AN-I've returned once more for the final chapter! So, hockey is not my strong point. At all. Watching it, understanding it, I just don't do it. Which is odd considering I write Mighty Ducks fanfiction.
So, I'm going to downplay the game. I apologize for anyone who actually reads these stories for hockey.
It was game day. They, the Ducks, were about to face off with their vicious enemy: Eden Hall Varsity Warriors. They all sat in the locker room before the game, unusually quiet. Charlie stood up and all eyes flew to him.
"Alright guys, this is it. Our second game against these jerks. The last time we played them, we were crushed. Not by score, but by their brutality. This time, we're going to crush them. We have Adam back."
The Ducks gave a small round of cheers as Adam grinned, sharing a look with Connie.
"Plus, we have our spirit back. We're not going to let them beat us again. Let's show these jerks how to really play hockey."
The Ducks all stood and cheered.
"Let's do it for Hans." Charlie said.
Then, they made their way out of the locker room and onto the ice. Julie took Charlie's hand.
"We can do this, Charlie."
He grinned and kissed her. "We do have the best goalie in the school."
She smiled.
They followed their team onto the ice. As a gesture to their old mentor, they skated in a circle, touching the ice gently. Then, they skated over to Orion, who after a small pep-talk, let them quack once again.
The entire crowd joined in, which fueled the Ducks' into even more of a victory mode.
Varsity was brutal. As soon as the puck landed on the ice, they attacked, pulling out legal moves that squashed the Ducks against the boards and the ice.
Rick Riley skated towards Julie, the puck in his control. Adam came out of no where, smashing into him, letting the Ducks get a hold of the puck. Rick glared at him.
"You're gonna wish like hell you stuck with us."
"Save the trash talk." Adam snarled back.
A battle for the puck broke out. Fulton pushed Cole into the boards and Rick tried going after Connie. The Ducks were managing to hang onto the puck for a few moments each, but they were keeping it away from Varsity and that was all that mattered.
During a small break, Charlie skated over to Julie, who was gulping down water.
"You're doing great." he assured her.
"Just keep up the defense, alright Conway?" she asked.
He grinned and winked at her as the period ended.
There was no score yet.
The new period brought on a deadlier attitude from Varsity. They were pulling out all the stops.
From the stands, Tammy and Linda watched horrified.
"How is this legal?" Linda asked, wincing as a Warrior drove a Duck into the boards.
"Simple. This is hockey." Tammy muttered. "Oh come on, that's a penalty!"
Linda smiled at her friend, her eyes focused on Guy who was currently over by the net, trying to get the puck out. A Warrior game out of no where, ramming into him deliberately. He fell to the ice, gripping his arm.
"Guy!" Linda yelled, as she and Tammy came to their feet. They watched anxiously as the game was halted.
Charlie, Connie, and Adam skated over to him. Connie threw her helmet off her head and crouched down.
"Guy, can you hear me?" she asked.
He winced but grinned. "Yeah, loud and clear considering you're shouting in my ear."
She glared at him as Charlie spoke. "Where does it hurt?"
"My arm. It feels like it could be broken or sprained."
Two referees skated over with a health official to check him out. Connie stood up, grabbing her helmet. She felt an arm on her shoulder and smiled at it's owner: Adam.
With help, Guy managed to stand up. To thunderous applause in the stands, he skated off the ice.
The period went on with more beatings and bad-tricks. Finally, the whistle blew announcing half-time.
Tammy walked into the hallway of the school, spotting a drinking fountain. She walked over and took a sip of water, then leaned against the wall with a sigh.
She'd give anything to be back on the team, just to help them defeat Varsity. The Ducks needed help. They needed a miracle.
"Excuse me, do you know how I can get into the hockey arena?"
Tammy turned to see a very attractive boy standing in front of her. He was built well and he was taller than her, with dark eyes that gave him a mysterious edge. So did the bandana tied around his head and the boots on his feet. He was, she noticed after tearing her eyes away from his chest, holding a hockey bag.
"I know you." she realized quietly.
He arched an eye-brow. "Really? I think I'd remember someone as cute as you."
