This is what Elizabeth Bennet's day went like: Wake up at seven. Creep out of warm comfy bed while not waking boyfriend. Try to pour bowl of cornflakes, only to find that she ran out of cornflakes yesterday. Settle for any excuse to eat nutella without feeling too guilty. Pull on a pencil skirt and heels, while swearing under her breath about how it was still cold outside and damn presentations. Kiss said boyfriend on forehead when he mumbled in his sleep and then head out to the bus stop. Miss the bus. Get to work late. Have a presentation that could have gone a lot better. Miss bus home. Get on next bus, get home to empty condo.
Elizabeth was seriously starting to rethink her stance on not letting Will buy her a car. Maybe a Prius, or, she chided herself, she could just get back into biking.
It was when she opened the fridge to find a bright red box that Lizzy's day started to look up.
It was when she opened the box to reveal chicken alfredo from Costco, already defrosted, that she started to get really excited. (Despite Will's desire to take her to fancy restaurants to show his love, she would only come home and eat again arguing that his portions were ridiculous) By the time that her dinner was ready and she opened the fridge again for juice, she noticed the bottle of sparkling cider with a red bow.
Then she started to panic.
Her birthday was several months ago, Valentine's Day was a whole different season, and their anniversary had been a few weeks ago. Will was many things, but on the whole not very romantic.
Quickly she reached for her phone and pressed two, waiting for him to pick up.
"Did you cheat on me?"
"What, I'd never-"
"Did you get Jane in trouble somehow-"
"No, that one time was an acid-"
"Oh God, is Lydia pregnant? Oh God, do you think that I'm pregnant, because I really just like chocolate muffins-"
"I just wanted to do something nice!"
"Oh. Um, sorry."
"Thanks for doubting me."
She giggled a little then, Will couldn't do sarcasm to save his life.
Three years ago Lizzy didn't giggle. She was only now becoming silly, and the irony wasn't lost.
"Well this is all very delicious, but I'd like it a lot better if you were here. When do you get home?"
"An hour, I want to take you out tonight."
"The last time you said that I had to put up with Caroline being Icelandic."
"Just me and you."
And then she hung up.
Elizabeth Bennet had had a fantastic day.
Jane Bennet was trying to study for her law class. And by trying, I mean she was looking covertly across the café at the cute boy who she recognized as being in her class. She imagined he looked like a like scary and castawayesque version of Sayid from Lost. And then looking back at her textbook which was not as attractive.
Her odds of approaching the boy got a lot smaller after Big, Blonde, and Beautiful began blasting loudly. Her face turning an appealing red she picked up her phone.
"Lizzy, I told you, stop changing my ringtone."
"Ah Janey, I don't really think you're very big. And you used to love Hairspray, remember?"
"Not since Zac Efron ruined it some years back. Why are you so perky anyways?"
"My boyfriend is taking me out."
"You two are so lovey dovey. It sickens me."
"Psh, you're just jealous because I've got a plate of chicken alfredo," she paused for emphasis, "from Costco."
"Damnit, I am jealous now. Anyways, what do you really want besides to make me sad?"
"How fancy?"
"Unmentioned. I never know with Will."
"Sexy underwear, jeans, and that pretty blouse of yours with the ruffles."
"I knew I was related to you for a reason. Now go study."
"Let me know how it goes."
Disconnecting the line Jane was rather disconcerted to find cute boy not across the café but rather across the table.
"Sexy underwear? And to think I was only going to ask for help on number 12."
"'In exchange for help with number nine and I won't even nag about eavesdropping."
"An excellent deal."
Armaan Oveisi had been seriously rethinking his plan of action when the incredibly beautiful girl in front of him had started to talk about underwear. Sexy underwear. She clearly had not noticed his appearance.
He had only just managed to compose himself by the time shut the phone.
And besides, he had been working up the courage to approach Jane for a few weeks now, and he couldn't just let go of the nerve.
By the time the studying was done and he had convinced her to let him buy her a drink (albeit a hot chocolate) Armaan walked away with his crush's number, a meeting time for their next study date (all her phrasing), and a better grasp of contract law. It had been an amazing evening.
Will Darcy was very thankful that he had such a kick-ass girlfriend. After helping himself to some of the demolished dinner he had gotten her and changing into jeans (which earned him an "Aww, you just wanna be twinsies!") they were now racing cars against each other on an otherwise deserted track. As Lizzy won for the third time in the row (the twelve year old boys that mostly populated the arcade kept snickering) he kissed her to shut her up and suggested they move onto other games.
Which they did, and Lizzy's line of tickets soon became significantly longer than his. By the time they stopped at the prize counter she was teasing him severely.
"Want me to buy you something pretty darling?"
"That last game was so rigged."
"I'll take that, ohh, and that, and that for sure. Cherry?"
Will glared, which caused the teenager at the counter to take Lizzy's side.
"Sir, you can only afford this box of junior mints."
Will nodded, brightening considerably when Lizzy whispered about how good he'd taste now into his ear. Causing the attendant to blush before handing over their goods quickly.
Hand in hand they wandered out of the noisy arcade and Lizzy led him over to a bench at the park. It was pretty tonight, and the park was all green and brick, Boston gave her such a romantic feeling.
She fumbled through her bag, before finding what she wanted.
"Sit! And close your eyes."
