Disclaimer: I do not own Kim, Shego or any of the Kim Possible characters. They are owned by Disney and Mark McCorkle and Bob Schooley.

There will be a LOT of characters from other franchises. Basically, if you recognize them, you know who owns them. If you don't, chances are they are original Characters and cannot be used without permission. Some treatments remain mine. Either way, I recommend asking me first. Got it?


Chapter Two – Red Sky at Morning…

The doors to the televator, or 'traveling elevator', opened to deposit Kim and Shego in the center of the Mezzanine, right where the bridge to the Bridge connected. Various flashing and pulsing lights throughout the open pie-slice shaped area instilled a sharp sense of alertness that was almost palpable, the level of bustling activity had risen dramatically from before.

Kim strode briskly toward the tip of the command catwalk where the Officer of the Day, an older woman with copious amounts of large and bushy carroty curls sat with legs crossed. Tall too, if Shego was judging correctly. The green-skinned woman remained a pace behind and to the right of the only redhead that mattered to her. Being that she was still barely an hour in the place, the woman was not about to leave the girl's side. The holographic globe seemed centered somewhere in the middle of the North Pacific, but details of what was being focused on was obscured by an open communications window in which a familiar blond young man in the normal blue Global Justice uniform fidgeted until he caught sight of Kim from his end.

"KP!" he smiled. "About time. Sorry to interrupt show and tell time with your… girlfriend," he gave Shego a non-committal nod.

"Doofus," the green woman greeted in return.

"Shego, please! This is not the time," the redhead in charge ordered sharply as she stepped next to the woman in the centralized chair. She turned to the monitor. "Same goes for you Ron. Liaison or not, play nice."

"Liaison? I thought that was my position," Shego stated, crossing her arms on the other side of the OD.

"You are Shego. You're GJ's liaison to us," Kim spoke across the sitting woman, gesturing to the huge holographic pane floating in the space between them and the globe. "Ron is your opposite number. He's REDS' liaison to GJ."

"Hey! If I have to wear this stupid blue monkey suit, how come she's not in red?"

"Because I'm cooler than you."

"SHEGO! RON‼ Stoppit, NOW!" the teen shouted in her Kimmie-est command voice. "Ron, do you have something important to say, or is this the equivalent of pulling the fire alarm for kicks?

"Cause if it is, pranking a Level Five Alert is a serious breach of protocol."

Ron's face somehow both fell at the rebuke and twisted into a smirk. It was an interesting display of facial contortions. "Actually Commander," he started, "Since you've brought up the subject of protocols, a new one has been enacted. You're no longer to use my name on open channels.

"For reasons of security, my name is to be changed daily. Today I'm to be known as…," he looked off-screen expectantly. At the same time a line of lettering under his face appeared, each position rapidly changing like an alphabetical slot machine. One by one each place either blanked or froze until it read:

"…Totally Awesome." His face split into one of his goofiest self-satisfied grins ever.

Kim ignored the scattered moans and giggles floating all around the space, including the former villain's exasperated sigh. "You must be kidding! I'm not calling you that"

Ron simply nodded to his other side and his image was preempted by Dr Director's. "Commander. It was you that insisted we find a place for…," she managed to smooth over a pause and facial tick, "…Totally Awesome in our hierarchies. The fact is, he presented an excellent case against true names of Command Level Personnel being used on live communiques. Director out."

The boy's image was restored as commander and handler shared a brief glance. Both wondered if the one-eyed woman realized she had just called to doubt if 'Director' was, in fact, her real name. Kim turned back to her friend's smug expression looming hugely over her. With a mental grimace she choked out, "What's the sitch, Totally Awesome?"

