Drake and Josh/Zoey 101: Even More New Family?

Chapter Four: Ew, it's you.

"I... I'm sorry." Drake stuttered. He had clearly surprised himself. "What's wrong with you?" Zoey screamed at him. "You can't just put that amount of pressure on a girl! And Drake, you're already married. So am I. Even if I did love you, which I don't, that would totally ruin my relationship with Chase. I love Chase. A lot. You can't just sneak up to a girl and do that to her!" Chase suddenly walked into the room, probably attracted by all the shouting coming from Zoey.

"What's up guys?" Chase asked, looking at the pair. Drake eyed Zoey. She took it as a "Don't tell" face, but she would tell. He deserved it. "Drake kissed me." She said, feeling like a 2nd grader. "WHAT?!" Chase screamed, glaring at Drake. "Yeah. That's right. I did. I can't hide my feelings when I'm around her a lot. Now that Megan and Dustin are married, I'll see her even more. And I love her. What's so wrong with that?" Drake said, anger boiling inside him. "La di da for you! So what? She's my wife! We're married, in case you hadn't noticed." Chase glared at Drake. He couldn't express his anger enough. "You know what? I'm outta here." Drake grabbed his coat and keys. "Oh no you're not! LOLA!" Zoey yelled. Lola walked into the family room, oblivious to the tension in the room. "Yeah?" She said, confusion spreading on her pretty face. "Drake kissed me." Zoey smirked this time. Tattling wasn't so bad after all.

"So?" Lola said, rolling her eyes. "Lola, I love you." Drake looked at her with sudden admiration. He walked over to Lola and kissed her. "But... but... but he cheated on you!" Zoey yelled. Her plan was turning out perfectly. "So? We both know we love each other! That's why we got married. Duh." Lola said, like it was obvious. Suddenly, the phone rang. Everyone stared at it, and then Zoey grabbed it, looked at the caller ID, and tossed it to Drake. "Hello?" Drake said, confused. "Drake, it's Megs. How'd it go?" Megan. Drake loved her too. "Megan!" Drake said, ambling into the kitchen. Hopefully no one could hear him.

"God, it went sucky. She like, hates me now. And guess what? Lola's not so bad after all. Zoey told on me, the little first grader, and she was totally understanding!" Drake said, grinning. "Wow. It worked?" Megan said, sounding shocked. "Megan? What worked?" Drake said. Knowing his little sister, she always caused mischief. "Well... me and Zoey kinda... uhm... planned this. WeknowthatLolareallylovesyousoitwasallforthebestIsware!" Megan slurred all her words together. "MEG-really? You guys would do all that for me?" Drake said, smiling. "Of course! Drake, we love you!" Megan said cheerfully. "So lemme get this straight. You told me to tell Zoey, even though I really shouldn't have, and then Zoey only acted mean?" Drake said, connecting the dots. "Yeah! Chase was in on it too." Megan said. "Now go take your wife out for a nice stroll." She said. "Stroll? Who says 'stroll'?" Drake scoffed. "You know what I mean!" Megan exclaimed, and then hung up the phone.

Drake and Lola sat down on a park bench. Drake yawned, stretching his arm around Lola's shoulders. Lola giggled. "Lo... listen. I'm so sorry I kissed Zoey. My sister was egging me on! But that's no excuse. And I married you because I love you. A lot. And Zoey... she's like a middle school crush. Doesn't last longer than a second. It just proves that our relationship is strong!" Drake kissed Lola. "I love you." He said romantically. "I love you - OMIGOD!" Lola gasped. "What? What is it? Are you hurt?" Drake asked his wife, concerned. "LOGAN!" Lola leaped up and hugged a person Drake didn't know. Then, Drake looked to the man's left and saw... it.

