AN: Hi everyone!

Well, this is my second Final Fantasy VII fanfic. I came up with this idea not too long ago when I was really bored. I wrote this up and realised this would make a good Zack and Aerith story. So just a bit of background on it:

Its set a few months after the events of Final Fantasy VII, the only difference is Aerith survived. And Zack did too, but he was taken to Hojo's lab, experimented on further. He wasn't able to break out to see Aerith when he was recaptured. So he's been there for quite a while. He was there when Aerith was captured but he was on a different floor to her.

Well, that should be enough background. Oh and by the way, I haven't actually played Final Fantasy VII, I just read up on it and saw the videos. But I really hope you all like this!

Disclaimer: I own this cup of Aussie tea, the hair attached to my head and this idea, SquareEnix own Final Fantasy VII.

Chapter One: A Strange Twist of Fate

Freedom, one word I clung dearly to these days. I clung to it for its meaning, its purpose for being said. Oh how I wanted to be free, it was something I have wanted for years. At one point it was what I fought for. That memory was clear, so vivid in my mind. I still remember every word by word...

I walked towards them, feeling no fear only determination .I looked at all the rows of SOLDIERS, to think, an entire army against me. They raised their firearms at me and I came to a stop when every row had their guns aimed at me.

I sighed putting my hands on my hips and shook my head from side to side "Boy oh boy, the price of freedom is steep..."

I reached on hand back to the heavy buster sword on my back. It was not heavy in weight, but in memories. The memories of my teacher, my guide, my friend, Angeal. He taught me many things, but the one thing that stook with me most were three words. Pride, dreams, honour. If you have those three things you were a true hero.

I brought the sword until the flat, cold blade nearly connected with my forehead. I closed my eyes concentrating on the words I was about to say and forgetting the situation I had got myself into.

"Embrace your dreams and whatever happens"- I began bring the sword down and raising my head up to the challenge ahead – "protect your SOLDIER!"

I brought my blade behind me putting both hands to the hilt as I brought it just behind my head and then charged at them "Come and get it!"

With a heavy sigh I lay my head back against the wall. I wish I wasn't here, I wish I had the strength that day to kill them all and walk away not having to worry about anything ever again. I remember after the battle collapsed on the ground, instead of killing me though, they picked me up and took me back to the labs again. I remember Tseng trying to convince them to let me go, but it didn't work. He managed to give me one thing.

He handed them to me when no one was looking, he told me to hid them when anyone was in the room. When he left I basically tore the lid off. After the first I cried, my tears going unheard.

They were letters from her.

From that girl who was afraid of the sky, that girl I tried to get through the Shirea army for. Aerith.

How I wanted to get back to that beautiful girl. I promised her so many things, and now I could never keep them. Now, she's probably moved on, she probably has a lucky husband or something. Just as long as she got her happy ending, my feelings didn't matter, not ever since I met her. All that matter was her, she had to have her happy ending, I never had to.

I felt tears start to leak out the corner of my eyes. She must have moved on, she can't be waiting for you forever Zack, it's impossible, I told myself.

I looked to my left where the box of letters lay. I picked on up from the pill, unfolded it carefully not to damage it and began to read it, even though I knew it off by heart.


I really wish you could be here right now because you'll be happy to know my flowers having been selling well, better than last week! The flowers in the church are growing so fast now, I don't know why.

I really miss you Zack. I know it's only been a week since you left but I missed you the hour you left. I look up at that hole in the roof and I smile. I think the flowers smile too, because they seem to always be looking up at the hole all day, or maybe it's just the sun. How have you been? Been anywhere interesting? I hope you can reply to this letter soon,

I really want to hear from you, I miss you so much. Please stay safe, I worry about you a lot too.



I found myself sobbing heavily and dropping the note. I brought my legs to my chest buried my head in my knees. I wish I could reply to that letter, God how I wish I could. I was alone right now. In this cold, God forsaken place, it was like hell. I wanted to go back to that church, that little piece of heaven...

I heard footsteps coming from a distance down the hallway. They were probably coming for me again, more experiments, more fluids injected into me. I waited wiping the tears away and hid the letters under the cot. As they got closer I heard screaming and yelling "No, no! Let me go!"

My eyes widened, I felt my heart stop for a second, my breathing flattered. No, it couldn't be, not here...

"Please, let me go!!" Oh God it was! What was she doing here? What the heck did they want with her?!

I heard them open the doors next to my cell and I heard them throw her in there. I could kill those guys right now! The doors closed and they walked off. Everything was quiet; the only thing I heard was my uneven breathing. I was in total shock and surprise. One bit of me was actually happy. My shock washed away when I heard sobs and cries come from the cell next to me.

I could imagine her face right now, sadness and distress. Those were the two emotions I never wanted to see in her emerald eyes. I felt helpless to help her. I just wish I could see her through this wall. God, what was I suppose to do? I knew one thing I could do, talk. I had to let her know I was here, right next to her. I had to do my best to help her, I guess this was the only way.


Slight cliff hanger. Well, what do you guys think? To continue or not to continue? If you have time please review, I'd love to know what you think. Thank you for reading and I hope you liked this chapter.

Keep Writing!!