It has been such a long time since I updated this story, or any of my others, school has been hectic but now that things are slowly down I finally have some time to write! Hope you guys are still interested lol
I will be updating New Way Home VERY soon, and also the first chapter to my two other stories very soon as well.
The white walls blinded Nathan as soon as he entered the door. Aligned among the walls and center in perfect rows were the bunk beds that Nathan found all looked the same, regardless of where his location was. A few men had already situated themselves on a bed, their bags thrown on top of the neatly made beds or items placed on top of the newly polished side tables. Nathan picked one of the lower bunks and placed his duffle bag on top before sitting down himself. The train had taken him from North Carolina to New York City, from New York his unit went to the nearby air force field and flew to the southern eastern corner of England. He has been to England on a few occasions before, but only to rest up before leaving once again. A few men entered the room, greeting Nathan as he began pulling various items out of his bag. Taking hold of his bathroom necessities the sound of strong steps grew closer as they made their way from the empty corridor to the vast room.
"Private Scott."
Nathan looked up and quickly stood up as they exchanged a greeting.
"Sergeant Major Collins wants you to report to his office."
Nathan merely nodded as he followed Corporal Smith without a word. Countless things raced through Nathans head as they continued the walk to the Sergeant Major's room. He just got here, just entered his room, just seconds ago placed his bag on the bed he claimed; what could he have done to be asked to report? Turning around the corner Smith led Nathan to another hallway furnished with pictures, small hallway tables, and cushioned couches.
"Take a seat; I will see if Sergeant Major is ready for you."
Not bothering with taking a seat Nathan leans against one of the lightly, cream colored walls. This part of the building feels warmer, in such an odd way, a more comforting place- almost like home. Home. Nathan closed his eyes as the word immediately flashed Haley's face in his mind. It was impossible to believe that less than 48 hours he had been in Haley's arms- now he was in a place he knew he had to be but so longed to be away from.
"Private," Corporal Smith motioned for Nathan to enter as he stood aside.
The room was fully furnished, radiating such warmth and comfort that Nathan was hit with his tiredness right away. The carpet was a deep red, almost burgundy, as the drapes around the windows matched the color. Paintings and awards hung from the walls bringing more life to the room as various other items built character. Sergeant Major noticed Nathan enter and stood up.
Nathan stopped just feet away as he saluted the Major.
"Private," Collins nodded as he sat on the edge of his desk. "Take a seat."
Sitting on one of the cushioned chairs he sat upright waiting to hear what this was about.
Opening a small, wooden box Collins extended it out to Nathan as he motioned to the imported cigars inside. Politely, Nathan shook his head as he waved off his no. If Sergeant Major Collins was offering him a cigar something serious was about to be discussed.
"You've been under my watch for what, two years?"
"That's correct sir."
Placing the cigar box down on his desk, he crossed his arms. "Do you enjoy the army?"
For the first time Nathan hesitated with his answer. This wasn't the first time the question had been asked and he knew it wouldn't be the last, but every time the question came up his answer was simple; yes. He enjoyed it, in fact, he couldn't see himself anywhere else. That was before Haley, and now, knowing how life could be with someone to love and be loved by- Nathan wasn't sure the army was his place anymore. Now, he saw Haley. Waking up in a bed shared with her, going out to eat and asking for a table for two, and touching her stomach to feel their child kick- these were the things Nathan saw his life shaping into. However, Nathan was also a man of his word.
"I do. I enjoy defending my nation and my fellow citizens."
Collins nodded as he pointed to Nathan. "I can tell. You're not like the other Privates that I have met and worked with." He said as he motioned outside the window where Nathans fellow soldiers walked under the cloudy evening. "You take charge, your quick on your feet, and you even have a bright yet steady mind."
"Thank you sir."
Collins took a deep breath before removing himself from the edge of the desk and took a seat next to Nathan. Collins relaxed more as he positioned the chair to face Nathan as he leaned closer to Nathans confused look.
"Just going to say it, son, I brought you in today to see how you would feel to become a Sergeant."
The confusion that took hold of Nathans face quickly diminished as surprise came into play.
