traced down to her chest... Snap out of it! Don't think those thoughts! I looked up and saw that she was still smiling, skeptical this time, her delicate eyebrows raised. Crap. Did I just say that out loud?
I saw her press her lips tightly together, her expression amused, and nodded her head. Oh my god. Just kill me now. I flushed a very, very deep shade of red.
The teacher called us to attention, so I decided to write her notes instead.
(AN: Yay! Notes! Bold: Edward. Underlined: Bella)
Hello ;]
Oh, hi a small smile played on her lips
You know, Jasper invited us over today, you don't mind, do you?
Of course not 3 The more the merrier…?
Yeah, what do you guys usually do anyways?
Oh, you know, usual sleepover stuff. Movies, makeovers, gossip a little (don't underestimate how much gossip Jess could get, Truth or Dare, junk food.
Um, a little blunt but, why do you hang out with Jessica and Lauren?
I'm sure they told you –smirk-
Kinda. But… Do you honestly like them?
They're ok enough.
Okay… btw, I just remembered, nice car.
Hehe, thanks, random much?
I was just about to write another sentence when Bella whipped the paper out of sight. I looked up at her confused but she shot me a look.
"Do you have anything you want to share with us, Ms. Swan and Mr. Cullen?" Mr. Banner asked.
"My notes?" Bella looked so confused, that if I wasn't the one passing notes with her, I'd believe that she wasn't doing anything. In her hand was a complete page of neat calligraphy, well organized and color-coded. I just gaped at her.
How the hell do you do that?
It's a talent. –smirk-
I hate you. You're so perfect. Crap. Did I really write that?
Aww. Thank you. I love you too. My heart skipped a beat and my breathing became faster. It's just a phrase, it's just a phrase, I chanted in my head.
So, how did you know Jasper?
He's a friend. Defensive, huh? Exclusive, too.
Yeah, how did you know the "friend"
Shut up, he's really a friend. I met him at school.
Aren't you gonna tell me more? –pout-
Aww –pats puppy- later, okay?
The bell rang and I gathered my stuff for Spanish. I turned around to Bella at the door.
"Bye, see you," she smiled her angelic smile and walked to PE. A blonde boy that I didn't notice in my class walked up to me.
"Hey, you're new right? Name's Mike. Mike Newton."
"Hey. Edward Cullen." I said, not really liking the sway his eyes followed Bella's every movement. Who I am to say that? I do that everytime.
"Hey, dude. How the hell did you get to know Bella so fast?" I knew he was just talking to me to get to her. Figures. Stupid generic pervert.
"She wasn't that hard to talk to. She's friendly. And really nice." It's true. She wasn't as cold as she seemed to be.
"Yeah, sure. You know she was called the Ice Doll by the guys? She was just so hot and intimidating." Mike babbled on, a dreamy gaze in his eyes. I almost snorted. Bella was drop-dead gorgeous, anyone knew that, but the way he talks about her just makes me want to kick his face or something. I quickly said bye to Mike when I saw the Spanish class room door and ducked into the room. Yay. Alice is in this class with me.
After a period of Alice sneaking knowing glances at me, we walked to the parking lot, where we'd meet the crew. And they were easily spotted. A clear ten feet of spaces was around them, people sending envious gazes at them. I can really see why now.
There was Jasper and Rosalie, with glossy blonde hair, model figure, and the faces of movie stars.
There was Jacob and Nessie, looking like a perfect match, a tall handsome Native and a pale, beautiful girl.
There was Emmett, who despite being humongous, had a handsome face.
There was Alice, small and bubbly, with obvious designer clothes, and an air of friendliness around her.
Then there was Bella, inhumanly stunning, beautiful, exquisite, with an amazing body and an even more gorgeous face. Her long mahogany hair shimmered in the faint sunlight.
Our group of eight walked to our cars: a red BMW M3, a black Ferrari, a silver Volvo, a Jeep. We hopped in and zoomed out of the parking lot, eyes still trailing after us, one after another in a line.
And I can't wait to be there.
Don't worry. I'm still writing the other one, but I couldn't but help start this one. It's invading my brain. =)
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of its awesome characters. I want Jasper though.
I'm BxE all the way. But I just love Bella and Jasper friendship. I think it's so cute 3
Read my other FF, Air Kisses!
Reviews please!