Sorry for the delay in updating. It hasn't been due to a lack of desire, but due to a lack of time.

This Ain't the Golden Years II

Chapter 3

Location: The Titans' Secret Hideout (AKA, Roy's Garage)
Date: January 2, 2059
Time: undisclosed (mid morning, just after Roy walked the dog)

Dick: Hey, where'd you get a 1937 Bugatti?

Roy: Secret.

Dick: I know you can't afford this.

Roy: I found it rusting in a junk yard. I've been fixing it up.

Dick: Really? How…

Donna: Enough! Please! I don't care about cars!

Roy: Says the woman whose sister has an invisible flying jet.

Donna: Which she never lets me fly.

Dick: Really? Not even once?

Donna: She did once, but for some reason she refuses to let me do it again.

Roy: What'd you do, almost crash it into a mountain?

Donna: Er…

Dick: You did!?

Donna: Babs and I were drag racing with the batplane and the jet, it's her fault! She plays dirty!


Dick: So how badly did Bruce and Diana almost kill you two?

Donna: You don't want to know.

Roy: Anyway…what's your big idea Grayson?

Dick: My dear friends, let us meditate on the words "Boob tube."


January 2, 2059

I'm bored. Bored. Bored. Bored.

I already put up the Christmas decorations and now I can't find anything to do. I know I'm driving Linda crazy because she's rolling her eyes and giving agitated sighs. In order not to anger my dear beloved wife, I made quick my escape.

Max can't come over and fix the computer until tomorrow. I'm having to type my journal entry at the library. My grandkids wanted to check out some books, so I'm trying to not piss off the crazy librarian that keeps giving me the evil eye.

I think her name's Rosa. Crazy Lady Rosa.

Bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored…


John Stewart's Text Message to Wally West

Wally if you text me again 2 tell me you're bored, I will personally come over there and kill you.


Wally West's Text Message to John Stewart



Wally West's Text Message to John Stewart

Hi John!


Wally West's Text Message to John Stewart

Nice boring day isn't it?


Location: Keystone City Public Library
Date: January 2, 2059
Time: 11:50am

Wally: Owwww!!!

John: Told you.

Rosa the Librarian: (Glare of Death)


Excerpt from Wally's telephone conversation with Linda Park West:
Date: January 2, 2059
Time: 12:00pm

Linda: You got kicked out of the library!?

Wally: It was John's fault; he whacked me with his cane!

Linda: Wally…

Wally: And I swear, that crazy librarian has to be a closet Kryptonian! I could practically feel a pair of laser beams coming out of her eyes!


Wally: Um…Linda? Honey?


Wally: I'm in deep trouble, aren't I?


Wally: Uh…you want to go out for dinner tonight? Roses? Candy?

Linda: It's a start.


Excerpt from Linda Park West's telephone conversation with Shayera Hol Stewart:
Date: January 2, 2059
Time: 12:00pm

Shayera: You guilt tripped Wally into taking you out to fancy restaurant?

Linda: If you force John, we can make it a double date.


Location: The Titans' Secret Hideout (AKA, Roy's Garage)
Date: January 2, 2059
Time: undisclosed (after a scrumptious lunch of grilled hamburgers)

Donna: So basically your idea is to stalk Orion, watch for an opportune moment when he uses his boom tube, and then dump bras into it?

Dick: Just imagine...Orion, arriving home on New Genesis…dozens, no…hundreds of flying bras coming out of the boom tube!

Roy: If we could do it, it would be brilliant.

Donna: The only problem is logistics.

Roy: We need superspeed for this.

Dick: Wally would be immediately suspected. Besides, I want to pull this without him.

Roy: What about one of his kids or Kara?

Dick: Hmm…I think Jonathan Kent is back…

Donna: He'd do it. Anyone have his number?

Dick: Rex should. I'll call him and get it.

Roy: What about the hundreds of bras? Not only is that expensive, it'll be suspicious if we buy that many. Even if you divide it between stores, that's a lot.

Dick: Yeah, and the two of us can't do that either. There'd be too many questions if a couple of old geezers were caught buying dozens of bras at a time.

Roy: We're old geezers?

Dick: That's what we like society to think.

Donna: Bras are cheaper in other countries than the U.S. You can buy cheaper ones in Mexico and Vietnam.


Roy: Okay Grayson, we just learned some new information today. Donna knows where to buy cheap underwear.

Dick: Donna, you're in charge of collecting the bras.

Donna: Me!?

Dick: We'll give you some money.

Donna: Hundreds?

Roy: You're a resourceful and intelligent woman, I'm sure that you can manage it.

Dick: Just keep the end result in your mind. Orion. Flying bras. New Genesis.

Donna: Fine, but I'm bringing in outside help.


Official Request to Queen Hippolyta
Date: January 2, 2059, in the reckoning of Man's World
Concerning a Cultural Excursion into Man's World

My dear Queen Mother,

It has come to my attention that our people have not adequately reached out to the women of Man's World. Specifically, our attempts at interaction have mainly been aimed at the so called first-world, industrialized countries. Third world and newly industrialized countries have been neglected, specifically in the last four decades.

It is my proposition that a small group of Amazons be sent into these countries to investigate the role of women in these societies, the evolution of these roles, as well as their place in the social and economic hierarchy.

With your blessing, I would like to lead a small group consisting of the following warriors: Artemis, Nu'Bia, Menalippe, Pallas, and Timandra.


Donna Troy, Second Princess of Themiscyra
