Pairing:Draco X Harry
Rating:18+ A/C {Humor/Fluff/Mild Angst}

Title: Summer With The Dursleys:

Runner up in: OrangeWillow's Fanfiction and Set Contest April 2008

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter, plots, props, elf or hobbits *oops wrong fiction* any who, this story is for entertainment purposes only, as J.K. Rowling deserves the entire accolades :D I don't make any profit from this work.

Summary: After the fiasco with the Goblet of fire, Draco Malfoy comes up with a plan to get close to Harry Potter and relay information back to the dark side. At least that is the story he uses to convince his father. Actually, Draco has other reasons to be with Potter or muggles and wizards alike will not survive.

A.N. Ok I made this a little darker than the contest entry, the basic structure is still intact, but the motives are switched, I just love a blond topping hehe, thanks for reading. This is my selfish fiction, I would love comments, I suppose even poor ones are fine, just so I know what I am doing wrong. *Note to self add all negative comments to stalker thread.* Go ahead review me. :D

Chapter 1 Turn of Events

Staring into his ornate fireplace, that encompassed one full wall of his study Lucius considered his son's proposal. He has made calculating moves to secure Draco a position within the Dark Lord's inner circle. All the men in the Dark Lords inner circle are 'untouchables' meaning they were the men who never failed to complete an assignment, were revered by other Death Eaters as Captains among soldiers and most importantly had the additional benefit of assigning less desirable task to lower ranking members. That authority a double edge sword because assigning a task to someone who fails would certainly earn the captain a punishment from the Dark Lord, although not as severe a punishment as the failure.

Turning away from the hearth, he gazed up at a family tree, covering a twenty-foot span of wall dating back to the middle ages. The names of the Malfoy legacy stretch through the decades all pure bloods, with connecting lines drawn for their marriages to other elite families and their resultant offspring. Malfoy is a proud name in the wizarding world and he as the last senior male had an obligation to ensure his family name doses not become tarnished. Securing Draco a ranking level among the Death Eaters would guarantee their family a prosperous future.

Draco needed to be a leader, not a flunky taking orders from some low level Death Eater. Several of whom are envious of Lucius and Snape's positions; and would be eager to assign his son something that would likely get him killed. Lucius lips curled in a calculating smile, his son is quick witted and understood now is the time to choose sides, and death awaits those that linger. Draco has a brilliant plan placing him in a unique position, and ideally, he would be able to provide the dark side invaluable information about that filthy half-blood Harry Potter.

Lucius turned to face his son at last a fond, smile on his handsome face, walking regally back to his desk, taking his seat slowly. "Well, I have considered this carefully, and I have decided this is a unique opportunity." Folding his hands in front of his chest his cold grey eyes bore dangerously into the smirking teen. "There is no room for failure, Draco do not forget whom you serve." The mirror image of his younger self tilted his head in agreement, as the smirk reverted to an evil leer.

"I am a Malfoy after all failure of course is not an option. By the way father how soon shall I leave?"

Lucius looked back at their family tree, a self-satisfying smile on his face. 'This time Severus I will out shine you, be content in your comfy position as Dumbledores' lap dog, we will hand over his favorite pet.' "Well we will need to look into how quickly we can get you started." He smiles again; 'this time Potter would die.'


Draco left the study his long black coat billowing behind; he took the long spiraling staircase two and three at a time heading directly to his bedroom. Shutting the door and locking it, he pulled out an antique pocket watch the innumerable hands pointing at different dates, number and swirling constellations. The Slytherin's ash grey eyes hardened momentarily, then whipping out his wand directing it at the watch, the miniscule hands began to move in opposite direction, under the silent incantation.

His immaculate bedroom swirled all the colors blending in one muddy winding blur. Draco took a deep breath as the room stopped, as if he had been holding it for a long time, he leaned forward gasping from a raised platform.

"Draco what happen?" His former Transfiguration professor asked the elderly witch quickly help the blond wizard down with a wave of her hand.

The blond shook her off quickly heading toward the conjoined area that led to an office where most of the members of DA were waiting. McGonagall, followed in his wake, all the while Draco glanced at his watch, he spared one glance at his other self, sitting blankly behind a glass eyes vacant. Goyle nodded at his post guarding the Draco Malfoy of the past.

The senior Malfoy heir step in the room glaring at them all, seated at a round table, it seemed some were missing he dared not ask not now there was little time as it is. They all cast attentive looks in his direction, murmuring ceased.

"I have convinced him so we will not need to replace him at this time." Draco spoke from the head of the table glancing at the porcelain time turner again. "I have no time to spare everything is in place, I hope when we meet again we will not know this time." He nodded curtly and spun on his heel, only to have a firm voice speak. That one who may care for Harry as much as he did, if anyone could come close it was Sirius Black.

"Draco, please save him." The tall lean male with graying hair and gentle eyes stood leaning across the vast table, littered with scrolls, maps quills and various wizarding boxes and robes splayed before him.

The blond Slytherin paused eyeing the dark eyes of Harry's Godfather. "I intend to." He left heading for the platform, turning to see McGonagall, still in his shadow. "Don't worry Minerva I will set things right. Thank Salazar we will never know this age of darkness." He put his wand to the time apparatus hearing the professor's last words as the past absorbed him.

"Come back in time to return your younger self Draco."


A.N. Reviews help, please say some small comment even if you don't like it. A why may help me do better in the future. All are welcome even if poor comments hurt us writers and good ones make us fell great! A word will help us improve and avoid the things you *the reader* do not like about the story. =3 Seems simple enough. I am way ahead of you guys, *I think* in terms of the story, a good amount has already been completed. So changing and adding stuff will be difficult, but go ahead and suggest, maybe it will be a great plot bunny. XD! Thanks for reading, and reviewing.

One more thing this is more story than anything, so if you are looking for smut, sorry not here, I am very serious about the sex in this one, so dont expect any for some time. Yes there will be Male x Male sex just not that much. Hurray for plot over sex *any fans*.