This is an AU, and will be set in the time during and after the Vietnam war.

It is inspired by 'Scars of Saigon' by ninja hamster, and 'War paint' by Bill Goshen.

Note: I do not own Bleach or the Vietnam War. No disrespect intended for those who served in the war or their kin.

1967, 1500 local time, a half a mile from a US military outpost, Vietnam.

'Whomp, whomp, whomp.'

A green transport helicopter loaded with cargo and passengers was slowly headed toward its destination. Inside, sitting on crates as replacement seats, were 6 soldiers just out of boot camp. They were coming in as a replacement team for Company D, 62d Infantry (LRP), at an outpost near Bien Hoa.


Said man didn't move.

"ICHIGO! Get up, moron!"

Ichigo started awake from his momentary cat nap, only to see his seat mate Ishida in his face.

"What?" He grumbled.

"Get your stuff, we're close to our LZ."

After telling Ishida to move out of his face, Ichigo began to collect his belongings.

Ichigo, Ishida and the others had come out of boot camp together and knew each other quite well by now. Yusatora Chad, a large young man, sat next to Ishida. He and Ichigo had been friends long before boot camp ever came in to the picture. To Ichigo's right, sat a man called Grimmjow Jeagerjeaqes. He had blue hair and a short temper.

The other 2 were playing chess at the front of the copter.

Abarai Renji didn't normally play board games, but today he was bored out of his skull. His opponent was Shiro Kurosaki, Ichigo's twin brother. Shiro was more like Ichigo's ghost, with his pale skin and white hair.

Just as the helicopter was setting down, Shiro took Renji's king, leaving the man complaining that he had cheated. The dust was still settling down as the door opened, revealing a fairly tall man with blond hair. A boonie cap sat on his head, covering most of his face.

"Welcome to Vietnam," The man said. " I am your commander, Kisuke Urahara. First, I want you to tell me your name and specializations. Going down the row, starting with you." He pointed at Ichigo.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, Marksman."

"Uryu Ishida, Marksman."

"Grimmjow Jaggerjack, Support Gunner."

"Chad Yusatora, Grenadier."

"Renji Abarai, Rifleman."

"Shiro Kurosaki, Rifleman."

"Okay, formalities out of the way, I'm gonna give you an important piece of information. We will not be using M-16's as they jam up on you in shitty situations. I'm not losing more men that way."

"You will be using M-14's and AK-47's, which I'm sure you've all learned about, so I won't go into specifics. So unless you show me a better replacement, these are what you're using." Urahara glanced at his watch.

"Okay boys, lights out. Get some sleep and report back to me at the helipad, 0800, fully equipped. Dismissed."

LZ: Landing Zone.

LRP(LRRP): Long Range Patrol. They work in 5-7 teams.

I made up the Company D, 62d Infantry (LRP), so don't sue me for whatever reasons.

Forgive me if I make a military operations mistake.