Cause and Effect
By: Setsuna-X

Summary: When something happens in your life, are the events that follow really the right ones? Would you be able to forgive that which had hurt you?
Any references to any of the Phoenix Wright games and characters are merely for fun and I am receiving no royalty for this. This is just for fan-base fun and not to be taken seriously.
Spoilers for:
Games 1 & 2. References (but change of events since I have not finished this episode yet) for episode 4 in Game 2.

March 20, 8:20 PM

Gatewater Hotel
Lobby Entrance

"H-hello? Who is this?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. Are you Phoenix Wright, the attorney?"


"I have a proposition for you."



"Now that you know my half of the bargain, your half is to get a full acquittal of Matt Engarde in the trial two days from now."

"Help me Nick!!!"

"Maya! Fine, I understand, but you expect me to get his case solved in one day?"

"I'm sure you have enough motivation to do so. I guess this is where the cliché line: 'And no cops' comes into effect. Farewell Mr. Phoenix Wright."

"Please, Nick! Help m---!"

"Maya?! MAYA!!!"

March 21, 7:35 PM
Gatewater Hotel
Matt Engarde's Suite

'I really hope this is the clue I need for this case. It's all slowly coming together. Andrews and Inpax really are at the heart of this matter aren't they?' thought Phoenix to himself as he surveyed the room one more time. Pearls was at his side, looking at him with confusion in her eyes. Even the sequence of events was hard for him to follow, let alone for someone like Pearls who didn't even know what a train was.

"Mr. Nick, do you think we will be able to save Mystic Maya now?" she asked in a small voice, shaking slightly.

"I-I think so, Pearls. At least, I really really hope so. Come on, lets go back to the office and get all this evidence sorted out."

"Okay Mr. Nick!" Pearls chirped, happy for at least some reassurance.

March 22, 9:35 AM
District Court
Courtroom 3

Pearl had already entered the courtroom with Lotta Hart and Will Powers, putting her full trust into Mr. Nick. There was no way he could lose this trial. Phoenix himself was standing outside the courtroom doors waiting until 9:45 am when the court would then be in session. He was worried for Maya. It had already been 2 days since she was kidnapped and since then he hadn't been contacted by 'De Killer'. He wondered if she was being fed right (the girl needed at least a dozen hamburgers to survive a day) and if she was unharmed. Knowing Maya, she had probably tried a million different ways to try and escape, but it was pointless. Now everything relied on this case, on this day, in the next ten minutes.

"Why so stiff Wright?" said a snarky voice, one that didn't belong.

Phoenix felt his head lift as if it was made of lead. The movement was slow and he could feel gravity pulling him back down, but he forced his own face upwards, staring at the man he thought no longer existed. Words died on his throat. He had thought over and over what he would finally say to him once he saw him again, but nothing was as if he envisioned it. This was no time for games or silly taunts. Maya's very life was in danger, by a man who calls himself 'De Killer' no less.

His blue eyes met that of silver mercury, the same eyes that had haunted him for months until he was able to push him out of his mind. He could feel his own eyes tearing up at the sight. This man was not supposed to exist for him anymore, he was not suppose to be here, in front of him, for a trial he felt was one of his most important ones yet.

"Don't tell me you're actually nervous, Wright," taunted Miles Edgeworth as he stared at his rival. He didn't know what to expect when he saw Wright again, but it wasn't this sorry excuse for a man. Wright's shoulders were slumped, as if defeated already, those ocean blue eyes were swimming with emotion and he hadn't spoken a single word.

As if a switch went on inside his head, Phoenix composed himself. His back straightened and his shoulders lifted. His eyes lost that soft mistiness that once filled them and he glared coldly at Edgeworth. Cold steel entered his gaze as he stared at the Prosecutor in front of him. Edgeworth wasn't even leading this case, so why was he here? He knew that his opponent was going to be Von Karma again; her and that whip were a hard thing to forget. So then, why was this man here? The usual magenta suit and white cravat were as pristine as always and the face wore that same mask of mightiness and arrogance. This wasn't the man he had started to get to know. It felt as if the ice was back.

Miles was confused and concerned over Wright's complete 180. The man looked like defeat had come early just moments before, and now something like cold fury invaded the man's very posture and those once soft blue eyes became piercing diamonds as they stared him down. Miles could feel his own attitude seeping away slowly, unsure at what to say in this sort of situation. Wright hadn't uttered a single word and it was making him uncomfortable. Where was that goofy grin he was so accustomed to? The charming way Wright looked even when nervous or unsure of himself? No, this was someone Miles hadn't ever met. The man looked truly angry, but so sad at the same time that it made it nearly impossible to figure out what the man was thinking.

Phoenix couldn't stand this staring contest anymore. He could feel his anger pushing at him slowly, ebbing him on. He knew that if he stayed here a moment longer he would end up doing something he truly regretted. So with that resolve and thought in mind he steeled his shoulders, glared piercingly into Edgeworth's softening grey eyes and turned sharply, needing a reprieve before the trial which he was sure would be starting in a few minutes. He made his way over to the men's restroom, careful to not look back, completely missing Miles' concerned face.


A/N: First time writing for Phoenix Wright, so constructive critism is accepted and appreciated. I hope to type up the rest of this story soon, so bear with me. Thanks for reading!