The Return of Katie Brown

Part I - Arrival

She paced her assigned quarters on the Daedalus, nervous at seeing him again for the first time in more than a year. She hoped he'd been pining for her and would be happy to see her. If the spark was still there then maybe she'd ask to be assigned to Atlantis again and they could get back together. There was some regret about the way she'd left but not as much as there might have been. After all, the break-up was his fault.

The PA came to life signaling that they'd arrived at Atlantis and it was time for everyone to disembark. A few minutes later she arrived at the transport area and took her place in line. She felt someone step up behind her and turned to see a tall woman with long blonde hair pulled back in a braid. She still didn't look like someone who would inspire such devotion as what she had in him. And I bet she doesn't even recognize me.

A few minutes later, the two women had transported to Atlantis' Gate Room where they were met and escorted in opposite directions without ever having exchanged a single word.


Rodney looked up from his laptop when a familiar voice called his name. He grinned when he saw Sam Carter.

"Sam! You didn't mention you were coming to Atlantis in your last email." He pulled her into a quick tight hug releasing her almost immediately as promised. "It's good to see you again."

She smiled. "It's good to see you too, Rodney. My trip here was last minute. And I wanted to surprise you and Jennifer."

"That you did! How long are you here for?"

"Just a couple of weeks then back to the SGC. Are you ready to get out of here? Let's go get a coffee. On me."

He saved his work and logged off. "Best offer I've had all day."

"The only offer you've had all day?"

"That too."


Rodney and Sam sat alone talking and laughing in a way they never would have previously. The last time they had met they'd come to an understanding that allowed them to finally become friends.

"Sam!" Jennifer appeared at Rodney's elbow with a cup of herbal tea. She pulled Sam into a quick hug then moved to sit next to Rodney. He stood, gave her a quick kiss and pulled the chair out next to him. Over her head Sam raised an eyebrow and gave him a smile of approval.

"Jennifer, are you keeping this guy out of trouble?"

"Doing my best but you know how men are. They're like two-year-olds. You turn your head for one minute and they're into all kinds of trouble." She winked at Sam.

"Oh? What happened this time?"

"Hmm. Let's see…where do I start? Oh! Did you know that Rodney and Colonel Sheppard were engaged for a short time?" Sam's eyebrows climbed so high on her forehead Rodney was surprised it wasn't painful. (Shameless plug by author: Read "I Now Pronounce You…Uh…")

He cleared his throat. "I-i-it's a long and, uh, boring story. You wouldn't be interested."

"Of course I would. And I'm sure Jennifer would be more than happy to fill me in."

"Humph! Well, if the two of you are going to talk about me behind my back could you at least wait until I'm gone?" While the women shared a laugh at his expense he rolled his eyes and went to refill his and Sam's coffee cups.

As he approached the table again he could see Sam laughing and wiping her cheeks. Someone called his name and he turned around. The last person he ever expected to see again was there in front of him. The cups he was carrying crashed to the floor shattering and spraying coffee all over.

"Well, aren't you going to say something? Anything?"

Her skin was as fair as he remembered though her hair was shorter and streaked with blonde highlights. She was always a bit on the thin side but seemed to have lost enough weight to now be called skinny. "Katie?"


His chest began to hurt and he realized that he was holding his breath. "Wh-what are you doing here?"

"A temporary research assignment. You're looking well. How have you been?"

"Oh, y-y-you know me. Can't complain." He felt one of his nervous stuttering fits coming on and resolutely pushed it down.

"But you still do." It wasn't a question.

Rodney opened his mouth to refute that assessment but Jennifer interrupted. "I don't know about that. He's not as bad as he used to be though he is still a bit of a wimp about pain." She'd come to stand beside him, an arm resting intimately on his shoulder. She flashed him a dazzling smile, "Right, sweetie?"

"Uh, right. You remember Dr. Keller."

"Yes. How are you?" Katie's tone was frosty.

"I'm doing well. And you?"

"The same."

A throat was cleared and belatedly Rodney remembered Sam. "And Colonel Carter."

"How are you, Colonel?"

"I am stellar, Dr. Brown, thanks to Rodney here. He recently saved my life."

Rodney showed off his new humble side. "I wasn't the only one involved and you would have done the same. I'm just glad I was able to help."

"Please join us, Dr. Brown." Sam indicated the chair next to her. "Would you like something to drink? Rodney dear, go get her something to drink."