"I'm not your dog."
But he obeyed.
"Okay, now open. William Darcy, you make me incredibly fucking happy, and I would like it to stay that way. Marry me?"
In her hand was a very large ring pop. Cherry, Will's favorite.
"And if you reject me right now, you won't get to see my hot underwear tonight. Just so you know."
Will was still speechless, and Lizzy became a little more concerned.
"Listen, I know I don't have an actual ring, but I didn't think you would want to wear any bling, but I really am sincere. Will?"
Her spontaneous proposal had been done in seriousness. But now she was starting to worry, she hadn't meant to insult Will's manliness or anything of the sort. She had simply changed her mind since a year ago. It had seemed like such a good plan three minutes ago.
"Will? I need you to talk to me, because I kind of just put myself out there."
A pause, where Will was just staring.
"Will you really need to say something."
And then he pulled out his own ring, which she had to admit put hers to shame. She hadn't let him get it out the year before, and was now a little stunned herself. It only took her a second to find her voice.
"Yes, of course yes, yes!"
And then he kissed her while slipping the ring onto her finger, and the ring pop lay forgotten on the ground.
It had been a very good day, and they hadn't even gotten to the sexy underwear part of the evening.
Lizzy abruptly broke off the kiss, and Will looked a little dismal before realizing just how cold it was. But that was not the cause as his fiancée, he relished the word, was screaming into the phone.
"JANE! I'm engaged."
"How'd he propose? Damn I choose good outfits."
"No, I proposed, and like, three seconds ago in a park. I love you."
"Call me when you stop having sex enough to take time for your favorite sister."
Turning to Will she muttered an apology before reaching up to kiss him.
"Lets go home?"
When her husband came home Charlotte was lying on their bed sobbing. Her figure curled into a ball and her eyes more red than he had ever seen, even after their wedding when she said they were tears of joy.
"My love, what is the matter?"
"Don't be civil, and don't call me your love. You don't love me, you have never loved anyone except where it has done you good. I thought, I thought I could be happy."
"You are happy my darling of the sun."
Charlotte sat up then, and the paleness of her skin and the hair that she had died blond to appease him made her look all the more sickly.
"Do I look happy? I've married a fool with a trust fund. Jane is happier to me, even alone and trying to make it in a hard place. Maria is happier than me sleeping with ten guys a month and not caring a bit for any of them. My mother is happier, working hard to make ends meet but coming home to the man she loves. And Lizzy just got her fucking fairytale ending. So don't tell me I'm happy."
"Don't be so damn unreasonable, otherwise I shall cut your allowance. Now, I am rather tired and it is quite time for bed."
"I'm leaving you. I'll work as a waitress, I may not be pretty, I may not be brilliant, but surely even I deserve a second chance. Surely even I."
Lydia Bennet was not sure where she was. Somewhere smoky and that last drink had gotten her maybe a bit too smashed. Now that she was eighteen (though just barely) she was going to make it as an actress. She was determined. Bought a plane ticket with the money that her parents had given her for Hanukkah and arrived in LA a scant three days ago. Already she had made a friend with whose place to crash and had seen more boys than auditions.
The acting could wait, there was a very nice looking over there. And surely, if he was that old he could be a little rich as well.
On Sunday, Elizabeth divided the paper between comics and news, keeping the later to herself and giving the former to her fiancée, knowing he secretly enjoyed them.
"When do you want to get married?"
"Hadn't really thought of it. You just looked so good I had to propose."
"Do you want a big wedding?"
"Ah, look at you, reserving gender roles. But no, can you imagine what my mother would do? I mainly just want Jane there. You?"
"I just want you there. I was thinking we could do it soon."
"How soon, because I wasn't joking about not being knocked up. Speaking of which, I don't want children till twenty-eight at least. At least."
"I know that. And I was thinking two hours?"
"For what?"
"Our wedding. Jane is bringing over a lovely white dress, and city hall is open. I figured since you surprised me with a proposal, I could surprise you with a wedding."
"My Dad?"
"In a lovely hotel down the street?"
"My Mom?"
"Promised to keep quiet and there won't be a reception or anything. George is in the city too, and Charlie of course, I forget to let his sister know."
"Sounds lovely."
Then the door opened and Jane walked in with a garment bag. She was grinning wider than Lizzy had seen her do in a long time.
"I promise to do your make-up subtly."
"Good, because that first night Will thought I was a whore after you did it."
"I thought no such thing. I merely felt obligated to repress my feelings of appreciation at your beauty."
Rolling her eyes Jane started to get set up. Their bickering was adorable and more sickening than the lovey dovey stuff. Shooing him out gracefully, "We'll see you in two hours at city hall."
"I can't wait."
AN: So thanks for reading this story. It was pretty bad, especially with all my POV and style changes, making it hardly coherent. I really just wanted to write a story where Will and Lizzy had a relationship that made sense in a thoroughly modern context and Jane learned to be her own person. A lot of you are Charlie fans, so I apologize, but I wanted a character to really develop.
That being said, this story has been an excellent stress reliever/break for me. For those of your who still like me enough to read anything else, I've been thinking of doing a modernization of Lady Susan (probably the funniest of the seven Austen novels in my opinion), but that book is so short the story would be even shorter than this. Other than that, I wish you all well.
As post-script, Piz is so much better than Logan. Just saying.