Hayy Pplz )
This Mii 1st Story :) So Please B e Nice :D I Know My Grammer And Puncuaton Sucks XD So does Mah Spelling at times hehe )
And Also My Name is Ashlee ^.~ Lolz Not That u's care tho :)

Singing - Italic

Talking - Normal

Thoughts - Under Lined & Italic

Inner x3 - Bold

Or Yer pplz It Is Pre Bad So Sun Come Complaning To Me Bout My Grammer & Spelling Mistakes i dont care XD )

"SASUKE WATCH OUT!" Naruto cried as he tackled his long lost "Brother". Just missing a strike from Sasuke's own Kusunagi.

"Foolish Little Brother. It seems you didn't break all your bonds from that so called village of theres." A smirk forming on his dry and bloody lips.

Getting ready for another launch, Itachi readyed the Kusunagi aiming for Sasuke and Naruto.

Itachi began running towards them with Kusunagi in hand nearing closer and closer. Itachi had almost reached Sasuke and Naruto and then he saw a blur of pink and Itachi was thrown back to a tree at least 150 meters away and knocked out cold.

"daijoubu desuka?"(1)" Sasuke heard her say. "Y-yes, Sakura-chan" naruto answered.

"Can you guys fight? Cuz Itachis still alive, and I dont think I can handle him alone" Sakura said.

"Sakura-chan, i'll handle him, You help Sasuke!" Naruto yelled as he got up "Hai (2)" Sakura answered back.

She span around, Sasuke looked at Sakura to see how much she had mutured over 7 years.

She was wearing a Black kimono That had cherry blossem petal designs a thick Pink ribbion that went just under her breast and also the kimono went to just above her thigh, a pair of black shorts that went below her thigh and a pair of black boots that went to her knees.

Her knee length pink hair (a/n Ya know who hinatas hair is in shippuden? all straight? yup that how Sakura's hair is ^^) in a messy and high pony-tail. she had a side frindge that hid one of her striking emerald eyes and her side bangs went to her waist.

In Sasuke's eye she was beautiful.

Sakura Ran upto him and knelt beside him "daijoubu, Sasuke?"Sakura asked. "Y-Yeah" he replyed "Take of your shirt"
Sakura ordered.

Sasuke nodded and took his shirt of and sat up. Sakura's hand full of glowing green chakra slowy healed his wounds.
"Stay here"She whispered.

Sakura slowy got up and pulled out her sword out of her sword holster (a/n is that what its called O.o if not can some 1 tell me XD) and sprinted towards Itachi and Naruto.

By the time sakura got there Naruto was on the ground covered in blood and cuts, same went for Itachi but he was standing.
Itachi began running towards Naruto readyed to strike him with with Sasuke's Kusunagi.

There was a loud clash of metel on metel dust surrounding the area, Naruto looked to were sasuke was to find he wasnt there. "Sakura-Chan!?!?! Sasuke-Teme!?!" Naruto yelled.

The dust setteld and Naruto saw Itachi who was facing Sasuke who stood in front of Sakura (a/n Confuzzling O.o). "Chidor Nagashi" Sasuke Whispered , He then peirced through Itachis chest. Itachi droped Sasuke's Kusunagi and looked up to look at Sasuke's his little brother.

Sasuke looked back at Itachi to see Itachi smiling. "Gomen(3) Sasuke, This is the last time"with the last ounce of strength Itachi had he moved forward and poke Sasuke on the forehead. (a/n : Yer i kno he gives him Mangekyou Sharingan, But in mah story he doesent XP) Then Itachi droped dead on the floor.

A tear dripped from Sasuke's face onto the floor, then more and more tears dripped

Whats going on? I thought i'd be happy when I got my revenge on Itachi. But there feels like there's a huge gaping hole in my chest.

Sasuke dropped to his knees as he calmed down and stopped crying he felt someone standing in front infront of him.

He looked up to find Sakura looking down on him with hard-cold Emerald eyes "Didn't i say this 6 years ago Sasuke? Your revenge wont bring happiness to me nor you"she looked at Naruto "Well Naruto-Kun! Let's head back to Konoha!" With that she began walking towards the deirections of the village.

As they reached Konoha gates People either glared daggers at Sasuke or Ran and hid.

"Sasuke,Sakura-Chan Lets go to Tsunades Office!"Naruto yelled as he span around a ran like hell towards Tsunades office.

As Naruto ran he ran into a apple cart and was bashed with a broom by the owner of the cart and was screamed at to pick up all the apples and put them back in the cart naruto did what he was told while crying anime tears

"That dobe hasent changed at all" Sasuke said wit a smirk

daijoubu desuka = Are You OK?
Hai =Yes

Gome = Sorry

Now off Topic XDDD

1: Today I Saw A Bus With A Twilight Thingy On It :3

2: If Ya Hear Bout A 13 year Old Hi Jacking A Bus With A Twilight Thing On It...Yer That Wuld Be Me :) Hehe XD

3: I Wanna Taco

4: Ya know Who Cant Hav A Taco...Me Cuz There Aint No Taco Around

5: Gir Is Smexeh X

p 6: Tobi Is A Good Boy...Cuz He Likes Waffles :)

well thats bout it iihma go ta bed now d:
Niiiggghhhttt *Waves Franticialy*