I had obvious errors with this story. I am in much need of a beta reader. I would very much appreciate if someone would contact me. Thank you!

Disclaimer: I do not claim these characters, they are the property of J.K. Rowling. I do own the concept of this story, so fear the meepits if you steal it. xD


Harry lay withered on the ground, an icy rain poured onto him soaking his entire body. His eyes wide open, staring into the darkness. Cold mud began to collect around him, but still the raven haired boy lay motionless, not even blinking. A sudden jolt ran through his body causing him to return to the fetal position as the jolts became more and more frequent…and more and more painful. He coughed roughly and blood dripped, mixing with the rising mud.

Needless to say, Harry wasn't taking his newfound vampirism very well. The ambush and bite were nothing compared to the contracting pain. He opened his mouth to scream for help, but no words came out. Rolling onto his back, still coughing and twitching. His eyelids began to fall and he was feeling very tired. Contemplating death, he passed out.

"For heaven's sake!"

Harry heard a woman speak. But more alarming to him, he could feel her pulse. Without opening his eyes, he could pinpoint her exact location and smell an unknown delicious scent.

"Poor deary!" The woman came closer.

His throat burned. Every instinct within him told him to attack and that she was prey, fresh blood. His eyes opened in a flash and a scream lit up the forest.

Harry stood, wiping the blood from his mouth with the back of his right hand. He looked down at the poor wretch lying on the ground. She was in her mid 40's and wearing a robe. He sighed deeply.

'What a horrid death…' He thought, but felt no remorse.

No guilt for killing the woman. As if someone had wiped his emotions over night.

He began to walk away and stopped when a sizzling pain halted him. He was standing directly in a patch of sunlight. Harry jumped backwards and looked at his arms, which were both burned black. They slowly began to heal, flesh sticking to the burned areas, and then finally making them disappear. He gripped his head, trying to remember the night before. If felt as if someone had nailed him in the head.

But he pieced together the information he remembered. He had just killed a middle aged woman and drained her completely dry of blood and sunlight burns him. He was a vampire.

Harry returned to the middle aged woman's corpse and stripped her of her robe. He draped it over his head and began to run. Trees became unrecognizable blurs of brown and light green as he ran.

'What was I doing out here to get bitten?' Harry asked himself.

He stopped in a densely tree covered area and searched for his wand. He pulled it out of its usual spot in his front pants pocket. The wand was covered in mud so Harry wiped it clean with the inside of his shirt. He apparated to his flat. The windows were quickly closed and draped, leaving the flat completely dark.

Harry sighed, sinking into the couch. He closed his eyes and listened to his own breathing. Though since he was dead, breathing seemed useless. Being a curious person by nature, he held his breath. Two hours later, he began to breathe again. He was doing it out of shear habit rather than need. Realization hit him, he really was the living dead.

As if right on cue, the phone rang. Harry's eyes widened. He had completely forgotten about his friends. How would they react? Would he even be able to be around them without killing them?

He let his fingers curl around the phone slowly and answer.

"Hello?" He said shakily.

"Harry?? I've been calling you for 2 weeks straight! Did you fall off the planet?..." Hermione continued to rant, but Harry stopped listening.

He had been lying in the forest for 2 weeks. Two whole weeks to complete the change.

"Harry? Harrryyyy? Are you listening to me? Explain yourself!" A rage filled Hermione screamed into the phone.

"I think I'm a vampire." Harry breathed.

Silence. Harry could hear Hermione's stifled breathing as she tried to think of an answer.

"A-a-a what?" She could barely get her words out.

"I woke up in the forest this morning, 'Mione and killed a lady. I ate her! She's lying in the forest completely drained of blood!" Harry confessed.

"I'm coming over." Hermione commanded.

"NO!" Harry quickly demanded.

"I have to see for myself, Harry. I'll do some quick research and come right over." Click.

Harry dropped the phone, letting it slide down his leg, and onto the floor. He stared down at the carpet where the phone had finally rested. Time quickly passed.

He breathed in deeply, the scent directly connected him to Hermione. Harry stared at the door, wanting to fidget, but his stone body wouldn't allow it. A knock came, but Harry remained silent.

'If she thinks I'm not home, may be she won't come in.' He thought.