"I-I'm sorry, did you say a Sergeant, sir?"
Collins laughed. "Yes, a sergeant, level E-5. I believe you have what it takes to go even higher, but lets start you off here first."
Nathan shook his head in disbelief as the news was still settling in, he let out a grunt of happiness and disbelief. How was he capable of skipping so many ranking levels, he didn't know he was capable, nor if he wanted too.
"Sir," Nathan stood up as he extended his hand out. "I will be honored and grateful for this opportunity."
Collins stood up with a gentle laugh. He took Nathans hand as he eagerly shook it. "That's great to hear. I know you just arrived and I don't want to take away from your last free hours of rest. Why don't you follow Corporal Smith to your new room and we can discuss this more over breakfast tomorrow?"
Nathan nodded his agreement. "Sounds great sir, thank you."
With that said the door opened with Corporal Smith standing at the door, waiting for Nathan to follow. Turning to Corporal with a smile, Nathan quickly found it softening as he could tell that Corporal heard was clearly not impressed. How could he blame the guy? Smith signed up for the army a year before Nathan, and now, Nathan was in a higher ranking than Smith in just a matter of time. Saying his goodbye to Collins he followed Smith out the door and down the hall to where he once thought he would be staying at. Retrieving his duffle bag Nathan quickly found himself surrounded by some of his friends that congratulated him with praise and jokes. After promises of telling the story of his promotion tomorrow, he was on his way again to his new room.
It resided in a corridor he had never been in before. Smith led him to his room, and with a small bye, left down where they had came from. Though the room wasn't as extravagant as Collins office, it was so much better than the loft where the rest of the Privates resided in. The walls were decorated with a few paintings and few windows. The bed was bigger than the normal, and it was a lot more spacious. Nathan placed the duffle on a small foot stool by the radio. Taking off his hat he threw it on the small table before shaking off his jacket. Nathan found himself relaxing as he began to settle in. Looking around his room he quickly found himself attracted to the view from the window just to the left of his bed. He was able to see the ocean lining, trainee planes flying overhead for a quick afternoon practice, among other things. Life was moving all around him and though he wanted to be able to move on with them- he couldn't ignore the ache that held on him. Nathan moved the jacket from the table to the bed causing the envelope to fall to the floor. Letting go of the jacket Nathan picked up the envelope and immediately smiled; it was from Haley. Not only did he remember the letter she gave him moments before he left, but it smelled just like her.
Sitting on the side of his neatly made bed he opened it carefully. Before he could read the letter a picture of Haley fell from the envelope. The black and white photo showed Haley smiling brightly at the camera. Taking it in his hand he gave the photo a good look over, engraving this face deeper into his mind, before setting it by the lamp on the night stand. Opening the letter he began to read…
Dear Nathan,
You're gone already, though as I began to write this letter you were still here asleep soundly in our bed. However, by the time you read this we will no longer be sharing a bed, at least, for some time. I miss you. I promised myself I would try to write about all the positive things that are happening here yet, I am unsure if it is all I can write. I have the need to let you know how I hurt, how I love you, and how I need you back. That would be okay, right?
I have decided if I will go back to the café next week. I do miss it. Have you ever heard of that? Someone missing cleaning up tables and serving food? It's all I have ever known. Maybe, just maybe, I will go on stage and sing once more. That's where I will feel you the most; singing our song, feeling your eyes on me, and remembering that walk home. Though every moment with you is my favorite moment, the night where everything changed…I like to live that over and over again.
Remember I am with you, remember that I miss you, remember that I love you, and remember that I am waiting for you.
I have to go, you coming out of the shower. But I will take care of myself, and our home.
I love you. I miss you. Come back to me.
Always and forever,
Folding the letter back into its original shape Nathan slid it back into the envelope not wanting the last item he had of Haley scent to disappear on him. Her words rang repeatedly, 'I love you. I miss you. Come back to me.' And he would, he would come back. Placing the letter next to Haley's picture, he took hold of his hat and left down the corridor.
She loves him. She misses him. She wants him back.
That was all Nathan needed to keep him going.