Hey there I'm Ritsuko Tenshi; at your service. Some might know me because of my work, Vampire and Mortal Love; others because of my other work, Pirates Ahoy: Blood Captain while others might be new. I know that there are some people reading this that love my OCs Xidori and Irido but bad news, they're not gonna appear on this one, don't expect vampires or pirates either only princes, servants and kings. This story is completely based of a novel by the name of Down with the Handsome Ones that I must say it is a complete riot. You will probably laugh in some of the things that will be happening here, since most of them are out of what we call 'common sense', while others will probably read this with a WTF face, but this will be a good one if you pay attention to the details. Expect crack pairings…and when I mean crack I seriously mean CRACK pairings but at the end, we'll see how it goes from crack to being healthy or whatever -_-'

This will be Yaoi and straigt pairing so if you don't like then don't read. Pairings will go from Akuroku, Zemyx, Xemsai and Soriku, to KairixReno, LarxenexAxel and (pure crack pairing). The story will be told mostly from Roxas' and Axel' point of view, since I have found it to be more comfortable for me to write this way.

So, now that this is all said time to start…so shall we?

Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts and Down with the Handsome Ones are not mine, they're Square-Enix and Televisa. I wish I owned Kingdom Hearts though, it would be awesome, there are so many things I would change….LIKE AXEL'S DEATH!!! Uwaaa!!!TT_TT

The Hell with the Handsome Ones

Chapter 1: Broken Love

I had never met my parents. I was born all alone in an orphanage, being taken care of by the nuns and Father Leon. They were the only parents I had ever had. Father Leon, took the role of father, while the Superior Mother Tifa took the role of my mother and all the kids in the orphanage and Mother Yuffie were like my brothers and sister. Mother Yuffie, or like I like calling her 'Mother Bowl-Head' had always been there for me, taking care of me when I was sad and in my greatest moments. She had taught me how to red and how to write, how to do math problems and simple stuff about science and history, other than that I knew nothing else. I had never gone to a school, because the orphanage was a poor one and we could barely afford toys and books. I knew I had to do something about this to repay them for taking care of me and that was when Sora and I decided to take jobs.

Sora was and still is my closest friend and we've been though everything in all the years we have been together. We've share everything and we were like blood brothers and his background was similar to mine. While Sora's parents had abandoned him at the orphanage my story was more sad that any other. My mother died during labor and my father had abandoned us both at the convent and he never came to get me and the only thing I had, that belonged to my mother, was a small locket with the emblem of our world, the Blue Heart, embedded onto it.

Life has a funny way of bringing the truth out and sometimes those ways are the ones that hurt the most. I remember the day I arrived at the castle along with my friend Sora. We were so nervous we almost fainted; we were going to meet the king after all and work for him, a thing people would kill for. The day we arrived, we were introduced to everyone and we knew who to avoid and who we got along with immediately and that same day I met the one person, who made week at the knees, cause my heart accelerate, caused me to sweat and fumble for words. He was the most gorgeous person I had ever met in my life, flaming red hair and turquoise eyes that could see everything. Still there was one problem: he was a guy and so was I, he was the prince of our land and I was a servant in his castle, something the entire kingdom would go against.

"Com on, wake up you lazy bag of flesh and bones" Sora said as he poked at my nose and pinched it.

"Cut it out Sora" I growled as I opened my eyes and looked at the clock, while I took his hand away from my nose. "It's early"

"I know, but we have a surprise guest and we need to make breakfast now" Sora said as he walked over to the foot of my bed and grabbed my feet. He literally dragged me out of the bed and I hit the wooden trunk when I fell hard with my head and I cursed Sora's name with everything I could summon in my half asleep brain. "Get dressed"

I grabbed hold of the bed sheets that clung from the bed and that had been dragged along with me and slowly brought my self up, rubbing my head as I went. Sora seriously had ways of annoying me and this one, was one of them. He was dressing at the other side of the room, putting on his apron. Sora worked in the kitchens and he was probably the best cook around, more than the head-chef Vexen, who had years of experience. I on the other hand didn't have the same clothe as his. My job was room service and house cleaning along with Riku, the head of House Keeping.

