I luv dishing out new One-shots! This one is a bit different than the other ones I've done and I personally pictured it Nitchie, but you can imagine it however you want. Smitchie, Naitlyn, Shaitlyn...etc...ANYWAY Hope you like it at least a little bit!

The Heart On The Chain

She fingers the delicate heart

Around her neck

And slowly, steps into the bright light

Of the stage.

Millions of screaming fans

All came to see

Only her.


But there is one person

Who does not show up

She is not surprised.

He never is around


But he sits at home

Quietly strumming a guitar

And turning the volume

Up to 50.

He's alone

Like he always is


He has no one.


As she

Steps onto the bright stage

And begins to sing

The Camera

Zooms to a close up

Of her beautiful, expressionless face.

All that is left of her heart

Is what hangs around her neck.

The beautiful crystal

With her first initial

On the front.

He sees this

And knows it is his fault

That tonight

She feels nothing.

He could have been there

And been there years ago

When she loved him, too

He could have been there,


To capture her in his arms

Once her performance

Was finished.

But instead

He chose to ignore

What was

Right in front of him.

He could have

Admitted his love

For her, too

And then they

Would be together


Ever After.

They could have

Had what most people want


Instead, he laughed

Played it cool

And crushed her heart.

And now all that remains

Is the Heart

On the Chain.

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