The Little things (That make me want to kill you)

By Sarahfreak

Summary: The war is over and everyone has gone their separate ways…everyone except a certain purple-haired psychotic scientist, his beloved sister, and an unfortunate overworked former science section leader. How will Reever survive living with the man that has been the bane of his existence for over ten years? Read to find out!

Disclaimer: I do not own -Man or any of the characters here…just the twisted little plot involving my favourite couple *grin.*

A/N Well I've finally come to the point that most readers dread to read…The Little Things (That make me want to kill you) has come to an end. Though I did still have some stories left to tell with these two, I found that I've fallen out of synch with their characters and out of grace with the show. While it's true that I never finished the China chapter, I wanted to leave the few people who have read this, one last chapter of which I always planned to write as the end as a sort of apology and thank you for your support. With any luck, I may come back and fill in the gaps between this chapter and the last one posted but it is more then likely I will not. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope that you enjoy it!

Chapter Last: Growing Old (Together)

The man sighed softly to himself as he relaxed into the chair situated in front of the softly glowing hearth. It had been another glorious day, if not a little trying, as he went about his usual routine using what energy he had to spare from his tired limbs. There was a perceptible spattering of grey at his temples, and laugh lines now graced his face at regular intervals. He'd grown old before he'd even noticed, living in his little utopia with Komui in China, and he wouldn't trade a second of the last thirty years for anything in the world.

Reever, a now respectable seventy years old, shifted to a more comfortable position in his overstuffed recliner before he turned to watch his companion of over forty years potter around the kitchen with his bizarre brand of grace. Time had been kind to Komui, though he now sported a crown of grey hair and his own share of wrinkles, nothing had been able to extinguish the mischievous twinkle in his eyes that he loved so much about the man. They had first come together as superior and subordinate, then brothers in arms, and finally as couple.

When and how they'd made the transition from family to more than that had seemed so natural for the pair that no one even blinked when they decided to tell their family and friends. One small ceremony (though unofficial) with some of their former science department and the surviving exorcists that could make it and they were bound to each other for the rest of their lives; Lives which they had spent in the pursuit of knowledge, peace and happiness.

Don't get him wrong, that doesn't mean they hadn't had their differences. Reever distinctly remembers one such occasion when he threw one of Komui's inventions through a screen door in the middle of an argument but they had always managed to find a way to resolution, via the destruction of said inventions or making up, neither was particularly picky about the method as long as they found their way back to each other.

Lenalee had lived with them for five years before she found someone brave enough to ask for her hand in marriage. The fact that he stood up to a mini version of Komurin (sharp implements included) when he asked Komui and Reever's permission was still a source of both amusement and respect when Reever thought back on his life, which he had plenty of time to do now that his limbs had started to seize up on him.

He now had three grandchildren, a comfortable home, a small garden out back and the most precious person he'd ever had the fortune to meet coming towards him with dinner steaming in a bowl, what more could he ask from life?

Smiling in thanks at the man standing to his left, he took the offered food and inhaled the rich scent of stew, one of his favourite dishes, shuffling again so he kept the other in his line of sight. Today was a special day for them. Thirty years together as a couple, even longer as friends, and he still couldn't pull his gaze away from the strange but loveable creature that sat across from him. Snorting wryly he scooped some of the meal into his mouth, noting the slight shake in the others hand and the fatigue Komui's face. It had gotten harder for Komui to complete everyday tasks when his hands became arthritic but he always insisted on completing his share of the chores despite his condition. What he did to deserve this ray of light in his life, he wasn't quite sure, but he counted himself blessed everyday he woke up beside him.

Finishing his meal in a comfortable silence, Reever, stood slowly and shuffled over to the others chair to take his dishes, placing a steadying hand on Komui's shoulder as he leant down, depositing a soft kiss to his forehead on the way to the kitchen. He paused at the threshold of the next room and uttered a well worn (but no less genuine) phrase and smiled over his should as he received it in return. Really, it couldn't get much better then this.

"Love you, Komui."

"Love you too, Reever."


A/N Thank you so much for reading and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I really do love Reever/Komui and I want to thank those who have read/liked/reviewed my stories in the past. With any luck I'll pick -Man up again and come back, but in the possible event of this not happening: Thank you blumarshin for editing, thank you for the favourites, thank you for the alerts/hits and thank you for loving them like I do *grin* Sarahfreak signing out.