A/N: Okay, so for Christmas I got the third book of the Vampire Academy series and the Blue Blood series. Interestingly, enough I have ideas for a couple of fics on both of them. So I'm going to be swtiching between the one I'm working on for Twilight and these. Never fear, fans of Hurt Like This, the Blue Bloods fic is just going to be a one shot between Schuyler and Jack and the Vampire Academy one (this one) is just short little tidbits of a few ideas, I have for the future of the series. Most of the chapters won't be longer than a paragraph. Hurt Like This will still have nearly daily updates. So don't worry.
So like I said at the top, this is my Vampire Academy story. It's simply just a few short snippets of possible outcomes for Rose's and Dimitri relationship. Some will be very logical and stick right to the series others will be completely out of this world and nearly impossible but would add a nice little twist to the series. So this is your warning. If you have not read Shadow Kiss yet then these will have major spoils. If I were you, I'd stop reading this fic and pick up a copy of Shadow Kiss. I swear it is the best of the series so far. I can't wait to see what actually happens next.
Wow, that was the longest author's note ever. So without further ado, here is the first of my thoughts on the outcomes of the series.
I laid on Dimitri's chest with my silver stake poised under his ribcage.
It had been a long and hard year but I had finally tracked him down. The fight the insued after I confronted him had lasted a good half hour. I never would've imagined having to use everything he taught me against him. Then again, I probably would've died early on in this fight if he hadn't been my teacher.
It still broke my heart to see it had come to this. As I laid there my head was shouting, "Just do it!" but my heart was telling me I couldn't. How could I bring myself to kill the man I loved with all my heart and soul.
I knew he wouldn't be down for long. He was struggling to get up even as I fought with myself over what to do next. I didn't have much time. I knew it was either kill him or get killed by him. I knew there was no escaping him if I lost my nerve.
I thought back to the day we went to Missoula. When he told me he wanted to be killed if her was forced to become a Strigoi. I knew it was what he wanted. Yet, I still couldn't bring myself to do it. The hand holding the stack shook as he continued to his attempts to throw me off of him.
Closing my eyes, I remembered everything that we had gone through since he brought Lissa and I back to the Academy. He was my rock. He had kept me sane and whole when things just got too much for me. He never gave up on me no matter how difficult I was. There was only one way I could return the favor.
I took a deep breath and jammed the stack under his ribcage and through his heart.
A/N: Yes, I know, under normal circumstances, Dimitri would've snapped her neck if she took that much time deciding what to do. I'm playing on the fact that Rose's mind runs a little faster than a normal humans. So the things that take a normal human minutes to think about only takes her a few seconds. Therefore, it may seem like she's thinking slowly but for her kind it's fast. I hope you enjoyed this one. Just so you know these won't be connected except for the fact that they are all possible endings.