Beware! For the story that your about to read will be full of excitement and wonders and action (at least it might be, this IS my first fanfiction). So please read and review!!

In the City of Station Square, 2312, somewhere downtown in the streets, were two boys using Extreme Gear, one was a 16 year old with blue hair, who was wearing a pair of green goggles along with red sneakers, dark blue jeans, and a blue shirt, while the other one seemed to be a 11 year old with orange hair, who was wearing a pair of blue goggles with a yellow shirt, along with a pair of orange shorts, and also wore red sneakers.

And it also seemed that the boys were in quite a hurry for something very important. They zipped past the people who were crossing the streets, dodging any car they saw. That was until a cop was sitting on his hoverbike, just sitting, waiting for someone to start speeding, until he saw the boys, so he turned on his little sirin and drove up to catch them.

"Uh-oh, Sean I think we'd better pull over" said the boy.

"What? No way! We're almost there, Tyson!" said Sean.

"Pull over now!" said the cop.

But they just kept going on, until they saw a fruit stand get in the way.

"Uh...lets pull over" said Sean.

So Sean and Tyler tried to stop, but it was too late. They crashed into the cart and both flew right off their boards all the way into a parking lot. They both made a pretty smooth landing but unfortunatley, the cop crashed into the cart as well, sending him off his bike, flying into the air until he landed on top of the two. (Ouch!)

"Ungh..." the officer said until he caught sense again. "Aha! I've got you two now, oh just wait till I call your--wait a minute" the officer said while taking a closer look at the boys. "Sean, Tyson?" the officer asked confused while getting off of the two.

"Uh, yeah?" Sean said, when he looked at who their "captor" was. "Uncle Chuck?" Sean said as the man was wearing a blue suit (obviously), and also wore red shoes but had a familiar grey mustache.

"Don't tell me you forgot to set your alarm again did you?" Uncle Chuck asked Sean.

"Well, you know me, never a dull moment" Sean joked.

"Well then, I won't give you boys a slip then" Uncle Chuck said.

"Oh thank you Uncle Chuck" said Tyson.

The three laughed a little until they eard a ring.

"Oh no!!" yelled Sean.

"We're late again!!" yelled Tyson also.

"Well you two fellers have a nice day at school" Uncle Chuck chuckled (sounds weird) and picked up his bike and drove off, leaving the boys pick up their boards and running like crazy to the doors.

It was lunch when Sean and Tyson got back from their classes (first class didnt go so well for Sean), as they walked to their favourite table.

There were a few people who were sitting at their table, one was a 17 year old boy with red long hair, wore a white sleevless shirt, along with black pants , and red and green shoes, while the other person next to them was a 14 year old girl with pink hair that wore a red headband, with pair of matching boots and a matching skirt along with a matching shirt.

"Hey Kyle" said Sean as he sat down with his friends.

"Yo Sean" Kyle said as they both hit their fists together.

"Hi Amy" Tyson said as Amy was staring into space as usual, whenever she saw Sean.

"Oh Sean! I was so worried about you this morning! Where were you?!" yelled Amy.

"Uh...nice to meet you too, Amy" said Sean as he did an anime sweat drop.

"Forgot to set your alarm clock again didn't you?" Kyle said while drinking a Red Bull.

"Uh...I may have--" Sean said until he was interupted by Tyson.

"--You have NO idea" Tyson said while eating a tuna sandwich.

"Ok, I'll admit, I forgot to set my alarm and I also forgot to wake Tyson up." said Sean, until he got a glare from Amy. "And I may have made us miss the bus...again" said Sean while Amy was a little angry, which made him back away real slowley.

That was until he bumped into someone behind him. When he turned around, he saw an 18 year old guy with black, spiky hair, with red highlights, wore a black Leather jacket along with black jeans with white shoes. Sean knew exactly who this guy was.

"Samson" Sean said, which made the guy real angry.

"I told you not to call me that!" he yelled furiously. "My name is Shadow, remember that!" he said as he pushed Sean down at the table,leaving him a little scared and left.

"Man that guy scares me no matter what" Sean said while getting up

"Trust me that's someone you do not wanna mess with" said Kyle.

"Well someday I might one day help him out somehow, and then maybe just maybe, he'll be a little nicer" said Sean.

Meanwhile somewhere far off on the mountain near Station Square, everything seemed a little peaceful until a wind started to pick up. It started to grow more stronger until a dark cloud surrounded the mountain, causing a purple tornado to appear from the dark cloud and smash it against the mountaintop.

The tornado disapeared, leaving a huge crater on the mountain. But inside the crater was a base of some sort, revealing a sinister shadow looking through the window, having a small chuckle.

"Looks like taking over this world will be easy, without that menacing hedgehog" said the man. "With the 11 crystals I posses, I'll be able to make an army of unstoppable machines!" the man said as he started to laugh, until he looked at the canister that held the crystals, only to see them empty!

What??!! screamed the insane man.

"How can this be??" said the man as he looked around and found none of the crystals. "Grr...they must have landed in the city somewhere" he said. "Initiate HammerFist!!" the man said as he pressed a button, releasing a door coming from just outside the base, out the door came a big blue robot with giant hammers for fists. The robot suddenly took off and flew towards the unsuspecting cititzens.

"I'll find those crystals, for I, Dr. Eggman shall take over this city and rebuild it in my image" he said as he laughed insanely.

Little did he know that the nearest crystal was flying through the air until it landed near the school where Sean and the others go to!

Who is this Dr. Eggman and what are these "11 crystals" he speaks of? And what will happen when the robot reaches the school? Find out, next time on The New Sonic Heroes!!! (please rate and comment)