Sabrina rushed down the stairs and called out Daphne's name," DAPHNEEE!!!" In the kitchen, the little girl shrunk in her chair. "Do you think she's mad?" Daphne asked Uncle Jake. "Um, by the way she's stomping in here, I'd say yes." He said as Sabrina rushed in.

"Daphne." Sabrina didn't say it, she hissed it. Before she could lunge at the girl, Granny Relda grabbed her arm and sat her down in a chair. "Sabrina, control!" She wagged her finger in her face. But Sabrina was only glaring at Daphne."What spell did you put on me and Puck, huh?" She asked(rudely).

Daphne tugged at her pigtails."Well, not a spell, Exactly…More like a, Love potion.." Daphne said looking off to the side. But before Sabrina could yell, Granny Relda yelled," PUCK! Please come down here!" Sabrina instantly tensed and quieted. Puck waltzed into the room, spotted Sabrina and took a step back." What is it, Old Lady?" He asked.

Granny Relda smiled and motioned for him to sit. He did slowly. "Now, Puck and Sabrina, Daphne has done something to you that was wrong. By now, you two might've noticed." She looked expectantly at them and they blushed. " Now, Daphne took it apon herself to make you to two get along. And by the means of…a love potion."Granny Relda finished.

Puck looked utterly shocked, and then turned to glare daggers at Daphne, who sunk in her chair to where only the top of her head showed. "Now, luckily," Granny Relda started to get their attention," It should wear off in about…three or so hours." Sabrina and Puck breathed a sigh of relief. "Now, all you two have to do is stay away from each other."

"Easier said than done." Sabrina commented. Granny Relda ignored her. "Now you two can…can…C-AHOOOO! Oh, bless me!" Granny Relda wiped her nose and left the room. Sabrina however, had gone pale. Uncle Jake was immediately suspicious." 'Brina? You okay?" Some of the color returned to her face and she said sweetly," Of coarse." But Puck knew that sweet voice. It was exactly how she sounded before she was all over him.

He stood up, but Sabrina ad somehow snuck up behind him." Where you goin?" She asked. Puck gulped." I was going.." He ran out before he could finish. Sabrina started after him, but Uncle Jake grabbed her from behind. "LET GO!! PUCK!!" She yelled as she struggled against him."Sabrina! Snap out of it! Ugh, MOM!" He called to granny relda.

She appeared in the doorway."I think I know now what triggers the love potion! When you sneez, Sabrina falls in love with Puck. And I think, When I cough, Puck falls in love with Sabrina. OW!" He cried. Sabrina had struggled with him through his whole sentence and finally bit his arm. She ran like made for the stairs. "Mom! Sneeze! Hurry!" Uncle Jake commanded. Which was easy, since Granny Relda had one coming. She sneezed quite loudly and Sabrina stopped.

She walked back into the kitchen in a stagger." What just happened?" She asked. Uncle Jake explained how the potion was activated and Sabrina nodded as it added up. "So…You guy's will keep us from each other..right?" Puck's voice seemed to come out of nowhere. That's when the fly on the wall transformed into a scared looking Puck.

Uncle Jake nodded. He glanced at the clock. It read; 10:32. " Good thing is, the spell should wear off in about…two hours or so. He looked at Sabrina and Puck." Until then, I'll take Puck. Mom, you got Sabrina."


The next hour was almost all Uncle Jake and Granny Relda could take. They had to practically tackle them several times. It was 11:55 and Granny Relda and Uncle Jake(Making sure Puck and Sabrina were asleep) had konked out. But, as luck should have it, They both woke up at exactly the same time, because, unfortanuntly, Uncle Jake and Granny Relda had coughed and sneezed in their sleep.

They both crept out of their rooms, and both of them being effected by the love potion, no one could stop them. They met out in the hall, and walked hand in hand down the stairs." Sabrina, I think I' love with you." His eyes were cloudy, and his voice higher than usual. Sabrina's eyes were glazed as she answered," Oh Puck Darling! I've longed for those words." Sabrina said in her sweet voice.

The clock read 12:00 as they stood near the couch. "Sabrina, Your hair, your eyes, your touch. I love it all, and I want it all." Puck said. "Oh, Puck! Those words were like music carried in a soft breeze that was blown to me." Sabrina said in that sickeningly sweet voice.


" Oh, Sabrina, my love." He said.

"Oh Puck, my darling." She said.

The two started to lean in. 40 seconds left. Daphne stood frozen and unnoticed at the foot of the stairs. 30 seconds left, and they edged closer. Granny Relda joined her and also froze.15 seconds. Uncle Jake joined the other two and looked at the clock, 10 seconds left, then at the two preteens leaning everso closer.

The clocked ticked away the remaining 5 seconds, but it was too late, their lips had touched. Their faces were twisted with emotion. It was 30 seconds past 12:02. "Huh? Isn't the love potion supposed to wear off by now?" Uncle Jake whispered. "Granny Relda whispered back,"I don't know, mabey the clock is fast. Daphne looked at them." Of coarse it's worn off!" She angrily whispered. That's when it clicked. Granny Relda and Uncle Jake let out 'oh…OH!'s .

The two making-outies toppled over the couch, only their feet sticking out. It was 12:03, and the love potion wasn't the magic going on at that moment. ; )

(Ta da! My best fan fic ever! Hope you enjoyed!!!! And just so you know, when they toppled over the couch, Uncle Jake quickly pulled them apart and said, 'you two! Come on!' then the next morning they never talked about it again. OH YEAH! and Daphne 'mysteriously' woke up on the front lawn covered in peanut butter and golf balls glued to her head. Mysteriously. *wink*)