The screen that held his head shrunk down in size, lifting to a corner of the high-tech holographic field and out of the way of the world. What it had blocked from view before was the white disk of a storm system huge enough to cover a major portion of the North Pacific. "Twelve minutes ago this distress call was received from the supertanker TI Pacifica," he nodded and the overhead speaker came to life with a man's voice. Fighting with a lot of static he had just finished his message in another tongue, probably Japanese, and was starting over in fairly poor English. He sounded terrified, and in the background an ominously heavy and swiftly repetitive banging reverberated.

"…Meydey! Meydey! Thees es thee Tee-Eye Peceefeeka! Heevy-ene's deed ur deyeeng‼" There was the sound of metal rending and the voice fell into rapid-fire words of another language, his voice high-pitched and full of panic as he continued in what was obviously his native tongue. The sheer terror in the static laden communication sent chills down the spines of all present. Anyone not performing essential duties, and even some of them, froze virtually in their tracks, turning towards the front of the command center if they were in sight, lifting heads to imagined ceiling speakers if they were not.

The woman seated in the central chair leaned forward and snapped at a station below them, "Translation!"

"Shiva preserve us!" the volume of the transmission lowered as a girl's voice overlaid it. "The… Nivatakavachas – the Devils, sorry, Sea Devils – come…, Everyone – all of them – dies to the… touching. There no will be escaping… their shadows… Holy Svayam Bhagavan – Holy God the Father of Us All – forgive me my sins…," then the sound of something heavy crashing, the crumpling of metal and splintering of glass amid the cries of people shouting and yelling, many abruptly silenced amid the gruesome noises of tearing meat, "…No! No! They are come, nearly through, Shiva save us, save me, deliver from… no, no, no… ." The translator stopped because the transmission cut off immediately following the screams of other unseen people. The closest, the man broadcasting, cut off mid-shriek. The girl's voice over, sweet and melodious though choked as it was, had made the sounds all the more horrifying by contrast.

No one moved for countless seconds. Hardly a soul present remained unaffected by the spine-chilling message. The only sounds filling the large space were those of background systems beeping or otherwise chirping in their functions, the collective silence making them seem louder.

"Oh my god…," Shego whispered, eyes wide. Sweat stood on features devoid of even the green of her already pale coloring. "What the fuck was that?"

Proving why she was the one in charge, Kim was among the first to shake off the shock. "Sara," she started but the older woman remained immobile. "Sara…, Major BELLUM!"

"Commander," the Officer of the Day snapped out of it, the shout at her elbow having had the desired effect. "Sorry ma'am."

"Have the Gecko prepped for take off ASAP," as the older carrot-top complied, the teen-in-charge turned to Ron's equally pale face, his vid-frame restored to the center of the holo-field. "Ro… Totally Awesome," she narrowed her eyes, "So NOT! You wasted time on childish posturing when you were sitting on something like this?? Be ready to receive rendezvous instructions, cause Best Friend, you're coming with to see first hand just how many lives were lost in these crucial minutes." The blond, his Adam's Apple bobbing in his efforts to swallow, shakily nodded. With a snap of her fingers she dismissed him and his image.

"Where exactly is the Pacifica?" Kim asked of the pair of twins, their fiery hair in pageboys, seated at the foremost dual console on the bridge.

"Captain Granva says the Gecko can be ready in thirty minutes. Ten if you don't mind them shorting the supplies," Ms Bellum reported. "I told her shorter is better."

Kim nodded absently as she loomed over and between the matching controllers, "Dee Dee?"

At their combined ministrations on the consoles the twins spoke as the view on the globe zoomed in on the huge storm system. Having twin brothers, Kim was used to the table-tennis fashion in which they spoke. "Uncertain Commander. According to the embedded telemetry in the distress call…,"

"…at the time it was received, it would've been about here," a dot started blinking near but outside of the storm's eye.

"However the storm's making tracking them difficult," both said in unison.

"What're the specs on that system?" Shego inquired. "It looks like a whopper."

That answer came from one of the lower level stations 'manned' by a long-haired cherry, "According to the JMA AMeDAS, it's a Cat-Five Super ST that they propose as a Cat-Six… ."