A few more knocks came, each one more impatient and louder than the previous. The door finally creaked open, revealing a very frazzled Hermione. She could see the back of Harry's head, his black hair littered with globs of mud. She walked slowly around, her wand tightly in her hand.

Harry curled his hands into fists and squeezed them tightly. The scent of fresh blood was almost overwhelming. He held his breath again, but her pounding pulse did not make the situation any better.

"Hermione, if you don't calm down, I'm going to hurt you. I can feel your heart beating."

Hermione clutched her heart, ushering a prayer to the heavens before walking around the couch to witness a live vampire. She gasped at his appearance and quickly put a hand over her mouth.

Harry's once green eyes were blood red and his skin milky white. He was more beautiful than she had ever noticed before. She walked closer to him, moving to place a hand on his fist. Harry opened his mouth and hissed loudly, revealing a pair of perfectly white fanged canines.

Hermione quickly backed away, her heart racing even more now.

"Harry, you're filthy," She finally noticed.

"It was raining," He said slowly.

"Why don't you go shower, Harry? You may feel better."

Harry disappeared from the couch. Hermione jumped and held up her wand. When she heard the shower start she breathed a sigh of relief and pulled a book from her jacket.

Harry stood in the shower with his head downwards and with one hand in front of him on the wall, holding him up. Warm water poured onto him and his wet hair hung into his eyes. Droplets of mud began to fall from his body as he stood there.

Knowing that Hermione, a human, was in his house made his throat itch slightly, but it wasn't the burn that happened when the lady in the forest came to him. He twisted the knobs and shut the water off, getting out of the shower. He rubbed the fogged mirror with his towel and stared into it.

He touched his face, he could see himself. Harry chuckled. There were obviously a few myths that came a long with vampirism; the reflection in the mirror was not just his imagination.

Still, Harry marveled at himself in the mirror. He was always very humble about his appearance; his hair was always a complete wreck. But everything seemed to be in its place, even though he had just stepped from the shower.

His skin was perfectly white and his face looked as if Michelangelo himself had carved its perfection from marble. He no longer needed his glasses because he could see crystal clear without them. Harry soon departed from his reflection and exited the room, drying his hair with a towel. He grabbed a pair of plaid pajama pants and a white t-shirt and threw them on. He walked into the room where Hermione was sitting and he stared at her, she was turning the pages of her book quite slowly until the exact moment Harry sat on the couch. Hermione jumped, her book closing in her lap. "Don't do that!" She yelped. Harry turned his head to the side slightly and gave Hermione a questioning look. "What did I do?" He asked slowly. "You're appearing and disappearing," Hermione growled as if she were angry. Harry frowned. "How long was I gone?" Harry was beginning to figure out what was going on. "Like 2 minutes tops," Hermione guessed. "I'm moving at the speed of a vampire," Harry remembered running through the forest in a flash, "It's….different than human speed I suppose. You can't see me until I sit still." Hermione nodded, "That sounds right. You just appear and disappear. I heard shower on, shower off, door open, door close, some rustling and then you're here. It's quite odd." Harry nodded. "Perhaps I need to slow it down," Harry thought about how annoying it would be to slow his entire life down just to keep it the same. Harry sighed. There was so much he needed to change; and Harry hated change. He had been slapped in the face with change after chance all of his life. Everything had always been abrupt. And when things finally slowed and his life became that of a normal wizard, he became a vampire. His mind then wondered to his creator. How he hated this person. He was bitten and left to die in the woods. Harry was disgusted by the thought of what he did next. The image of the dead woman stuck in his mind. But what was more disgusting to him was the idea that he didn't care. He had murdered an innocent muggle without any remorse. The old Harry would have never done that. Hermione watched Harry think. He remained completely still, as a statue, staring at the wall. He did not blink. A chill ran down Hermione's spine as she thought of what he looked like. The lifelessness in his eyes reminded her of death. She then shifted her weight uncomfortably, causing Harry to blink and turn his attention to her. Harry could hear Hermione's heart beating among the silence; it was stronger than it had been. "Stop thinking so hard, you're making me nervous," Hermione said shakily. "Oh, sorry…" Harry stated slowly. The room became uncomfortable, neither knew what to say.