something in the way she moves

There is something strange about the way Toph walks. Her footsteps never waver in hesitation or fear. Her heel rolls into the ground and back out again like it was simply another part of the earth, coming down for a breath visit home. Her toes curl into the mud and Sokka sees how she visibly relaxes when this happens, more so than he's ever seen her.

Sokka does not walk bare foot because, well, the South Pole isn't the best place for it, unless you're interested in losing a toe. Once, though, he tried it, and found himself wary of every step; of snakes, of mud puddles, and of rocks to stub his toe on. And he did stub his toe—twice. Even when he is wearing shoes and his toes are safe from stubbing, Sokka cannot bring his footsteps to be as steady or at ease with the earth as Toph's are.

But Toph's feet are bare and naked to the world all the time, and Toph...she doesn't care. She has nothing to hide, after all. (Or so Sokka thinks.) She, who walks as if she has traveled every inch of the world, knows its every crook and cranny, has conquered and re-conquered every mountain; and would not hesitate to do it all again.

She, who is unafraid.

Toph, Sokka thinks as listens to the sound of her footsteps; bold and resolute and undaunted, walks like she owns the world.

A/N: Not your average Tokka drabble, I suppose; still, I like to write about Sokka observing Toph. There's not much in the way of Sokka POV Tokka, honestly. :-/ Which is why I hope to be changing that soon. ;D Ah, yes. You will see. You will see, indeed. xD Review, please. :3