Kim leaned over the bridge railing, "In English please, Akari. I don't think our handler caught all that."

Shego sputtered at the implication as the teen offered over her shoulder a conspiratorial wink by way of apology.

"Suimasen, Shego-sama," I'm sorry, the girl said, "The Japan Meteorological Agency's Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System is tracking the anomaly they have named Kujira as a Category Five Super Severe Typhoon, but they wish to label it among the newly proposed Category Six."

"Anomaly?" asked the tall woman. "Explain."

Akari spun her seat around to look up at them. She took a calming breath. "Kujira is less than four hours old," she explained. "Cyclones smaller than this build and upgrade from tropical storms over a period of two to three days. One like this, with an average diameter of one thousand nine hundred and sixty miles – the largest in recorded history – would have taken nearly a week to reach this size. Plus Kujira has not moved in all that time."

Shego, "So you're saying this is an artificial event?"

"Hai, most likely, Honorable Liaison," as she was not standing, the girl inclined her head in lieu of a formal bow.

"Kujira," the green woman sampled on her tongue, "Isn't that like the original Japanese for Godzilla?"

The long haired cherry blonde smiled, "You mean Gojira, which is the combination of Japanese words gorira – gorilla – and kujira – whale. Still that is impressive Shego-sama. A most excellent ear."

"Delia, Deidre," Kim placed a hand on each of the shoulders between the sisters. "Can you get us a close up on the absolute center?"

"Will try Commander. Engaging digital filters…,"

"…to compensate for the darkness of night." The globe shifted slightly and the storm proceeded to fill the holographic viewfield, the large flat ring of white clouds expanded to the edges, the eye enlarging onto the dark blue of the ocean, which suddenly brightened as if the sun was shining there. Readouts at the corners of the image gave such information as coordinates, compass orientation, magnification and virtual altitude of the view. The latter counted down past one hundred miles up… eighty miles… sixty… forty…, the view snowed a few times, but still the ocean was clear.

"Nothing there," observed the seated officer.

"No," Shego interjected, "Keep going, something about the coordinates are familiar."

"Trying our best, but something…,"

"…is interfering with the imaging," the Dee Dees commented as they plied their instruments. Then in unison: "There!"

At thirty five miles above sea level a speck became visible and rapidly enlarged until at twenty they were looking at…

"An island," Kim breathed.

"A tiny one," added the major. "Looks not even a mile across."

"Minami-Torishima, or Welby Island," came from one of the lower stations. As the unseen girl spoke, the same information was superimposed on the globe above the island in brilliant yellow lettering. "The easternmost of Japanese territories, it's triangular in shape and was created by coral that eventually grew into a landmass. It's unusual in that the center's three feet below sea level while its coast stands an average of twenty feet above."

"What the hell makes it so interesting a super storm would spring up around it?" Kim wondered aloud.

"It's a LORAN-D site," the green handler offered.

"A lorral'what'now?"

"LORAN," Shego explained, "Stands for LOng Range Aid to Navigation, D-series. It's a radio navigation system using low frequency radio transmitters to provide ships and planes with positional telemetry. It's fallen out of widespread use with the advent of GPS systems."

"Correction Commander," came the same below station. "It used to be a LORAN-D. It's recently undergone an upgrade to an experimental enhanced-LORAN-G, a system meant to keep the LORANs alive in case of catastrophic satellite disablements."

"What?" Kim frowned, looking down at the junior officer.

"Wars, Commander. In the eventuality of a global conflict the eLORANs are meant to kick in."

"How long has it been in service?" asked Major Bellum.


"Let me guess," Kim cut the younger girl off. "Four hours and twenty minutes ago."

"Almost to the minute Commander," came the confirmation. "Plus or minus five."

"Sara," Kim turned to the OD, "The following are to report to the Gecko… ."

