The last time I freaked out, I just kept looking down, I start st-stuttutering, you ask me what I'm thinking bout, felt like I couldn't breath, you ask what's wrong with me, my best friend Gary said oh she's just being angry, the next time we hang out I will redeem myself, my heart can't rest till then...oh I can't wait to see you again…

Dawn stared angrily as she planned all the things she would say to him. How dare he call her a slut? And in front of Gary! She had freaked a bit, and stuttered in anger. Blaring her mind, and breathing in shallow angry puffs!

Dawn stalked down the road as Gary followed still trying to reason with her as she neared Paul.

"Hey, Homo!" she called still raging. Paul turned smirking slightly.

"There's the little slut!" he breathed setting her off.


"And why would it?" he asked.

"UGH!" Dawn lunged and tackled Paul to the ground trying to hit him. Paul grabbed both her arms and suspended them behind her back so she lay helpless on top of him. Paul smirked in her face.

"I don't really believe you could seduce even a fly." He muttered softly. Dawn scowled, debating weather or not to spit in his face in her anger.

"As if you could!" she spat instead. Paul smirked looking fairly smug. "What?!"

"You couldn't." he said simply.

"COULD TOO!" she shrieked and Paul saw that he struck the hard spot.

"Could not." He defied.


"Prove it."

"Huh?!" Dawn froze in her struggling and stared down at Paul's smirking face.

"I said prove it." He repeated calmly. Dawn hesitated momentarily wondering if it was a bluff.

"How?" she finally asked. Paul rolled his eyes like it was so obvious.

"Take a guess!" he said sarcastically. Dawn narrowed her eyes.

"You. Had. Better. Be. Joking." She trembled with fury.

"Try me." Paul smirked.

"If you think I'm going to seduce you, you have another thing coming!"

Paul smirked again and shoved her roughly off him. "I knew you couldn't do it."

Dawn snarled so viscously Reiji and Gary flinched but Paul held her glare with a glare of his own.

"I could too!" she snarled.

"You know my response." Paul laughed coldly. Dawn knew that she was being set up.

"Fine," she smirked. "I'll do it." Paul did a double take. He didn't actually think she'd call him on the bluff but he should have known better. It was Dawn!

"Ok then. Tonight." He replied.

"Tonight." She agreed. Paul stood and turned to eave but Dawn grabbed his sleeve.

"Now what."

"I'm not stupid, I know it was a set up." She whispered.

"Wow, you're amazing! What a brainiac!" he snarled sarcastically.

"And you're a jerk, now that we're past the obvious, you had better get ready cause I'm not bluffing."

"Sure you're not."

"I'm not!"


"You don't believe me?"

Paul rolled his eyes.

"Fine, screw tonight. Now. In the pokemon center." Dawn's eyes blazed. Paul considered her before replying.

"You really are troublesome. Do you think I would honestly take that away from you because of some stupid "love spat" as my freak of a brother calls it. I would hope you knew me better than that…" suddenly Paul was all up in Dawn's face and abnormally close, even for him. Dawn tried to concentrate on her anger and how to breathe as she waited.

"I wouldn't put that beyond you." She breathed nervously.

"Ouch! That hurt!" Paul faked a grimace and moved closer.

Girl I know mistakes were made between us two
And we show our selfs that night even said somethings weren't true
why'd you go and haven't seen my girl since then
why can't it be the way it was
cause you were my homie lover and friend

I wanna make up right now na na
I wanna make love right now na na
Wish we never broke up right now na na
we need to link up right now na na

Paul closed the distance between their lips with a suddenly pull and Dawn felt herself falling. Maybe Reiji was right…a love spat…screw…Gary…and Ash…She fell deeper and deeper into the kiss as Paul pressed her gently against the wall of the pokemon center.

Gary turned away in disgust and Reiji smiled.

Paul ignored them and Dawn felt him press his torso against her and she fell even deeper. She entangled her fingers in his purple hair and Paul smirked in the kiss. He pulled her even closer and Dawn involuntarily slipped her leg between his. It should have felt wrong to both of them but…it didn't. A small tingle of excitement ran through Dawn's body as Paul lifted her leg higher. They heard a sound of slight disapproval from Reiji but the sound was so far away…Dawn felt as if she was melting. So he hadn't been lying when he implied that he could seduce a fly! She thought. A quick break in the kiss for a breath and they were back together. Dawn felt him press closer to her and she felt the concrete wall behind her press as well but she didn't feel it. The only feeling was more! More, more, more! She tried to hint as she pulled Paul even closer but with a last smirk he pulled away. Dawn pouted.

"Didn't you hear what I had said a few seconds before?" he asked. Dawn made a face and crossed her arms.

Suddenly Dawn realized that Gary had left, probably out of disgust. Whatever! She thought happily. I have Paul. Maybe I should work on my seduction skills… she thought. As if reading her mind, Reiji placed a gently but warning hand on her head.

"I'm not letting the two of you out of my sight till you both turn 35!" he teased but with that warning tone still present. "Let's get back." He said and with that the three of them followed back to the Shinji house.


"Ugh!" Ash mopped. "Again! I thought he had really messed up this time!" he complained but Gary wasn't listening. He had his eyes on a pretty brunette walking across the street with his tongue hanging out. Ash glanced at him and then saw another brunette walking along next to the first and his tongue lolled out as well. May and Melody turned to stare and giggled.

And you can guess what happened next! 