"You better hurry, the Prince will be ready at any moment and he needs his food."

"Is not like if you already made it" I said glaring at him.

"Vexen did, he was the on who told me to wake you up so we hurried over to take the meals to everyone else"

I gave a sigh. "Fine" I protested as I finished putting my shirt on and hurrying to the bathroom and finishing the last touches, cleaning my teeth and fixing my hair. Taking a shower was something that would have to wait.

By the time I came out to the bedroom again, Sora was gone I followed suit going out into the busy hallways. The place was in a complete rush, maids and servant were getting everything ready, cleaning here, doing laundry there and taking the food to everyone else and the gardener was probably outside fixing the gardens to look nice and impressive a thing he handled pretty well.

I hurried over to the kitchen, which was all the way down; almost at the dungeons, were things were also busy and where Sora was already working.

"There you are Roxas' Vexen said as he saw me walk into the kitchen his long hair tied back and his glasses almost at the tip of his nose, ready to slip off at any moment. On his hands he was carrying several trays of food and drinks who I knew I was going to take to. "Hurry, we don't have much time"

"Sure thing" I said as he handed me the trains. I literally had to balance one in my head to carry the three.

Getting to the room where I would deliver the food was a hard time, what with all the people running about I had a few close calls and nearly spilled the scalding hot tea over my clothe and arm. If the castle was like this today, then whoever was coming today was definitely very important. I had never seen the castle so rushed as it was today, usually the maid and servants took things a bit slower for perfection, but today it was evident, perfection was the last thing in their minds.

I found relief when I finally reached the large oak wood doors, the Prince's sleeping quarters. I stared at the door for a moment and then up at the tray on my head, and at the heavier one on my arms. This was going to be tough and the commotion was still not around so no one was gonna help me but what was I gonna do now? I kicked the door hard enough to warn that I was at the door and waited for an answer.

"Come in" the prince on the other side said.

"I need help" I said and waited for someone to open and I was starting to feel my arms go num.

"Can't you open it? I'm in the middle of a thing now"

"My hands are full"

Then the door finally opened I nearly had a nosebleed and almost dropped the trays of food.

Right there in front of me was Prince Axel in all his glory. He was completely undressed, with the exception of a towel around his waist. My heart stopped and I lost my voice as I looked at the well formed body in front of me, green eyes studying me as I stared back. His soaked hair was plastered all over his face and he was working hard with a towel to get it as dry as he could. I got over to the table as fast as I could, setting the tray of drinks over the table and then taking off the food of my head.

"Don't you look in a rush today" Axel mocked as he watched me take of the silver covers of the food as fast as I could.

"They need my help outside" I said not daring to turn back to him, afraid that if I did I would faint because of the sight.

"Take it easy tough guy" Axel said stepping in front of me. "You know that while you're attending me they can't punish you" he reminded me. I didn't answer. A knot had quickly formed in my throat and it was choking me. "Go get my clothe ready while I finish drying my hair off."

"Yes sir" I said and I quickly ran over to the drawer as Axel headed to his bathroom again.

I could hear the TV still on, a commercial was on and as I went through the Prince's wardrobe I listened to it.

'Want to get over your past? Are you having a bad life? Do you feel miserable? Come and renew yourself at the "Cure Your Soul" clinic.'

I sighed when the commercial finished; it was like if the TV was talking to me. Was I having a bad life? Yeah I was. Sure I was working with someone I liked, but that didn't fill the hole in my heart, where my parents should have been; was I miserable? Yeah, I was, cause I couldn't confess my love to the only one person I loved. It was definitely talking to me.

I took out the most elegant attire I could find and carefully set it over the bed, but then I noticed something, one of the buttons was missing and I huffed. Someone didn't know how to take care of his clothe. I would have to fix that. I started folding it carefully and when I did something slipped out of the pockets; something shiny and made of pure gold. I bent over and picked it up and looked at it.