Fully loaded, the scarlet colored EVA-02 veritech fighter weighs in at over fifty-seven thousand pounds. The only way it could normally be moved is either by tow, lift, or its own power. However with rain laden winds clocked at over two hundred miles an hour, Kujira was doing a more than passable job of treating it the same as it would a leaf in its clutches.

In its cockpit, currently positioned in the humaniformed thorax of the transfigured mecha, its fourteen year old pilot struggled to keep it on course as those same winds carried it towards the TI Pacifica now less than three miles away. Despite her earlier assurances, Asuka Langley Soryu gritted her teeth as she utilized back and feet thrusters to keep the craft's glide path and orientation as stable as possible.

"Kommt kleiner, macht Mamma stoltz," Come on baby, make Momma proud, she yelled at the console, struggling with the controls as the storm continued to roll and flip them like socks in a tumble-dryer, all the while with eyes glued to the radar and ladar panels. It was minutes later she thought to check that her intercom mic was closed… .

"Yee haa ha ha ha haaaah‼" Izzy's wildly jubilant laughter carried across the comm channel as the other members of RED Guard One clung with death grips on the red mecha's back, fighting to keep their stomachs from climbing any further than their mouths. Tumbling in an early morning darkness made more so by wind and rain, the intrepid adventurers felt very little comfort by the presence of their restraining straps. Whether due to weather or error, one had already broken free.

Izzy had been immediately torn from the craft's back and but for Nuku Nuku's lightening-quick reflexes, her left arm shooting out to grab the end of Izzy's tether, the girl would have been lost. Even though they all wore parachutes, a successful opening in those conditions would have required a miracle. More than likely she would have tumbled in the winds while the chute 'gift-wrapped' her like a shroud for burial-at-sea. With a grip nothing shy of super-human, Nuku not only held onto her teammate but reeled her in until she was able to encircle her arm about Izzy's waist to keep her as secured as she was herself.

Throughout the entire incident the Canadian redhead never once ceased her exuberantly giddy abandonment. "Hah haha hah‼ Wow! C'n I do it again?!"

Nuku's stern, "Iyada!" Not a chance! brooked no argument.

"That," Shego's tight voice again rang in Kim's left ear only speaker, "is one seriously dee-ranged chick. Are you sure the rest of us are safe around her?"

"According to all the tests," Kim returned after a few moments when she felt safe enough to risk thumbing the channel selector in her glove, "a more faithful and dedicated teammate we could not have."

"Yeah… urrp… well, could we not have her?"

"By the time this mission is over I'll bet you'll be glad we do have her," the teen returned.

"This is where I'll get off," Ariel's voice called across the main channel, which used both ear speakers, as she hit her releases to kick herself free and clear. In a flash she was gone from their limited sight.

"What th…," Shego started.

"Trust her," Kim replied.

"Thirty seconds," Asuka's strained voice called out.

With the lack of usable light and their face masks and visors blinded by the driven rain like a car's windshield inundated in a downpour without wipers, they were all unable to see much more than the crimson of the metal in front of their faces. However Kim had learned that the slender young aquatic specialist could literally feel the water, the ocean in particular.

Which is what Ariel had in fact done.

Kujira was whipping the ocean's surface into a frothed frenzy, and while the swells were averaging a hundred and seventy feet, some of the waves were even higher. The specialist had felt one reaching for them only tens of feet below, having grown to the impressive height of some two hundred and thirty feet. She had decided to ride it down. Not only would it lessen her drop into the water, if not the ocean itself for the crashing crest could be rough in its own right, but it would leave her a respectable distance from the tanker as to lessen the risk of being slammed by or into it.

As soon as she was immersed, confident that her most closely guarded of secrets would remain intact here under conditions where not even her commander and teammates would see, the young woman known as Ariel Atlantica divested herself of footwear, helmet, masks, and air tanks. Bringing both wrists together to the center of her collarbone triggered a transformation, revealing the reason for her preferences for bare legs and skirts. The flesh of her legs melded together, her feet and toes flattened and lengthened, and skin sprouted iridescent green scales.

