This chapter got cut down because I wanted to be mean/was lazy. Will make next one better. Buuut, this was probably one of my favorite to write.
EDIT: Mkay, FFnet is being a total bitch and wont show BB's letters. _ But, hey, its not like they were IMPORTANT OR ANYTHING. JEEZ.
"You told me to!"
As the shock ebbed and flowed off of L's face, B jumped up and scurried over to the abused dresser and pulled out a thick, crumbled pile of papers. He held the disheveled stack proudly up to his chest and carried them over to L. He set them down on the mattress. Worry still written on his face, L sat and picked up the first paper on the stack(of which he estimated was about 35 papers) and began to read.
Plesae love me pleaseohpleasegodlove me
And that was just a piece of one. Glancing at the rest of the pile, he was both shocked and not that the rest seemed to consist of the exact same scrawl.
"See? You told me too kill them. You even wrote her name, right here..."
He handed L a second paper, staying shoulder to shoulder with the detective and looking happily at the paper. "Right here." He pointed to the last line before the writing trailed off the page.
There was no name. What did BB see that L didn't? Was it a code? Or was he just utterly crazy?
"You see, you see?" No, he didn't. But he simply nodded his head and set the letter down.
"Right...I understand now."
Beyond Birthday smiled, closing his eyes for a moment and falling back on the matress. L wanted to stand up, but felt a hand wind its way through the back of his hair and yank him down upon the mattress as well. It was not a sound thing at all, and was so close to the ground L felt his head thud against the stone floor. B's chest was cold as he held L against it, his breathing deep but ragged. Like he was excited.
"Did you hear that?"
Hear what? The room was dead silent. "...No."
"He's just in time. What a nice boy." B stood up and, with force that surprised L, yanked the detective by the wrist off the mattress and literally dragged him over to a sad, bare stone wall. The only decoration it earned was a water pipe running in and out of the wall(a safety hazard in itself) with a pair of handcuffs dangling from it. He snapped L's wrist into it, the other hooking to the pipe.
"I'll get the door, you just stay here and look pretty for your friend, yes?" B stole a quick kiss from his lips before padding away to 'get the door', as he said. But L still heard no one.
-tantum, ergo-
Sunlight had never touched this place. That much was clear.
It was freezing cold in the dank basement of the apartment building, a fact that hardly registered to Light as he raced down the stairs. The stairs ended soon, and the panting, wide-eyed teenager was left, alone in a park passage with no direction left to go. He couldn't see a damn thing- no light-bulbs, no windows, no light. So he just stood there for a moment, catching his breath, when a thought popped into his head.
Why am I even here?
Why am I trying to save my enemy?
L was supposed to die. That was the only way Kira could win. Light could easily turn around and go back to punishing criminals with the Death Note and leave L to the devices of this maniac. Leave him until he died on his own, or was at least kept here long enough for Kira to purge the world of the most evil of people. Why was he risking himself for the enemy?
One hand reached up and brushed against the wound on his face, eliciting a flinch from himself. This was L's fault, wasn't it? Beyond Birthday was just after L. He should be able to so easily just walk out of this disgusting building and be on with his life. L being here made everything so perfect.
So why couldn't he turn around?
Dammit...Light swore under his breath. Wasn't there a saying? Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer...That's what he had been trying to do, to ensure success. But apparently, spending all this time with L made Light regard him as more than a nitwit detective who was just in his way- L had become his friend.
A friend he felt the urge to protect.
"L..." You asshole. He grunted and forced his hand into his pocket, drawing out one of the cell phones L had given him and flipping the screen open. There was no signal down here, but the little LED screen gave off just enough light for Light to check his surroundings.
