A/N: Hey guys! I am sorry for keeping you waiting! I hope you liked the last chapter. Chapter 10, this one, may be the last one because I am running out of ideas. Anyway here it goes the long-awaited CHAPTER 10!
Disclaimer: I wish!!!!!
Ryan lied down on the bed and Natalia proceeded to crawl on top of him and began to kiss his neck and whispered in his ear, "Anyway your way more man in bed than Derek ever was" Once again Ryan groaned in delight.
Natalia rolled off of Ryan and turned to look at him, "Ya know I'm glad we're still together"
"So am I babe, so am I!" Ryan deep chocolate eyes looked back at her. She took his breath away, her golden skin, dark hair, lilting laughs and beautiful eyes. But what the couple didn't know was that they were thinking the same thought: How much they would miss each other if they had broken up.
Taking a deep breath Ryan told Natalia that he never wanted any ex to come between them again. "Hey Nat, it's late should we just order pizza? Pizza Hut maybe?"
"That sounds great. Can we get pepperoni please?"
"Sure babe" Ryan rolled over to the edge of the bed and called the Hut using his new iPhone. Twenty minutes later the pizza arrived. The two gobbled it up right away Ryan had most of the cheese while Nat finished up the pepperoni. "Wow that pizza was great! I think I'm drunk on cheese!" In response to that Natalia laughed. Ryan stretched his arms out in a yawn, "Hey Nat wanta crash here, it's too late for you to drive home?"
"Sure, I'm gonna go get ready for bed now" Talia ran toward the stairs yelling, "You have to do the dishes! Peace out sucker!" Ryan looked after her run away. He knew she would have pulled something like that. He picked up the china dishes the couple was using. On the way to his stainless steel sink Ryan tripped over his own feet and CRASH went the dishes. "Frick! Frick! Frick!" Ryan cursed and with a wave of his hand said, "Ehh I'll clean it up tomorrow"
Ryan trotted off to the bedroom. As he walked into his green bedroom he noticed that Talia was asleep with a Nancy Drew book on her chest. "Like an angel" he thought. Ryan tip-toed over to the king–sized bed and picked up Nancy Drew and the Secret of the Old Clock and put it on the oak wood bedside table and kissed her good night. Silently Ryan slipped out of his shirt and trousers and slid into bed. Rolling over to face Nat he finally fell asleep. His dreams occupied with his love, Natalia, and of course paddle ball and penguins.
BRIIING! BRIIING! BRIIING! Ryan awoke with a start and rather aggressively slammed the snooze button of his alarm clock. The alarm clock fell of the table from the force Ryan used. Ironically enough it was not the alarm that woke Nat but the noise it made when it fell to the floor. Glancing at the clock she saw that it was 7:34. "Great that leaves me an hour and a half to shower and eat." Rolling out of bed Nat threw on Ryan dark blue bathrobe and sleepily walked through the door to the adjoining bathroom.
Ryan's bathroom was white and chrome with a full bathtub and big shower. His shower had 3 heads and 4 body jets. "Swanky" Nat whistled under her breath. Natalia turned on the shower and instantly all of the shower heads gushed water. Talia stripped off Ryan's robe and stepped into her early morning shower.
Ryan rolled over, but he rolled over a bit too far and plop he fell out of bed. "Crap! Might as well get up, it's already 7:40 and that mean bacon time!!" Ryan scanned his room looking for Natalia, he didn't see her. Odd, maybe she's eating. Ryan proceeded down the carpeted staircase to the kitchen. Now of course he was singing his bacon song, "Bacon Bacon Bacon, gonna get me some bacon!!" This song happened to be rudely interrupted when Ryan felt a sharp pain in his foot. "Dam!" sure enough he had stepped on a shard of the china plates he dropped last night.
Natalia stepped out of the shower clean and awake. After drying herself off and blowing her hair dry she walked down to the kitchen in her mocha-colored towel. And there was Ryan holding his foot in his hands. Looking closer Nat saw the china shards on the floor and put two and two together. "Babe are you okay?"
"Not really. My day stared off crappy; I fell out of bed and pierced my foot on some china."
"It will be better now Nurse Natalia is here." Nat smiled and grabbed his foot and a band-aid. After placing the bandage on his foot she proceeded to kiss it, like a mother would. All better?"
"Yeah, but I did cut my lips earlier" Ryan replied with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Cute, real cute. But since I am a nurse I guess I have to fix it." She placed her soft lips onto his and let them linger there.
Ryan and Natalia finally let go and made themselves each a bowl of cereal. Nat had lucky charms while Ryan preferred to have cheerios. After cleaning the dishes the two hopped into their own cars and drove off to work.
**at the lab**
"Gooding morning" the cheery-eyed Calleigh greeted the two. "Heeeey Nat, can I talk to you? Great!" Cal said not waiting for an answer. She pulled Natalia away from Ryan by the arm. "Nat um are you dating Ryan?" questioned Calleigh.
"Yeah, but please keep it a secret. I don't want Stetler or anyone else to know."
Hugging her friend Cal replied, "Of course I'll keep it a secret. I don't want you to be moved to night shift. Don't tell Ryan that I would even miss him too."
From there on the day went like any other day at the Miami Dad crime lab would. Ryan and Calleigh worked a 419 on the beach while H, Eric, and Natalia worked on a suspicious suicide near the Alexandria Hotel. Ryan and Natalia had also snuck a few kisses. After a rather long shift the team, including Alexx, met in the break room and exchanged stories from their day's works.
"Today a man arrived in the morgue with a mountain load of orange jello in his stomach and…" Alexx was rudely interrupted by Rick Stetler.
"I need to speak with Miss Duquesne, now" Stetler then ushered her out of the room into his office.
Rick's office was really something. Paper and trash were everywhere and his book shelf was full of Forensic back issues and anime. "Miss Duquesne I have noticed that Mr. Wolfe and Miss Boa Vista have been arriving together and are acting more than friendly, if you catch my drift. Now is there anything going on between them? I want the truth Miss Duquesne."
Calleigh was very reluctant to answer his question, "With all due respect I have not seen or heard of anything going on with Wolfe and Boa Vista. So I really don't think that there is anything going on between them, Sir" Calleigh finished with a winsome smile.
"You may leave now, but please send in Mr. Delko though." In 5 minutes Eric came walking through the door and sat down in the chair facing Stetler. After asking Delko the same question he had asked Calleigh Eric said, "Rick there's nothing that I know of going on between those two."
Once all the team was back in the break room, Ryan and Natalia asked what Stetler had need to talk to them about. "For some odd reason Stetler seems to think that you two have something going on. Can you believe that Ryan, you and Nat have like no chemistry."
"Really that's odd, since Ryan and I are just friends." Natalia pointed out.
"Yeah that's redonkulous!" Ryan laughed nervously.
"Redonkulous, Ryan really?" Alexx asked skeptically.
"Yeah, redonkulous like ridiculous. What you don't like it?"
Everyone in the room shook their heads. Ryan looked offended. Shortly after that Stetler came into the room; everyone was laughing and telling jokes. He interrupted Horatio's joke and asked him to come into his office, because they needed to talk. Ten minutes later a serious-looking Horatio came into the room. "Miss Boa Vista Mr. Wolfe, I need to see you in my office now."
A/N: Hey sorry for the cliffy, but it will keep you reading. Good news this will NOT be the last chapter!!!! Yay! Keep reading and reviewing please. :)