The ichthymorphosis complete, her lower half now that of a fish, the redheaded blue-eyed mermaid kicked hard with her mighty tail, diving down along the backside and body of the wave in an attempt to vacate the crest before it could break and crash down into its trough the same number of feet below as it stood high. She would survive it, but it was also a ride she preferred to avoid experiencing.

The airdrop from the Gecko has been enough of a wild ride for one day, thank you very much. In fact as a mermaid, born and raised of the ocean depths, the idea of skydiving was much more frightening to her than to most dry-landers, even with a couple hundred years living equally among humans to get used to such things. Daddy always said I was the most adventurous of the family, she mused with melancholy. He had fits whenever I'd swim to the surface, imagine the conniptions he'd've had could he've seen this! That last thought put a small sad smile to her lips.

The wave finally broke, collapsing back into itself and the sea, while Ariel was still half way up its body. She was severely rolled but was deep enough to have avoided the worst of the crash. Threading her way past and through the eddies of the surface motion she made for the supertanker as swiftly as she could after going deep enough to ensure that nearly half a million metric tons of metal would not unexpectedly drop itself on her.

Up above Asuka struggled with bringing the Erhöhter Verstärker-Angriff to as gentle a landing as she could on the massively long and wide stark white Ultra-Large Crude Carrier. Despite the size of the ULCC, or perhaps because of it, it was barely weathering the rage of the storm. Its only stabilizing grace was how low in the water it rode, indicating it was carrying a full load. Considering the way it was awash, the waves crashing across the weather deck, that it remained afloat was nothing short of a miracle. That the deck was mostly flat wide open space was a plus. That it was rolling and heaving wildly, less so.

"Verdammt!" Damn it! she cursed.

"This is not a safe course of action, Shushou," Commander-in-Chief, Nuku stated matter-of-factly.

"Agreed," added Shego.

Kim nodded, "Right. Asuka, hover for a few, let us get off and clear before you attempt touchdown."

"Ready your magna-clamps people, or the waves'll sweep you right off!" Shego ordered.

"Jawohl Fraukommandant," the German girl acknowledged. "Provide me a moment to find the optimal soft spot," she moved the human-shaped mecha across the rolling deck until it was positioned over a large cargo accessway capped by a taut canvas. She released a cartridge of unlit flares weighing about fifty pounds to test it for steadfastness. The unit bounced nicely before it was washed away by the next wave. The tarp held firm. "That should provide you vith a soft landing."

"Good thinking Aush," Kim commended. "Nuku Nuku, you first… ."

"I recommend I should be last," the Japanese teen countered.

"Oh?" the commander cocked an eyebrow under her visor.

"Hai, Shushou-sama." She explained, "My weight is significantly more than a human's. The tarp may not hold me. For the safety of the group I should therefore go last."

"'More than a human's'?" Shego questioned sharply in Kim's left left ear.

"Very well Nuku. Izz, you're first, then Shego, then me. Be sure to time your drops between the waves," Kim ordered before shifting to Shego's line. "Nuku is sort of an android."

"Sort of an android?" the woman echoed while Nuku released her grip on the carrot-top, who dropped backwards, arms spread wide and whooping loudly. The wild girl hit the canvas and bounced once before rolling rapidly off to engage to the weather deck an electromagnet the size of a dinner plate to which her safety line was tethered just as she disappeared under the fury of a wave. Shego quipped as she too spread her arms and fell backwards to the covered hatchway below. "Is that anything like 'sort of pregnant'?"

"Sort of," Kim responded, "Most of the Service is unaware though. I'll explain fully later." She took her own dive after her girlfriend rolled off the taut cover and anchored. Once she too was firmly moored to the unsteady decking it was finally Nuku Nuku's turn. The teenaged android kicked back, limbs fanned wide to spread her weight across the largest possible area. The tarp distended further under her than any of the others, but held fast. A wave swept across them before Nuku could climb off and anchor.

