Hey guys, so I know this is late, about a day late, but I'm sick again and I had a basketball game on Monday and today and a practice yesterday. I promise you I will try to update sooner. Also, I had three people guess that the person who was speaking in the sneak peak was Carlisle. I will tell you that that guess is close but wrong. Read to find the answer.
This time I dedicate this to... EVERYONE! I can't pick just one:).
Dream On
Chapter 7
As I made my way down the stairs Edward's gaze captured mine immediately. He smile his sweet, loving smile and in that moment I knew I was ready. Ready for marriage, ready for family, and, most of all, ready to spend the rest of eternity with the one I loved so much, the one sitting in the bright ivory loveseat, his hand stretched ou towards me, awaiting the time I would place my hand in his again. I smiled my own devoted grin.
I walked eagerly to the man I'd missed so much. I grasped his hand in mine and sat with him in the small but comfortable love seat.
"You look beyond beautiful" Edward spoke softly in my ear.
I dropped my head in embrassment as Emmet let a loud goofaw slip through his teeth. "Thanks." I murmured.
"You really are very pretty as an immortal." Rosalie let the words slip through her tightly seald lips. I could tell they burned her, she wasn't used to being nice to me. "Not that you weren't pretty before." she clarified.
I giggled and took her hand in mine. "Thank you. And... I understand... w-what you mean."
Edward's arm wrapped around my waist tightly. I placed my hand on his.
"Bella, I'm so happy you can be with Edward again." Esme chided. "And this time, because you're immortal aswell, you two can get married and, Bella, you could join our family again."
I stiffened.
Edward, feeling my stiffness, chuckled softly. "Esme, calm down. It's been less than a day. We haven't spoken about anything."
I giggled uncomfortably while Edward tightened his grip on my waist. "Thank you." I breathed, just loud enough for him to hear.
While the night continued I grew quieter and quieter. I was waiting for the moment in which Edward would bring me someplace quiet and remote where we could finally talk.
Suddenly Edward nodded at Carlisle's unspoken question.
"Go ahead then." Carlisle nodded towards the stairs.
"Thank you." I was very confused by this nearly silent exchange until Edward pulld me to my feet. He rushed me to the stairs before carefully sweeping me off my feet and ran up the stairs.
I raised an eyebrow at my love who simple smiled and placed me on the black leather couch.
"We've been sitting downstairs for hours and you've been silent for the most part." He sat down next to me. "Carlisle suggested we take a break. After all, we've barely even spoken since gym today. Ithought we could... catch up?" He chuckled.
"Edward... I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about my years in... darkness. I'm not ready to remember the pain of my transformation,"--I winced--"or when I... when I jumped... and...and a-almost died. I'm deffinitely not ready to think of the pain I caused Jacob." I started dry sobbing.
"Bella? Bella, it's alright! You don't need to tell me anything. I'll do the talking and when you are ready to speak, I would like to know who this Jacob person is." I noticed that he sneered Jake's name.
I giggled. "Alright, talk. What did you do while you were... away?"
"I... well, i was tracking... Victoria."
I frew in a deep breath. "You... Victoria?!"
He pulled me into a tight embrace. I rested my head on his chest so I could listen to his calm, steady breathing.
"Yes, I wasn't very good at it." He took a deep breath. "I caught up to her in the sout. I believe she was planning on making a newborn army in order to get to you. I managed to take care of her before she could return here again."
"She was..." I wasn't sure how to place my words. "Laurent, he came found me for Victoria. He hadn't hunted in awhile and he was... Well he would've killed me if it weren't for the... wolves."
"Laurent?" He growled.
All I could do was nod.
"Wait, wolves? What wolves?" He seemed wary now.
"Well... do you remember Jacob Black?"
He stiffened. "Yes."
"He's a... werewolf. Well, at least, he was. I'm not sure if he's still alive." I cringed. mentally at the thought of Jake. Surely he would have heard my screams as I fell towards the water. "He was a part of a pack of wolved. They all saved me from Laurent just seconds before he would have killed me."
"I'm so sorry. I should have never left you." He turned me around so that he could see my eyes. "I love you. I promise to never leave you again." He pledged.
"I love you too." I lifted myself slightly to press my lips to his.
I was like our fist kiss. It had been a century since he last kissed me and even then, it was nothing like this.
There were no cautious lines now. Edward didn't have to worry about his venom or strength, he could just push my lips apart if he felt like it, like he did now.
I let my toungue dance around with his before I moved my hands to his chest, using his shirt to keep my glued to him.
"Bella..." he mumured against my lips. "There are stull people downstairs and, as much as I want to keep going, I'm sure they can herre us." He pulled himself away from my lips.
I felt a surge of rejection shoot throuhg my body. I wouldn't allow him to push me away from him. I need him. I pulled on his shirt again until I was right up against him, we were nearly one person.
He chuckled. "Heather and Cole want to know if you;ll be going home with them. They're debating whether or not they should come upstairs." He whispered. "You can stay, if you like."
"Of course I want to stay!" I said.
"I think they heard you. They're on their way out." He pulled me tighter to his chest.
"I have a question."
"Ask away." He rubbed my bare arm.
"You asked me to move on, right?" I asked.
"Yes." He nodded, his right eyebrow raising slightly.
"Well, did you.. move on?: Did you find someone else to love? Or even, did you find a friend of any kind?" I questioned.
Edward closed his eyes. It looked as if he was afraid to tell me.
"You did, didn't you?" i was nervous now, afraid even.
"Well... " It seemed as thought he was just as afraid as I was. "Rosalie thought I was being stupid and selfish. She thought I needed to find another love and get over you--I was little anti-social. Anyways, she dounf a nomand and told her to come live with us. I won't get too into it, but let's just say Amanda showed... some interest towards me." He studied my face carefully. "I didn't love her Bella. When she found out she left. I'll probably never see her again."
I relaxed a little bit. "That's good to know."
"What about you? You said Jacob was pained when you... died?... Was this the result of... love?" His face fell.
I used my index finger to pull his frown into a smile. "We were just friends. I have always and always will love only one person. I promise you."
He laughed and sighed, falling further onto the couch. "I love you too." He breathed, kissing my forehead.
"Oh, I wasn't talkin about you. I meant Emmett. Sorry for the confusion." I joked. When I noticed the worried crease form in his forehead. I quickly corrected myself. "I'm only joking. And with that, we shared another very passionate kiss.
Alright, so that's all for now. Let me know what you think. I don't have a sneak peak this week yet sorry.