"Mindy?" Drake said, walking over to Lola. "Drake? Ew." Mindy said, rolling her eyes. "You two know each other?" Lola asked Mindy and Drake. "The better question is, you two know each other?" Drake answered Lola's question with a question. "Logan and I knew each other in high school!" Lola squeezed the man again. "Josh and... that thing were dating in high school." Drake said, rolling his eyes. Lola giggled. "Isn't he just the cutest?" She said, smiling. "Uhm, yeah?" Mindy meant it as a statement, but it came out like a question. "So what are you guys doing... together? Don't tell me you actually like her?" Drake fake whispers. "Yeah, I really do like her. And Lola, what are you doing with this freak?" 'Logan' said. "He's my husband, silly!" Lola said, like he meant the insult as a joke. "Guys! I have a great idea! Let's all have lunch at that new place Macaroni Grill! Then we can all catch up and get to know each other!" Mindy grinned, like she had won first place in the science fair again.

"...and then he bumped into me and spilled food ALL down the front of my shirt. And I was like 'Jerk!' and I slapped him and he was like 'Hey you're kinda cute.'. It was really funny. So how did you guys meet?" Lola had just told the super long story about how her and Drake had met. They all had plates of macaroni in front of them. Everyone except for Lola was eating. She 'doesn't like to eat in front of people'. According to her, it's 'rude'. "Well... it was a really funny story actually. I know Quinn, and Mindy knows Josh. So, at your wedding, we were assigned to the same table, and we got talking, and I told Mindy how I've been looking for a new boyfriend for Quinn and Mindy told me how she was looking for a new girlfriend for Josh, and we set up Quinn and Josh on a blind date. And the rest, as they say, was history." Logan explained. "So are you guys like dating? Or more?" Drake asked. Now that he'd gotten used to them, Logan and Mindy weren't so bad. Drake shuddered at the thought. He thought he was never going to have to think that in his life. "We're engaged. Didn't Quinn and Josh tell you? We're having a double wedding."

Mindy said it like it was something simple, but Drake choked on his shrimp and macaroni. Lola pounded his chest until he spit the deformed shrimp up on his napkin. "WHAT?!" Drake shouted, causing everyone in the restaurant to stare at him. "Um... excuse me." Drake said quietly, getting up from his chair and walking to the men's restroom. Locking himself in a stall, he whipped out his cell phone and speed dialed Josh's number. "Hello?" Josh says, sounding distracted. Drake heard the faint tapping of keys in the distance. "JOSH! GET OFF THE COMPUTER! THIS IS IMPORTANT!" Drake shouted, surprising himself. "Whoa. Man, what's up?" Josh said as the tapping disappeared. "What's up? WHAT'S UP? Oh, nothing, I suppose, apart from the fact that YOU'RE HAVING A DOUBLE WEDDING WITH MINDY AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO TELL ME!" Drake yelled into the phone. "Drake. Dude. Breathe. I didn't tell you because I didn't think it would be that big of a deal!" Josh said soothingly.

"NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL? JOSH, SHE'S MINDY, FOR GOD SAKES! HOW COULD IT BE NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL?" Drake screamed. "Drake! Do you hear yourself? Sheesh, give me a break! I was gonna tell you tonight anyways!" Josh said, now annoyed. "Oh, yeah right! And do you hear yourself? Nonchalantly telling me you're having a double wedding with your ex-girlfriend. Wow, Josh. I'd have never thought you would stoop so low." Drake was very pissed off. How could Josh make this big of a decision without at least asking Drake first? As if reading Drake's mind, Josh said, "You know, I don't have to check if it's okay with you for MY OWN WEDDING!" And hung up.

Drake's mind was blank as he walked back to his table. "Drakie! You're back!" Lola exclaimed as Drake sat back down at his table. "Yeah." Drake mumbled, upset and hurt. His brother had no right to do that to him. "Is something wrong?" Mindy asked, sensing the tension emanating from Drake. "Uhm, no. I'm fine." Drake replied, clearing his throat. After an awkward silence, Logan said, "Okay, so the bills on me." Mindy sighed dreamily. "I've got the best man in the whole world!" She said, grinning. "Aw! Baby! You're too adorable!" And, after they gave each other butterfly kisses, Drake felt queasy. "Uhm, I'm not feeling well. Let's go Lola. Later Mindy and Logan. Talk to you guys later." And Drake slowly walked out of the restraunt, clutching Lola's hand.