When all could see again she was nowhere in sight.

"NUKU‼" screamed Izzy, reaching for her tether release.

"Calm yourself Izz-chan," came a cheery reply from behind them. The female android's right hand was firmly clamped on the gunwale. All breathed a sigh of relief as her left appeared a second later, followed by the rest of her as she pulled herself back over between the waves.

"Commander Possible to Ariel," Kim switched to the third channel. She had to time the waves or risk getting mouthfuls of brine. "Check in."

The aquatic specialist's voice responded in her right ear, "Doing fine Commander. I'm working my way under the ship and will have a report soon."

"Excellent Ari. Remember, if it gets too rough, go deep and bug." Once she got the swimmer's assurances Kim switched to the long range comm, "Gecko, RG-1."

"Go ahead RG-1," came the reply through a static heavy connection. "Attempting to boost the gain…," the static faded some. The Mobile Operations Platform's communications officer's voice strengthened, "We read you Commander."

"RED Guard One is Solid," she informed, watching the EVA set down on the far side of the cargo access hard enough to be felt through the deck plates. "One in the water, five up top. Clear out Gecko."

"That's an affirmative and aye Commander. As per orders, taking Gecko Sunny and Blue. Next check in thirty. Captain relays Godspeeds." The connection closed. Kim looked up to see that Izzy and Nuku had unpacked their weapons. Izzy double-checked her Chinese made M1-L1 triple-pulse assault rifle before affixing two, thousand-round cartridges together in standard 'pop-n-flip' configuration and slamming them home.

With a feral grin, she proudly hefted the Gatling rifle like it was a baby she had just given birth to. Almost equally excited but with much more reserve than her partner, Nuku did the same. As usual Shego disdained weapons in favor of her own green glowing plasma. She lit her hands momentarily to ensure the fingertip ports of her gloves were dry and clear. Steam rose as raindrops died unmerciful deaths to the instant heat. Satisfied with her readiness, she dispelled the green energy. Seeing even the EVA unsling what had been an underbelly weapons pod in jet configuration as a rifle for battroid mode, Kim quickly followed suit with her own. For the past four years she had gone out on missions without anything remotely deadly among her arsenal of gadgets, however upon accepting the responsibility of leading the Service she had been prepared for the reality that a deadly response might be required of her and her corps.

After hearing the nature of the Pacifica's distress call, it was a testament to her Good Sense that her first stop after gearing up was the Gecko's armory. Whatever was going on here would require more than a hairdryer modified into a grappling gun.

Although she had covered it barely three minutes ago, Kim quickly reiterated with hand gestures the order they were to proceed in. Getting nods from each and seeing that her team was ready, she gave them the Go Sign.

The magna-clamp anchors were powerful electromagnets with a dead-drop rating of four hundred pounds, Nuku's slightly stronger. What that meant was they could support that much weight, and a bit more, suspended from a ceiling before being pulled free. Each unit had a ring of retractable ball bearings that when engaged lifted the magnet a millimeter from the surface. Anything more than that and the adhesion strength was radically decreased, less and the bearings might not even bother existing. Yet it was enough that when the ring was engaged, for five seconds at a time, they could kick the device across the deck without fear of being torn away by the awashing of the waves.

In this fashion Izzy lead the quartet of adventurers abaft, or towards the stern, to an accessway into the superstructure, the EVA covering from where it knelt by the canvased hatch. Moving only between the sweeping waves and holding fast to the grips on top of the clamps while the water crashed across them, it took nearly seven minutes to reach their goal. Ensuring that Kim and Shego were well out of any potential line of fire and Nuku on the other side of the hatchway, the crazy Canadian girl undogged the metal door, allowing the roll of the ship to let it swing open to where the Japanese teen held it secure. The revealed causeway was empty, leading upward, which was fine since their first objective was the bridge, the assumed location of the last stand they had heard.