She blushed for a moment, then her eyes widened. "You're Dean Portman! You're a Duck!"
He chuckled. "Yeah. How did you know that?"
"I was a Duck. Back then they were the pee-wees."
"I think I heard of you." he said.
"What are you doing here?"
"Well, after a call from Fulton, I realized I belong here. With or without Bombay."
Tammy laughed and clapped her hands. "You have perfect timing, they're being flattened by Varsity. They need you!"
"So the arena?"
"Follow me."
She traced her steps, leading him toward the arena. As they entered, she pointed down a hallway. "That way to the locker rooms. They should be there now."
"Thanks. I never got your name."
"Tammy Duncan."
He grinned at her. "Hope to see you around, Duncan."
Her eyes sparkled as she looked at him. "You too, Portman."
As the defeated Ducks moped around the locker room, Dean Portman announced his arrival by flinging the doors open. Of course, they were thrilled to see him and welcomed him back warmly.
Julie hugged him, then hit his arm.
"That's for not coming when you were supposed to. I'm very angry with you."
He chuckled and picked her up. "I'm sorry, Cat-lady. This year must have sucked without me."
"You got that right."
"I heard about you and Charlie. I'm really sorry that didn't work out."
Her eyebrows furrowed. "When did you hear about that?"
"Last week. When I talked to Fulton."
"Oh, yeah, we were having problems. But, everything is okay now. We're back together."
"Oh." he looked at her for a moment, then smiled. "Congrats."
She smiled too. "I'm really glad you're back, Dean."
He hugged her again, sighing softly. "Yeah. Same here."
With Portman back, the Ducks had a new heart. With each hit by Varsity, they matched with an even harder one. The score remained zero-zero, the Ducks were doing their best to try to score.
Portman got called out for tripping and had to take a penalty. In the box, he showed his support for his team by...stripping. There were cheers from the girls in the crowed. Including....
"Yeah, take it off!" Tammy cried, giggling.
Linda smiled too. "You seem really into it."
"Uh, have you seen that body? Hell yeah I'm into it. Whooo!"
Linda laughed. "He is cute. Guy's much cuter though. I hope he's gonna be okay."
"He should be. After the game, we'll stop by the hospital and check on him. Okay?"
The game went on, with no one scoring. Then, as the Ducks were changing players, they got called out on having too many players on the ice. Orion had to make a snap decision.
The Ducks gathered around Orion. He looked up at the clock.
"The pressure's on them. All we've got to do is hold our ground. Conway, Banks, and Goldberg…we're going with you."
Goldberg hesitated. "Me, Coach?"
Orion nodded. "You, Goldberg. You earned your spot out there. Okay, Ducks, here we go!"
Orion pulled Charlie aside. "Charlie, we're really backed up into a corner here. We're outnumbered, out-muscled, and even a tie seems impossible."
Charlie stiffened with resolve. "We're up to it."
"I know you are." He gave Charlie a small smile. "But you deserve to win." Charlie brightened. Orion nodded. "That's right. Not careless, but not too careful. You see the chance, you take it…and make it count."
"Oh and one more thing." Orion reached behind him. He picked up a felt C and placed it over Charlie's heart.
"Go get 'em Captain."
With just the three of them left, the Ducks watched with baited breath as their teammates took to the ice.
Charlie and Rick faced off and Varsity got the puck. They headed to the goal where they shot it and Julie lunged for it. Taking advantage of the lack of goalie, Rick got the puck and tried again. This time, Adam came out of no where, throwing himself in front of the net and catching the puck against his chest.
Charlie got a hold of the puck now. After a small face-off with Riley (that he won) and side-stepping a few players while Goldberg, who followed him, knocked them down, he was close to the net. He just had to get passed the goalie.
He made a move to hit the puck, at the last minute passing it behind him. Scooter lunged for the puck he thought was coming as Goldberg, eyes widened, realized he now had the puck. He looked behind himself. Warriors were coming at him, Scooter was getting ready to go back into the net.
The Ducks were yelling to shoot. With a small yell, he shot the puck.
It went in.
The Ducks had won.
