Last part. Skip to the end if you don't want to read it; I have a message for those that stuck with this thing through and through.

Part 17

Amanda and OCxPanther?

Lucarioblaze enters the room, and applause can be heard.

Lucarioblaze- Well, we've got another guest today you guys-

Panther- And I'm guessing it's a girl.

Lucario- Exactly, Panther. Good guess. Her name is Amanda. She's a pink frog-

Slippy- Oh boy oh boy! I'm in luck!

Slippy's eyes are bright and he is wearing a giddy smile.

Panther- So, she-

Leon- Well, this'll be interesting-


Fox- All caps...!

Wolf- All caps?

Fox- Never mind.

Krystal- I think we've met her, right Peppy?

Peppy- I don't have a clue about her. No idea.

Katt- Well, at least there'll be one more person in our female anthro friend circle, right girls?

The females all agree with excitement.

Lucario glances at the time.

Lucario- I'm sure she'll be here in a few minutes. She told me before that she would be late.

Panther- And where is this dame coming from?

Lucario- I believe it's Aquas-

Slippy- Aquas! My parents were born in Aquas! We've already got so much in common! It's amazing!

Falco- If there's one day I'd like Slippy to shut up, it would be today.

Dash- That's not very nice, Mr. Lombardi!

Falco- Didn't I say before, no formalities? And anyways, it isn't nice, it's just the truth.

Bill- Don't teach a young anthro such vile concepts, Falco!

Fay- It's alright, I think Dash understands that Falco isn't exactly the best role model.

Falco makes a face.

Falco- And what's that supposed to mean?

Katt- It means you should shut up until the new arrival shows up! So shush!

Katt makes a closing motion with one hand.

Falco keeps his beak shut.

Wolf- So Lucario, in the meantime, what's with this favoritism?

Lucario- Wh-What?

Lucario has a confused expression.

Wolf- Girl, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout.

Lucario- ?

Lucario's expression is still blank.

Leon- Panther! You like Panther! Don't you get it?

Lucario starts blushing.

Lucario- I don't like Panther! I mean, I like him as a friend, b-but...not that way!

Falco wolf whistles.

Falco- A lady at your heels, kitty!

Panther starts blushing as well.

Panther- Y'know, just because Lucario's got a crush on me doesn't mean that it's requited-


Fox- All caps again...

A pink frog walks in through the door, and the crowd cheers.

All- Amanda!

Slippy- Woah...!

Amanda gives a small wave.

Amanda- Hi everyone!

All males except Slippy turn away from her.

Leon- Not what I was expecting.

Wolf- Me neither. But hey, Panther's got Lucario-

Panther- This is so not the best time to be cracking OCxPanther jokes, Wolf.

Wolf- But it's pretty funny, you gotta admit.

Panther- Wolf, I find nothing funny about this relation at all.

Wolf- Ohh, so now you're admitting that you two are in a relation after all!

Panther face-palms.

Panther- Just...drop the conversation.

Lucario- Alright, opening question.

To Amanda,

Who do you think looks the friendliest here?

Amanda- Well, I recognize a few faces...

Slippy- Like mine?

Amanda- Hmm...yup! You're Slippy Toad from Starfox. A very skilled technician, and a bad pilot.

Slippy- Yaay-!

Falco- You got that right, pink frog.

Fox back-hand slaps Falco's arm.

Fox- You are such a pain in the tail. Have some manners and respect! She just got here. Get real.

Amanda- No, it's alright Mr. McCloud, I completely understand Mr. Lombardi's brash personality. I looked into it before I arrived. That's partly the reason why I'm so late.

Katt- And the other part?

Amanda- I needed to fix my makeup.

Krystal- An acceptable excuse. Well, for the female anthros in here.

The females look at each other and smile.

Lucario- Answer my question already!

Amanda- Well, I think it would be that cute little vulpine in the corner. With the brown hair.

Marcus looks up from his spot in the corner, now lavishly furnished with fluffy pillows and soft blankets.

Fox- Where'd you get all that?

Marcus- From that raccoon who works behind the scenes. He's pretty nice. I dunno his name, though.

Everyone- Raccoon...

*Flashback to first episode*

Lucarioblaze- Anyways, let's bring out the questions!

A small raccoon rushes into the room, and hands Lucarioblaze an envelope.

*Flashback to third episode*

Lucario- Sure, Slippy. TV, please!

The same raccoon from the prologue rushes in with a flat screen.

All- Ohh...!

Marcus- Yup. That's him.

Krystal- ...Telepathy...

Lucario- Alright, next question. To Amanda,

If you could take one anthro's ship/fighter/craft, who's would it be and why?

Amanda- Hmm...this is a hard one...can I get back to you on that? This'll take a while.

Lucario- Alright.