The design was something I had seen before; a heart shaped emblem had been embedded onto the locket. I had one of these and it belonged to my mother. I shrugged of; maybe Axel just had one similar those things were common after all. I placed the locket back inside the pocked and left the attire over the bed before turning back to the wardrobe and took out another attire. At least this one was well treated and had been spared the fate of the other one. I set it next to the other one and turned to close the wardrobe.

When I turned Axel was back inside the room, his once soaked hair now standing in their usual spikes. I took a deep breath to ease myself and clutched my hands with one another, trying not to over reach at the sight of him without anything on, except a towel, leaving out all his muscles, skin…perfect skin and creamy muscles and….MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!! I told my self, but I couldn't hold to much the feelings that I was starting to feel.

"Like what you see?" Axel pointed out as he looked at my reaction with a smirk in his features. I snapped out my daze then and shook my head and Axel pouted before shaking his head. "That didn't look like the case a few seconds ago" he said as he walked over to the bed and grabbed his clothe.

Oh God! First phase: Going mute, second phase: staring to much at him, third phase: feel like if I'm running out of air and fourth phase: desire to have him do me. I bit my tongue and held myself; I was entering Third Phase earlier than usual due to Axel's god-like display and I was sure getting to the fourth phase wouldn't take long either.

"Loosen up a bit" Axel said as he watched me and finished buttoning his pants. "You look like you just saw death"

I held my tongue and nodded with a lot of effort in it. Oh God, why me? Why not him? Or at least the both of us? Why couldn't we both fall for each other at the same time? I prayed and I looked at the ceiling, hoping a huge chunk of it would fall on me. Axel finished putting on his clothes and looked at me with a smile.

"You're acting stranger than usual" he said "Are you feeling well?"

"Yes" I managed to say. Would someone just shot me, clone me, and shoot me again, and then clone me again and then shoot me one last time?

I couldn't leave Axel until he dismissed me and he was taking his time with things and he slowly walked to the table where his food was beaconing me to follow him. Was he stalling or something?

"Have they told you who is coming to the castle?" Axel asked me as he sat at the table.

"No sir" I answered.

"Roxas, how many times have I told you to call me by my given name?" Axel asked raising his eyebrows in.

I always forgot that simple little detail. "Sorry" I apologized.

He had asked for me to call him Axel and not anything besides that. No "Sir" or "Your Highness" nothing. I had to call him Axel, simple as that.

"Don't worry about it" Axel said grabbing my hand and taking it to his lips. I froze when he kissed my hand "This will probably be the last conversation we'll have, so I might as well take my time"

I swallowed hard. Last conversation? What did he mean by that?

"What do you mean…Axel?" I asked, his name coming out nearly in a whisper.

"My father has finally decided to have me marry the princess from Hollow Bastion" Axel said with a sigh, his voice dripping with disillusionment.

My world came to a crash when I heard that. That was another thing that always got me depressed. Our fathers were the ones who told us who we would wed and King Ansem the Wise had always planed on having Prince Axel marry Princess Larxene, for interest. Hollow Bastion was a strong Nation, compared to Twilight Town. We were a small land, while Hollow Bastion was much bigger in terms of economy, military power and geographic. A small nation like us, could benefit well from the marriage but from how Axel had said the news, it was clear he did not want to marry Princess Larxene and would much rather jump off a bridge with a rock tied to his neck; and who wouldn't?

Princess Larxene had been betrothed many times before and all of them had fled the castle and saying the same thing: "Greedy and egoistic bitch". It was always the same. All those times, it had been someone with loads of money, all of which had flocked over to marry her because of her beauty, but they all backed off when they knew who she truly was. Axel however, didn't have the same luxury of leaving her if she ever made his life a living hell. He was a prince after all, and if his father said he would marry the Princess, he had no other choice, other wise, he would be dethroned and left without an inheritance as punishment for his defy.

"So, you're leaving?" I asked.

"Probably, depends on how things go tonight and the chances are extremely high" he sighed and looked at me. "These are one of the many reasons why I sometimes wish I was a servant like you. No one would tell me who I had to marry and I would be able to leave the castle without having people keeping watch over me all the time" I remained silent. What could I say to comfort him? He couldn't become a servant that easily and his father would go insane if that ever happened. "That's why I wanted to tell you something"

"What?" I asked.