The euphora was amazing. Charlie and Adam both hugged a shaking Goldberg as their team came onto the ice. Cheers erupted from the stands, including Tammy and Linda.
Julie skated to her team, but was stopped by Scooter.
"Good game, Gaffney."
And he leaned down to kiss her. He never got the chance. As a reflex, Julie's knee shot up and caught Scooter where the sun didn't shine.
"Shit." he muttered as he fell onto the ice.
"Last time, Vanderbilt. I have a boyfriend. Back. Off."
With that, she left the huddled mass that was Scooter on the ice and skated to her boyfriend. Charlie was laughing hard as his arms snaked around her.
"That, my dear, was beautiful."
She grinned and grabbed his jersey, pulling his face down to hers and kissing him passionately, oblivious to the sad eyes of one of their teammates as they gazed upon the happy pair.
Connie found Adam, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him. "That was an amazing save!"
He grinned and kissed her. She smiled against his mouth and moved closer to him, ignoring the cat-calls of the Ducks all around them.
After pulling away from Julie, Charlie hugged Orion and his mother. He caught a glimpse of Bombay in the crowed and the older man nodded to him. Feeling more grown up than he had in ages, Charlie nodded back.
The final icing on the cake was when a Mighty Ducks banner was placed over the Warriors emblem.
The Ducks had truly won.
Of course, there was still the matter of Guy. After their celebration the ice, the Ducks headed to the hospital to check on their fallen teammate. Linda and Tammy joined them as they sat around the waiting room. Connie was sitting in a chair, Adam's arm wrapped around her comfortingly. Julie sat next to Connie, her hand intertwined with Charlie's.
Dean stood at a vending machine, away from the Ducks. Tammy noticed him and walked over.
"So, you're the famous Dean Portman?"
He looked at her. She was cute, really cute. Bubbly. She seemed nice. He decided to turn on the charm. "The one and only. And you're the famous Tammy Duncan. The one who threw herself at Fulton?"
Her smile slid off. "He told you?"
"No, I heard about it from some of the other Ducks. They said that was why you didn't come to the Goodwill Games. Which is a shame. You being there would have been fun."
Here, he winked at her, causing her to blush once more. Just then, a doctor came into the room.
"All those for Guy Germaine?" he blinked as the entire hockey team, plus four adults stood up. "Right. His wrist is sprained and needs to be in a cast for a few weeks. But, he's good to go."
Guy stepped in behind him and Connie ran to him, hugging him. "I'm glad you're okay."
"Thanks, Cons."
As they pulled apart, the pair shared a look. it wasn't a romantic one, but one full of friendship and understanding. No matter who was in their lives, they would always be friends. No matter what.
Adam understood that, as Connie turned away from Guy and walked to him. He accepted it, because he was the one she was now softly kissing. As the Ducks congregated around Guy, Linda stood back, waiting. Finally, he broke away from the Ducks and walked over to her.
"Hey." he greeted.
"Hey. Can I sign the cast?"
He chuckled. "Sure."
"Kiss her!"
"Plant one on her!"
"Do it, man!"
Guy tried to ignore the calls from the Ducks while Linda blushed.
"So....did you enjoy the game?"
"Yeah. I knew you were going to win."
"Yeah, you were ri-"
She moved forward, her arms around his neck and her lips pressed softly against his. Guy gently moved his arms around her, kissing her back.
The Ducks cat-called once more while Tammy and Connie beamed.
Once Guy was discharged, the team headed back to the Dorms. For a while, they hung out in the common room, talking about the game. One by one, they slowly headed to their rooms until only Charlie and Julie were left.
"So, this has been one hell of a year, huh?" she asked.
"Yeah. I'm sorry I was a huge ass." he said.
She grinned. "I forgave you ages ago, you know."
He chuckled and kissed her. "Do you think all the drama is done?"
She snuggled closer to him. "Charlie, this is high school. The drama is just beginning."
AN- Ok, I for one, am not a huge fan of this chapter. I really don't like it that much. Hopefully, you disagree. Anyway, this is the last chapter for this story. I'm hoping to make a series and I've already planned it out so, there might be some surprises coming your way.
Thanks for reading, guys!