Musaka was given a Lantern ring and Naruto held his lantern in front of him. "Repeat after me. In Brightest Day."

"In Brightest Day." Said Musaka.

"In Darkest Night."

"In Darkest Night."

"No evil shall escape my sight."

"No evil shall escape my sight."

"Let those who worships evils might."

"Let those who worships evils might."

"Beware my power..."

"Beware my power..."


"GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!" Just then Musaka glowed green and transformed into jade green samurai armor.

"Welcome to the Corps, Jaden Samurai." Musaka dropped to one knee, took off his helmet and bowed to Jade Ninja.

"Thank you, my lord." He said.


Meanwhile, high above the Earth in the JLA Watchtower there was a meeting going on. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman were sitting down talking to Kyle and John about the new members of the GL Corps. "So what you are saying is these new members are shinobi as well as Lanterns?" Said Kal-El.

"Yep," said Kyle. "They were top of their class too."

"Even though, I sense something in Jade Ninja." Said John, "something good." Just then Hal Jordan had walked in to the meeting room.

"You guys talking about Jade Ninja and company?" He said.

"You know them?" Said Batman.

"They helped us out with the Sinestro Corps." Said Hal. "John, Kyle I just got a message from the guardians. Some Space Amazon Princess is chasing after Jade Ninja."

"Space Amazon?" Said Wonder Woman.

"Yeah, it was their final exam and Jade Ninja defeated her."

"What?" Said John, "has she found them yet?"

"No, not yet. But she is looking for him."

"Have the guardians told him about it?" Said Kyle.

"Yeah, they already know."

"If you don't mind,"said Wonder Woman. "I would like to go with you to meet this Jade Ninja."

"Sure come on," said Hal. "I have to tell you though, when you first meet him, he wouldn't seem much. All I'm saying is get to know him."

"Sure, I'll get to know him." So they got ready to go.


Meanwhile in Wave the Jade Ninjas were fighting off Zabuza and Haku. Jade Ninja and Samurai were fighting Haku, who in turn fell for both of them. She grabbed Ninja and started to kiss him passionately. Then she grabbed on to Samurai and kissed him as well.

Meanwhile Jade Swirl and Emerald Vixen were taking out Zabuza and Kakashi easily. After they were done, Gato had showed up and with a small army of swordsmen. Team Jade Ninja just looked over, "so fucked it up again huh Zabuza?" He said, "looks like I have to do everything myself."

They were about to attack when all of the sudden a green wall came up in front of them. Jade Ninja looked up and saw Hal, Kyle and John. "SENPAIS!" He said, they landed on their feet along with a gorgeous woman with long black hair, blue eyes and was dressed in a red and blue bathing suit with a golden eagle at her bust, a platinum girdle around her waist along with a golden lasso on her hip, and stars on the bottom of the bathing suit.

Platinum bracelets, ruby star earrings, golden tiara and red boots with white trim finished the outfit. Naruto couldn't tear his eyes away from her. He could tell that she was a fighter. "Wow," was all he could say.

"That's...." Said Emerald Princess.

""Uh, yeah." Said Emerald Vixen then Gato was mad.

"Who cares about some huge whore?" He said, they all glared at him. Then Wonder Woman walked through the wall and attacked all of the enemies just so she could get her hands Gato. Swords snapped against her skin, blades broke against her flesh and she kept coming. Once she grabbed Gato, he was quickly changing his tune. "I was kidding?"

Then she turned him into ground round, then Jade Ninja pulled out a kunai. "Wait, Jade Ninja." She said.

"He has to die," he said. "If he doesn't he'll come back and try to destroy the village." With that he made it quick and sliced Gato's throat. Jade Ninja wasn't pleased about doing it though. Then they started to leave and headed back to Tazuna's home.


Meanwhile Diana was getting closer and closer to Earth. The war was about to begin.
