Cause and Effect
By: Setsuna-X

Summary: When something happens in your life, are the events that follow really the right ones? Would you be able to forgive that which had hurt you?
Any references to any of the Phoenix Wright games and characters are merely for fun and I am receiving no royalty for this. This is just for fan-base fun and not to be taken seriously.
Spoilers for:
Games 1 & 2. References (but change of events since I have not finished this trial yet) for trial 4 in Game 2.

Chapter 2 – A Possible Outcome

Upon reaching his destination, Phoenix lost all the composure he had managed to regain. His shoulders slumped once more as he stared himself in the mirror. He could not believe the nerve of Edgeworth to simply show up after disappearing like that. Not even a call or a letter to know if the man was alive or well or anything. Phoenix had even thought for a few weeks that the man really had died…had taken his own life over the grief of how he had grown up.

The shock of finding out that the man he looked up to as a mentor was the very man who held him down with the guilt of supposedly killing his own father. And then to drastically come to the conclusion, in a trial no less, that very mentor that molded him and made him who he thought he was, well, that he was the very man who murdered his father and who did not second think about hiding the very thing from him, making him believe that he murdered his own kin.

Phoenix was able to recall his own feelings during that time. The hopelessness, the regret, the thought of 'if only I had done something!'. But the nerve of Edgeworth to just show up like he did. No apologies, no phone call saying 'Hey! I'm back! That note was a total lie!' No, of course not. Phoenix could feel his anger boiling over; the fear coming back and hitting him harder than when he had found that note. He clutched against the tiled wall, hoping to gain some stability from something solid.

It was so unfair of the man to incite all these emotions right before a very big and important trial. Maya's very life was on the line! He didn't have time for this. Phoenix could no longer take the weight of his emotions as he resorted to letting out his frustrations physically. He punched the blue-tiled wall repeatedly, grunting at the effort. He couldn't really feel the pain on his knuckles as he continued to punch. The outermost skin on his hand ripped away from the friction and force he had exerted. Parts of his hand were left red and bloody, the crimson droplets dribbling down his hand.

Phoenix realized that he was going to be late for the trial. Quickly he composed and gathered himself, pushing back all those feelings still swimming within him. He ran his bloodied right hand under cold water and wiped away the excess blood on a paper towel. Noticing that the bleeding had not completely stopped he took out his handkerchief from his pocket and tied it as tight as he could over his bloodied knuckles. Regardless of the extra enforcement, the cuts on his hand were still fresh and deep, letting little droplets escape and seep into the white cloth. Knowing that was the best he could do on such a short time, Phoenix walked out of the men's room and made his way to the courtroom doors. Edgeworth was still standing there, looking a little lost. It seemed that the man was lost in thought.

Phoenix didn't even spare the prosecutor a glance as he opened the doors and walked inside.

March 22, 9:45 AM
District Court
Courtroom No. 3

The courtroom was packed with people. The usual podium that once held Maya as his back-up support seemed dismally empty. He knew that Pearls, Will Powers and Lotta were watching him, hopefully cheering him on. Things seemed so bleak, but he promised that he was going to set Matt Engarde free in order to save Maya. His client had promised him that he was not guilty and the magatama hadn't proved that the man was lying to him. The only thing he could do now was prove his client innocent and find the real perpetrator.

Entering into the courtroom he was met with many stares. Phoenix did his best to calm down and think. He had all the clues, he figured out the motive, now all he had to do was piece it all together and be able to tear down the witnesses testimonies in case they decided to hide anything. He could see Von Karma standing across from him, that hazardous whip gripped in her feminine hands. One would think that after a while she would gain hands covered in calluses. Maybe they were and the gloves hid them well… Phoenix shook his head. This was not the time to be distracted by petty observations.

The judge spared him a glance and Phoenix wondered if it was worry he saw in the man's eyes. After reaching his place, Phoenix placed his briefcase down and noticed why the judge had given him such a queer look. It seemed as if the cloth was not holding up as well as he thought it would. The material, while not completely soaked, was stained in various places with his blood. He figured he could ignore it for the rest of the trial if the judge didn't mention anything about it. He could feel the judge's eyes on him. Phoenix turned his own blue eyes upon the judge. Hearing the silent question, Phoenix replied.

"The Defense is ready, Your Honor."

Miles was hurt and a little confused at what had just happened. One minute he was talking and teasing Wright like he usually did and then all of a sudden the man became so stiff. His face looked angry and conflicted and then he had simply walked away, without a single word uttered. Miles didn't know what to think. He couldn't remember a time when Wright was ever angry or that upset. It made something in his stomach twist horribly, knowing that part of the reason was because of him. Was it his sudden disappearance then reappearance that triggered that foreign emotion to filter onto the blue-suited lawyer's face?

When Wright reappeared Miles was ready to have a few words with the other attorney, wanting to get to the bottom of what was bothering the other man. But the black haired man simply opened the courtroom doors and slipped inside, not even acknowledging the fact that he had been waiting for him. With a slight huff Miles made his way to the audience portion of the courtroom, ready to see how this trial went.

Miles could hear people murmuring around him. Wondering what all this talk was about he listened intently.

'Did you see his hand?'

'What do you think he did to it?'

'Maybe it was a fist fight?'

'Do lawyers even know how to fight?'

Miles was confused. What were they talking about? His hand? His silver eyes strayed over to Wright's hand, watching the man as he gathered his evidence. That's when he saw it—a brief flash of red.

'Red?' thought Miles to himself. 'How in the world did Wright get a wound on his hand? Miles couldn't hide his worry from himself anymore. Things certainly weren't okay with Wright. The man hadn't seemed like himself at all. There were no roguish grins, nervous gestures, or kind smiles. All he saw was a man so melancholy and sad. It did not fit Wright's character at all. Yet no matter how much he thought about this there was nothing he could really do about it. Von Karma was his opponent and all Miles could do was just sit there and watch.


First of all, I want to thank everyone who read/reviewed/alerted/favorited this story. It really means a lot to me since this is my first Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney fic.

Review Replies:

Koorime Shinigami – don't worry about it. I'm new to this fandom too. I'm glad you liked the first chapter.
tails doll curse –
well, thank you then; I'm honored. I hope to get things moving along more in the next chapter.

Updated: February 04, 2009
Last Updated: January 08, 2009