Wolf- Hey, Lucario, move over a bit.

Lucario steps to the right.

Wolf- No, to the left. A little more, and...stop!

Lucario is now standing next to Panther.

Lucario- Okay...?

Panther- Lucario, do you know what Wolf is trying to do?

Lucario- What?

Panther- He's trying to hook me up with you.

Lucario- ...Oh.

Lucario makes a pout face at Wolf.

Lucario- I don't like Panther!

Bill- Wait wait, while Amanda's thinking, I'm gonna ask a question to you.

Lucario- Uh oh.

Bill- To Lucario,

Which male in this room would you date and why?

Lucario- Daang...

Wolf/Leon- Hehehe...

Panther- Great Lylat, you two. Get over it. We're not-

Lucario- I would pick...

Fox- Yess?

Falco- This is gonna be good...

Slippy- For once, I hope she doesn't pick me.

Bill- Me too. That would be awkward, having your hostess pick-

Lucario- Panther.

The crowd roars with an "Ohh!" and wolf-whistles are heard.

The audience applauds.

Panther- Erm...I wasn't really expecting-

Lucario- Sorry to make things look worse. But it's simple- Fox is with Krystal, Falco's with Katt, Bill's with Fay, Marcus and Dash are too young to date me, Wolf has Vixy, James has Vixy, Leon's too angsty, Slippy's just creepy, Peppy's too old, no offense, and that

Bill- Now, To Lucario,

Go and kiss Panther.

The audience bursts into applause again and wolf-whistles are heard.


Lucario- This isn't Truth or Dare, y'know.

Bill- I'm the temporary host, so you're gonna have to do it.

Wolf- I'll take the honor of smashing them into each other-

Leon- No, I wanna!

Panther- ...You guys...stop making this awkward...

Lucario- Um, Amanda, are you done thinking yet?

Amanda- I'm down between three crafts.

Lucario- Well, hurry up and think! Get me outta this-

Panther swoops Lucario into his arms.

The crowd is hushed instantly.

Panther- Let's just get this over with. Okay?

Lucario- ...Fine.

Panther leans into Lucario, but she quickly pulls away.

Lucario- Actually, no. I'm chickening out for now. How 'bout I write an IOU? Kay?

Peppy- Y'know, in the end, you're gonna have to pay him back more if you delay this long enough.

Lucario- Save it for another episode, Peppy.

Leon- Save what?


Fox- All caps, third time...

Leon- ...Okey!

Amanda- Got it! I would take Slippy's craft, 'cause the design and plasma beams are just super cute for a frog like me!

Slippy- Suuper cuute...

Leon slaps Slippy.

Slippy- What was that for?

Leon- For snapping you back to reality.

Marcus- This conversation between everyone is quite intriguing. Especially the PantherxOC couple, no offense to our hostess.

Lucario- Grr...

Panther- I do believe that if you calm down, your situation will be a whole lot better, Lucario.

Lucario- Hmm, that's some fine advice. 'Cause now I'm better.

Wolf- All because of-

Lucario- To Amanda,

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

Amanda- Oh, I've got this down! I would change my name to either Carina, Chanel, or Riley. The names are so lacy, dainty, and classy, much more than "Amanda".

Slippy- Oh, y'know, I just love the name Amanda-

Amanda- Really? You do? Wow, that's so kind of you! No one has ever said that about something so plain as my name.

All- ...Woow...

Lucario- Well, that concludes today's-

Panther swings Lucario into his arms and kisses her on the lips.

The crowd roars.

Panther- Sorry, but I couldn't get away with finishing the episode and losing a bet.

Lucario- B...Bet? And LET GO OF ME THIS INSTANT!

Fox- Fourth time...

Panther- Well, Bill said he'd get me a blind date if I kissed you and made you go all blushy-crushy. I really didn't mean to kiss you. You're not my kind.

Lucario- W-Whatever.

Bill- So, lemme tell you the blind date...

Panther- Is it Miyu?

Miyu- Um, no!

Panther- K...Krystal-

Fox- No!

Bill- It's...Lucario-


Lucario seems boiling to her extreme.

Dash- Gotta blast! See the crowds later!

Dash waves goodbye.

And so concludes "An Interview with Starfox". Starfox fandom is dying out, even with the 3DS remake of Starfox 64...
Unfortunately, in retrospect, there was little to no true character development or understanding of plot. In short, this was for fun. But now that I'm getting more serious about writing, you can most certainly read my non-M fics (because the M fics/smut fics don't count as any real character development) that will be published 2012-13 academic year, and maybe this summer if I can balance it with my summer classes.
But for the most part, please do tune in to my upcoming, more sophisticated works, and I do want to thank you for the support you gave me this whole time. At least it pushed my creative mindset back when I needed it the most. So thank you.