Number 16

16. Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy VII, AkuSora, ZackRenoCloud AU (I cheated on this one too, but I couldn't resist!)

Sora giggled into the kiss as Axel's long fingers trailed down his back and beneath his shirt. Sora threaded his tan hands in the red mane his boyfriend called hair.

The barely registered the door opening but they did part as they heard a voice. "Jeez you two! You're in the living room, come on!" The two turned to see Zack with an exaggerated look of disgust on his face and hands covering his eyes.

"Oh whatever, Zack," drawled Axel. "Do you know how many times I've walked in on you and my brother?" Axel rolled his eyes and turned back to the brunette seated comfortably in his lap.

"Hey, yo! At least we're hott!" came the response from behind Zack. The raven stepped to the side to reveal a slightly different version of Axel. Blue eyes twinkled mischievously as they gazed upon his younger twin brother and his brunette boyfriend.

Sora shifted slightly, adjusting his position in Axel's lap so that both legs were on one side and he could face the two older boy's. "Whatever you say, Reno." he waved a hand dismissively. "But it scarred me for life to walk into my brother's room and see all three of you in the middle of foreplay."

A hand appeared and ruffle Sora's spiky hair. He looked up to see the blonde hair and blue eyes of his brother Cloud. "That is why you should always knock, Sora." he said calmly as he strode over to stand between Zack and Reno. Zack slung an arm around Cloud's neck, while Reno wrapped his around Cloud's hips. The blonde then slid both of his arms around the other two's waists.

"Gah!" Axel cried. "Can't you go be fluffy somewhere else?" The other four in the room laughed at the red-head, who scowled in turn at each of them.

"Sure thing Ax," Zack said. "We'll go be, as you put it, 'fluffy' somewhere else." With that, the three boys left, trailing up the stairs and undoubtedly to Cloud's room.

"No fornicating on the couch, yo!" came Reno's voice.

Both Sora and Axel rolled there eyes before turning back to each other. Axel smirked. "So, where were we?"

His response came in the form of a hungry kiss and mewls of pleasure from Sora.

Kissy Kissy –