Tell me you love me, tell me you love me, TELL ME YOU LOVE ME! I begged with all my heart and soul. I knew that it was one in a thousand chances of him saying that. My heart was pounding fast and my knees were going to give up soon.

"You've been kind to me for far too long Roxas" Axel said with a smile, his green eyes looking at me intently. "I want to thank you for everything and for being kind to me" he took off one of the rings in his right finger, leaving it with only one left. "They both area set, but I want you to have to other…as a token of appreciation"

"No sir, I can't have it" I said shoving it back to him. "It's my job to make you feel comfortable and attend to your needs; I don't deserve something like this"

"I insist" Axel said pushing it back to me, but I resisted and so he grabbed my hand and slipped it quickly onto my finger. "Keep it; I don't have to wear to many trinkets you know"

"Thanks" I said looking at the blue gem on the silver band, the King's crest, the same that was on the locket I had found earlier, carved onto it.

Axel looked at the watch around his wrist and looked at me.

"I think is time you take your leave" Axel said with a sigh, "Grandma will be getting up soon. You may take your leave"

"Yeah" I said as I bowed my head and walked off to the door.

As I went out I peeked over to the prince one last time, his face was one of pain and my heart wretched when I saw him like that. I closed the door behind me and looked at the ring. I would never see him again. My heart broke into a million pieces as the news echoed loudly in my head. I wanted to dry, but I knew that if I did I would only start a scene as my ego was one that could only be shattered by one person.

I made my way back to the kitchen, my head swimming in what I had just been told. I picked up a new set of trays and headed up to the highest tower in the castle. We called it the North Sky Tower, because it was the largest tower in the entire castle and was situated on the north and next to the South Tower, which was just as tall as the North one.

The north tower, was where the king's mother; or previous queen, Queen Olette. She was one of the kindest persons to me, kinder to me than how Axel himself was and she even considered me as one of her grandchildren and had even asked me to call her Grandma or Granny. She sat in front of her mirror, brushing her long silvery hair, which had been dyed by time.

"Breakfast is here" I announced as I set the trays over the table in front of her bed.

"Oh, Roxas" she said turning to me. "I didn't hear you come in"

"Sorry I forgot to knock, I just have a few things on my mind that aren't letting me think" I answered.

"Oh, don't worry, that happens to anyone" she said as she stood up, walked to the door and closed it. "How are you today? You look down"

I gave a sigh, I didn't want to talk about it, but Queen Olette was one that wasn't easily fooled by anyone and I knew that even if I lied I wouldn't be off the hook.

"I'm a bit exhausted" I lied.

"Well, you do look a bit worn out" she said caressing my head, "Sis you sleep well?"

"No, Sora, dragged me out of bed before I should have" I said.

"Anything else, that's troubling you?" she asked sitting over at the table.

"NO" I lied again.

"Are you sure?" she insisted and I gave a sigh. "Is just that, a friend of mine is leaving the castle."

"Well, I haven't heard anything about any of the servants leaving the castle, I only heard of my grandson…"she stopped talking when she understood; nothing escaped her, and her eyes fell on the ring Axel had given me. "You're sad my grandson is leaving?" I nodded sheepishly. "You don't need to be sad Roxas…tell you what, when he goes, I'll make sure to send anything you write him to him…how about it?"

I looked at her in surprise, could I do that?

"Can I?" I inquired.

"You deserve too, you and Axel look like friends to me every time you two are here with me" Queen Olette said. "It will be a shame to let that friendship die just because he moves off to another land"

"Oh, thanks you Granny!" I squealed as I hugged her.

"oh, my goodness, that certainly lifted your spirit" she said with a laugh.

It was better than nothing. If Axel had to move away because of his marriage, then I would let him as long as it didn't make him loose his in heritage and right to the throne and as long as I could at least read his words and know that he was ok, I would be happy, but my heart would never heal for not having him with me.

Well, that's all for now, and I part with this new Fanfiction and I hope to hear what you think and please tell me if it's worth the while to keep writing it, cause I will gladly continue it. Enjoy and thanks for reading.