Another story...
This one revolves around James: people seem to find him amusing, so my cousin convinced me to write a short thing about him. The James in here is a bit different than the ones in my other stories though.
And for anyone reading Misunderstandings and Misdeeds, I swear I'll update, this is just a really bad time for me....
Anyways here it is. Enjoy :)


James had first heard about the curse from his father when he was six. James and his younger brother Al had been listening to Mum and Dad reminisce about the so-called good ol' days. (James still couldn't figure out when these had occurred: it seemed like every story from their childhood involved something or another going wrong.) Mum had been teasing Dad about how he should be glad that a great Quidditch star like her had ever given him the time of day. Dad had teased back, saying that the Potter curse had forced them together, and there was nothing she could have done to say otherwise.

The only curses James had heard of were in his bedtime stories, and all of those were evil. Not realizing that his parents were only kidding, he had indignantly asked, "What kind of an evil wizard would force two people who don't even like each other to get married?" (James was still in his romantic phase, when he still loved hearing stories about the brave prince's dangerous adventures and how he always got his happily ever after with a brave maiden.)

James had been rather confused when his parents started laughing hysterically at his serious question. Wiping away stray tears, his father had explained that this curse wasn't like most curses.

The Potter family curse was limited to the men, so two-year-old Lily was exempt from the curse. Apparently there were two parts to the Curse.

The first: All Potter men were cursed with disturbingly messy hair. James could see that. Grandpa James had the same impossible dark hair as Dad and Al. James could recall more than one painful occasion when his mother had attacked his messy red hair to make him seem more presentable.

The second part was part blessing, part curse, according to Dad (Mum punched him rather hard when he said that.) Wincing loudly, Dad explained that Potter men were destined, looking pointedly at Mum, to fall for redheads. This part seemed true too. Mum was a redhead, Grandma Lily was a redhead, and Dad's grandma was apparently a redhead too.

One day, he said, James too would fall for one. And you'll wish you really hadn't, his father added conspiratorially, away from his mother's prying ears. So when it came to love for James Potter, he always expected to fall for a redhead. He had, of course dated women of varying hair colors through Hogwarts and beyond. But he secretly hoped to find, in Lily-terms, his soul mate in a red-haired vixen.

But as he lay in bed, his hand absentmindedly stroking the raven hair of the girl splayed out on his chest, he discovered that he was all right with not falling for a redhead. He thought back to the rather interesting piece of jewelry he had purchased yesterday. Maybe he had broken the Curse.


Six months later, James groaned when he saw Al stroll into the wedding with a redhead on his arm. James may have gone through the trouble of finally breaking the family curse, but leave it to his idiot brother to bring it back.


Make me smile :)