He was in a long hallway, with no doors to enter on either side of him. As he took a few cautious steps forward, he could just barely make out a thin sliver of yellow across the bottom of the hallway. It has to be a door! He walked towards it, holding out his cell phone. Sure enough, a door was illuminated, not four feet away. As he approached it, he could see it was thoroughly dirtied and abused, with stain marks even on the outside and many scratch marks. A rusty metal plate read "107", the last three numbers on the note. Light checked the time on his phone. 10:06. Just in time...Time for what, though, he was still unsure. He could hear faint voices behind the door, and slipped his phone away as he rested his other hand on the knob. One turn- it was squeaky, but unlocked. His heart was in his throat, and he didn't know what to expect as he swung the door open.
"Ah ah, Li-ight's back~." A calm voice from the left.
A frantic voice from right in front of him. "Yagami-san, watch-"
And that was all he heard before a sharp pain hit his head and his vision went black.
-kyrie, eleison-
"L, he's such a heavy sleeper. Wake him up!"
B crouched barefoot on the cold ground- much like L would whenever he sat- in front of Light, who's hands were chained up to the water pipe running low across the wall. L was curled up, one hand handcuffed to the edge of the same water main. B stared at L, waiting for him to do anything. His eyes wouldn't blink, and demanded L to get up and move. Fearing for what would happen if he didn't, L crawled over to Light and gently shook his shoulder.
"Y-yagami-san...Wake up. Please..." He whispered and shook him a little harder, managing to rouse the brunette up into a weak state of awareness.
"Ahh! L-aiii-tooooe-kuuun is awake. You got my note, I see. Such a prompt arrival."
Light's head was foggy. For what felt like hours but was merely a minute he sat there, forgetting the reason he came down here, where he even was, who he was, what anything was. But then it all came back to him, like recovering a lost notebook, and suddenly his eyes shot open.
"Shh! I'm trying to talk to L." Though he had been quiet for some time. He turned to L, the smallest of smiles gracing his thin lips, between which sat a ragged and abused thumb who's fingernail was now but a bloody stump.
"Are you happy to see him here?"
L stared at him, and Light stared at L, surprised to see the empty fear in his dull eyes. A pang of hurt hit his heart.
"Happy to see Yagami-San?...Yes, I suppose." if we were under other circumstances, of course.
B's eyes steeled. "Is Yagami-san happy to see L alive here?"
Light took the opportunity, as silly and baited a one as it was, and nodded at L. "Yes! How long have you been down here? How did he take you, why didn't you call for he-AH!"
In the midst of his rambling, B had stood up and was pressing a filthy foot onto Light's chest, pushing with just enough force to not break a rib and moving his toes to work open a few stale wounds from their last encounter.
"Stop talking to him." He hissed, his voice completely opposite from before; cheery and childish to deadpan and menacing. Light clenched his teeth at the pain, shutting his eyes and letting out a low hiss at the increasing pressure. L's eyes grew a little with panic, and he feebly reached out his unbound hand.
"B, please stop, it's okay. Light is my friend..."
B's foot immediately lifted, and Light sucked in a large breath.
Would B do anything for L? It was scary, how much this love/obsession thing consumed him. But it was helpful, because L is on my side...
"Friend? He's your friend?"
"Y-yes." L knew almost immediately that he had spoken wrong, and there was almost no way to recover from it.
"I see how it is..."
"No, you-" B silenced him with a light kick to the head, which made him hot the stone wall behind him and a few flashes of light appear in his eyes. He immediately unhooked the handcuff from the pipe and dragged L back to the bed, hooking his hands together and flinging him onto his back, lying on his palms.
"Wh-what are you doing?" Light tried not to stutter, but that dead look in B's eyes made his hair stand on end. Before he knew it his hands were unbound, free from the pipe but still wrapped at the wrists with chains. Like he was in some kind of leash.
B dragged Light across the floor as well, tugging quite hard and sending Light jerking forward, body falling and face hitting the mattress(Thankfully). B still held the chains in one hand. The other hand reached into a pocket and drew out a small black thing.
"Fuck him."
Both L and Light's eyes widened and turned to the murderer above them. L didn't speak, but Light was very vocal about his displeasure.
"Are you insane? No!"
B's entire face tensed for a moment, and then those thin lips split into a smile that made the brunette regret ever speaking.