Izzy entered by moving across the hatchway while remaining low. Once satisfied nothing was going to leap out and eat her face, she lifted both shaded and clear visors, before pulling off the helmet completely to free her mane of carroty orange. She threaded her left arm though the chinstrap, positioning it like a shoulder guard. Then her job being to check for traps, whether intentionally set or by circumstance, she proceeded carefully up the stairs two at a slow time.

Following closely Nuku Nuku proceeded just as carefully, ready as per orders to snatch her teammate back and take point. Then Kim with Shego not far behind her. All paused long enough to likewise remove and sling their helms, as it so happened all on their left sides. Kim noted that while ambidextrous, Nuku copied the rest with which shoulder to rest hers.

Just before pulling the hatch closed, Shego waved to Asuka, "Give us ten minutes to make the bridge. If you've not heard from us by then… wait ten more. I'm serious, I want your gun covering us through the ports… ." Loathe as she was to admit it, the green woman was still highly freaked by the intercepted message. Ninety minutes was not enough to clear what she had heard from her ears. It's like a bad monster movie.

"Jawohl Fräulein Shego," Yes Ma'am, the German girl confirmed. "I vill not fail you."

"See that you don't."

"After twenty silent, clear out," Kim added. "Do not, I repeat do NOT, put yours or any further lives at risk. Captain Grandis knows her orders then."

"Jawohl Fraukommandant," the EVA lifted a mechanical thumbs up, which was immediately lost to view by a wave.

It was the last thing Shego saw as she closed the hatch and dogged it. Praying it would not be the last time she would ever see the sky, she turned to follow her girlfriend, bringing her left fist up and engulfing it with a low level of plasma.

Princess, you take me to such exciting places on our dates… .

Notes: I've been asked to list the members of REDS as they appear, and I suppose maybe other characters, and where they're from. What I shall do is list the previous chapter's roster in order to allow y'all the chance to make shout-outs. Anyway, unless otherwise mentioned, the characters will be fusions, meaning modeled from the original and adapted to the KP/REDS universe. With the exception of any stated details they will maintain the same personality and similar/updated "backstory" to the original.

Now from Chapter One – Seeing Red …, and in order of "appearance" aside from Kim:

Grandis Granva, Gecko Captain – Nadia, The Secret of Blue Water

Kimberly/"Ace", Primary Gecko Pilot – I'll hold her off until she gets more 'screentime'

Ariel Atlantica, Aquatic Specialist – The Little Mermaid(Disney), This is the same Ariel, who has taken as her last name that of the undersea city she was born in. As to how and why she is still alive and as young as she was in Return to the Sea will be explained in time.

Asuka Langley Soryu, Mecha Pilot – Neon Genesis Evangelion, however her E.V.A. is a Robotech veritech since I plan to use her often and the proper EVAs are a tad too large for constant applications.

Izzy, Survival Specialist – Total Drama Island

Nuku Nuku, Field Specialist – All-Purpose Cultural Catgirl Nuku Nuku(OVA)

Lily 'Lil' Director, Company Clerk – Dr Elizabeth Director's Niece and an Original Character of mine, ask permission please!

Erin Esurance, Corporate Liberties Specialist – Esurance TV Commercials. Incidentally one of the commercials indicates that the character "Erin" is fictional and played by an unnamed brunette actor… guess which I'm going with…

Anemone (Esurance?) – Eureka 7, with a change in her backstory some as well as being younger and Erin's little sister, tho I've yet to make her surname "canon". I thought they looked close enough to be related, plus the Gecko is based on the Gekko from the same animé.

Also, no one seems to have caught that the 'All Solid StateInsurrectionists' in chapter one was an additional insurance in-joke… poo, I was too subtle…

If you happen to know any of the languages I use in snippets and find I'm mis-handling any of the translations and uses, please point it out in review. I'm open to making corrections. PM me if you're interested in helping with future translations.