Aerith curled into a small ball, hugging her knees to her chest, shivering in the cold and in shame.

Across the room, a lithe figure rose to his feet, slowly pulling back on discarded clothing. His movements were careless, unstudied but fluid nonetheless. In truth, the movements were as graceful and as natural as the cat he was often compared to.

But Aerith knew he was no cat. Unless his hands had transformed to claws, which meant she would bear proof on his carelessness on the outside of her body, as well as knowing that his feelings were less than nothing.

She meant nothing to him-- she was merely another conquest in his long list of people he had wooed, used, and discarded.

Tears welled in her soft eyes. She'd been a fool to think that she could ever mean anything to him.

She could feel her heart breaking.

His soulless eyes turned back to her still form, and she held herself completely immobile.

"Get up. Get dressed."

The harsh tone was like salt in the wound of her heart. She'd known when she'd given herself to him that he was only using her. And she'd been foolish enough to think that she could change it.

But she couldn't change anything.

Suddenly afraid, she jumped to her feet and struggled to pull her dress back on. Her fingers shook, and tears blurred her vision.

All the while, he simply watched her.

When the last zipper was fastened, he turned his back on her, and motioned with one hand.

She followed him outside, into the cool morning air, and silently watched as he walked away, into the rising sun.

Then, suddenly, she cried out, breaking the silence.

"Will I ever see you again?"

His form paused for a moment, then he shook his copper head.

"No, I thought not."

Genesis paused as her soft words rang in his ears. He closed his eyes, searching, then opened them into a new morning as the truth dawned like the day.

Her time was up. She would die, and he would yet again be without the woman he loved.