"But you two are friends, right? Show me your friendship, Light-kun. Or, if you don't want," He bent down to Light's level, yanking on the chains so his arms were pulled painfully behind him. He raised the black thing and with a click and a glint of metal, a six inch blade protruded from its handle.
"I'll just kill you and dump your body to Tamasaro no Hakadorobou and let him rape your carcass." Tamasaro the Graverobber was the elderly man who lived on the fourth floor.
Light's eyes widened, and that stupid grin grew, as B could tell by Light's face that he didn't want to meet Tamasaro.
"Good." He threw Light to the ground and crawled over to L, his grin fading into a dreamy smile. "Will this make you happy?" He whispered, nuzzling against L's bare chest. He moved the switchblade down, as L was silent, and tore it through the denim obscuring the rest of L's body.
L couldn't speak. He was in shock. Shock, fear, pain, fatigue, misery, so many negative things that just wore his vocal chords down to the point where he didn't want to use them anymore. He wanted to protest, oh yes he did. This would make him the opposite of happy. But he just laid there as B cut his jeans into ribbons, tossing them aside and moving along with them.
The whole time, Light was frantically attempting to find an escape route, to formulate a plan, do something. But all of them involved his hands being free, so it was all moot. He soon felt B at his restraints again, loosening the chain that kept his wrists together so he could move his hands, but he was still chained, and B held him there like a puppet on strings.
"Well? Get going, friend." B was sitting on the floor, knees pulled up to his chest, Light's restraints in one hand and the blade in the other.
Light knew what would happen of he didn't move. He'd be killed, sent to a necrophiliac(who he didn't doubt BB knew), and have to leave his duty early to go to the place where users of the Death Note go: nowhere. So he reluctantly moved, chains clinking the only sound in the room as he crawled over to L, who could have very well been asleep. His breathing was deep and even, his eyes heavy as he tried his best to remain calm and just wait through the storm. The going-to-be painful, awkward storm.
"R-Ryuuzaki..." Light couldn't say his name/letter- it reminded him of who he was speaking to, which was not who he wanted in his head. He wanted to be as far away from this situation as possible; if he couldn't be physically, he'd try mentally.
"Just get it done with, Yagami-San." L said quietly, clenching his teeth as he spoke.
-o, quam serena-
B watched with dull, yet curious eyes as Light attempted to maneuver with chains around his wrist, a coy smile playing on his lips. There was no pleasure to be had for him as he watched this. He was actually feeling a bit of pain in his heart as he watched the brunette violate his beloved. But ah, this gave him an excuse to kill him whenever he wanted. Nobody liked rapists. Such was the logic in his mind.
-quam benigna.-
L's arms were burning and sore and asleep, but none of that compared to the pain he felt between his legs now. His chest heaved with pants and only the occasional noise of pain escaped his lips. Both of their faces were bright red, with closed eyes and parted lips.
None of this was happening. He wasn't in a disgusting basement room, being forced to rape someone, with the person who was forcing him watching closely. Light could feel B's eyes on his arm. It was a disgusting feeling that made him want to curl up and die, along with every aspect of this situation. It was, to put it lightly, fucked.
How much longer do I have to go on...?
Light considered speeding up his movements, just to get it over with. He felt absolutely disgusted with himself that some part of him, deep down(and beneath his waist), he was getting pleasure from this. Feeling the detective around him, it was a wonderful tightness that was painfully comfortable and slightly indescribable and that was what made this so awful. Especially the sounds L made and his own lips produced.
I swear to God, I will find a way to kill you... he hissed in his mind, a loud gasp escaping his throat as the pressure suddenly became too much to bear.
And L, as well, through a face contorted in pain, released himself as well, and when they opened their eyes Light could see tears welling up in L's normally dry, black irises.
Told you there was going to be yaoi.
And ultimate cliffhanger! MUAHAHAHAHAAA.
c: I update faster when the children review. This was my first time writing anything lemony in a long while, hope I did alright. 8D