Author Notes: Hi guys. I'm a first timer with posting stories. i've had this one thought through for a while, but i'm a slow updater. What with School, Sports and Homework. So i hope you like my story. And sorry if it takes awhile to update.

Jacob Black (Book One)

Chapter One: Definitely Not Normal Behavior, Even For A Coven Of Vampires

The road- more like a hidden path actually- to the Cullen's huge white house was very familiar to me by now. I wouldn't have needed the white lights that were wrapped around the tree trunks to guide me. The smell would have been path enough, but Alice insisted on reusing the lights from seventeen years ago at Bella's graduation party and hers and Edward's wedding.

I had decided to run instead of drive tonight. I hadn't had a chance to run freely for a while, so can anyone really blame me? I stopped right before I entered the clearing and shifted back to human form. I pulled on my pants and while I was still tugging on my black shirt, walked into the giant circle of a lawn. As soon as I had the shirt on all the way, a tall- still shorter than me- skinny figure slammed into me.

"Jacob! You made it!" Reneesme said, though she was obviously not that surprised. She hugged me tight and I wrapped my overly huge arms around her.

"Happy Birthday, Nessie." I whispered in her ear. Of course everyone else in the house could hear it, but still, I preferred to humor myself with thinking they couldn't. I had to unwrap myself from her embrace so that I didn't overheat her, but I held on to her hand and gave my girlfriend a swift kiss on the cheek, before Edward and Bella walked out to greet me.

"Jacob, what a…no, never mind. It's not really a surprise," Bella said, coming over to give me a hug.

"Especially after Alice saw the night's events disappearing," Edward added, shaking my hand.

Am I allowed to come in? Or is the party outside? I thought good-naturedly to Edward.

When Edward's answer came, something about the atmosphere clicked in my mind. Nessie was clinging to me tighter than was usual, in front of her parents anyway. Edward's face wasn't cold, but it wasn't exactly the warm expression you would expect at a party. And lastly, Bella's hug had been stiff and her face was secluded.

"Actually, Jacob, Reneesme was going to take you to La Bella Italia for dinner."

"Oh. All right. But I'm paying," I gave Nessie a faux stern look. Her returned smile was a halfhearted attempt. The smile didn't reach her eyes at all.

"Fine," she sighed, "You can pay. Again." Then, without another word to her parents, she started leading me to the Cullen's massive garage full of expensive cars. Reneesme got into the driver's seat of her flashy black Acura RSX, but before I slid into the passenger seat next to her, I remembered what I was actually here to do tonight.

"Nessie, I'll be right back alright? I have something I need to ask your parents about before we go."

"All right," was her simple answer. I could swear I heard a pout in her tone, but I wasn't positive. I made my way back to the door on the far side of the garage that leads into the house. Alice and Jasper were sitting at the kitchen table. It sounded like they had been arguing but broke off as soon as I entered the room.

"Hello Jacob. I thought you and Reneesme were going to dinner." Alice greeted. She was just as distant as Bella had been, and Jasper had a cold frozen look to his face.

"We are. I just wanted to talk to Bells and Edward before we left," I replied hesitantly. I didn't wait to carry on anymore of a conversation and walked into the ginormous great room. Bella and Edward were standing in one corner talking- well until I walked in- then they just looked at me, while Edward was, no doubt, probing my mind. The standing and talking was normal enough for them, but what was weird was that white sheets covered every piece of furniture in the room.

"Hey. What's going on in here?" I asked out loud, mostly for Bella's benefit.

"Nothing, Jacob. What do you want?" Bella replied hastily.

I must admit I was absolutely speechless. It has been years since she's used that tone when talking to me. It definitely made me pause in my resolve to ask their permission, before asking Reneesme.

"Edward. Bella," I nodded to each of my soul mate's parents, "You both know how much I love your daughter. She means more to me than my own life; than the rest of the world…" a low growl was now rumbling in Edward's chest and Bella looked stunned.

"Are you asking to propose to our daughter?" Bella asked, gesturing to herself and her husband, "She's only seventeen!"

"But she's been, physically, an adult for the past ten years. We're the perfect matches and I've known her since she was born. Who could be better for her than me?" I replied calmly, clearing my mind of any anger so that Edward didn't take offence.

"She's still only seven-"

"You have my blessings, Jacob. I cannot think of anyone better suited for my daughter, that's true. But, remember it's completely up to her now. Do not guilt her into marrying you or anything like that," Edward cut Bella off with barely any emotion on his face. He had silenced his initial growling already, "And if you do, do anything that upsets her…well, I'll know quite quickly." He tapped his head.

"EDWARD! What-" Bella began to protest, but Edward just shook his head, took her hand and they disappeared up the marble staircase.

"Thanks for your time," I mumbled to myself as I made my way back to the garage. As I passed, Alice was staring at me with an almost sympathetic look. Jasper was still the same statue he had been when I first came in.

Now, normally if someone asks for their daughter's hand in marriage, the parents would either totally freak out like Bella, or completely freak with joy. Edward's reaction, as a father, was definitely unexpected. And normally, that would bug me, but he had given his okay and completely left it up to Reneesme, so I pretty much had a fiancé now.

When I slid in next to Nessie, the car was already out front and it was poring down buckets of rain. God, she could have waited to drive out of the garage until I was in, but what ever. Trying to get my grim girlfriend to smile at least once before I proposed, I shook my soaked hair out at her. All she did was lean away and scrunch up her nose, looking out the driver's side window. Not exactly the reaction I wanted, but if she wanted a quiet drive so that she could think about what ever was she was thinking about, then I could keep my mouth shut for a while.

I sighed and settled into my seat for the ride to Port Angeles.

Author's Notes: Hope you liked this chapter. The first few chapters aren't my proudest pieces of work.

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