Chapter One

will fight,fought,will do it again

Daphne woke up to the screaming of Sabrina. She grumbled,and then walked down the stairs to see what the problem was. What she saw, surprised her. Sabrina's pretty blonde hair was now... Red. Very red. Puck was laughing histerically.

" PUCK!! .!!!!" Sabrina screamed at the top of her lungs. Puck didn't look to scared. Then,he spotted Daphne and flew over to her.

" Daphne," Puck began " Don't you think sabrina looks waybetter now?" Puck asked the little girl. Daphne looked at her sister's new hair color. Then at Sabrina's seething face. She quickly shook her head no and scurried off to the kitchen,knowing that any moment she could be caught in the fight.

So,she left the two to finish their yelling and went to see if breakfast was ready. Then, Granny Relda came down the stairs. The old lady asked,

" Sabrina... What happened to your hair?" Sabrina turned crimson and started to scream, " IT'S ALL PUCKS FAULT!!! HE PUT FOOD COLORING IN MY SHAMPOO!!!!" Sabrina lunged at the boy and they both fell over the couch. Arms,legs and yelling came from over the couch. Granny sighed and pulled the two apart.

"Sabrina, It will wash out. Puck, it does NOT look better that way. Now you two stop yelling at each other for breakfast okay?" They both huffed and stomped towards the table. Granny quickly wipped up purple jello that tasted just like waffles. Uncle J and Mr. C came down and took one look at the daggers the two kids were starring into each other and guessed they were fighting.

Puck shoved food into his mouth, glarring at Sabrina all the while. Sabrina returned the glare,but stabbed the purple jellow,over and over and over again. Soon, when they were all done, Puck muttered something intellagible, in which sett Sabrina off.

" I stink?! EVER TOOK A WIFF OF YOURSELF?!" Sabrina jumped out of her chair,knocking it over.

" HA!! GRIMM, I smell fine! you just have a delicate little girly nose,which can't handle my manly odor." Puck crossed his arms and smirked.

And with that, the two were off,screaming and threatning each other. Daphne covered her ears and sighed. Granny Relda groaned and began to wash dishes. " Oh,those two I swear." She shook her head and sighed. " I agree with you Mum, Those two need muzzles and leashes just to keep them away from each other." Uncle Jake said. Mr. Canis nodded. " Yes,they do need to stop fighting"

They all agreed and commented on the behavier. Daphne was about to walk out of the kitchen when she heard something... " Yes, They do need to get along more, but, with those two, It would need magic to stop them." Then that, gave the little girl an Idea.


Later, when the day of intense yelling was over, Daphne slowly krept out of bed and walked down to Mirriors room. She stealthily ran in,and jumped through the mirrior.

Daphne found herself in the hall of wonders. Tons of doors led to tons of different things,but tonight, only one thing She needed. Swiftly, she passed the doors untill she found what she was looking for, POTIONS. Smiling,she entered. There was large shelfs filled with bottles and viles of every kind.

" Oh man, which one...?" Daphne asked herself. Conviently, she spotted hot pink,bubbly row of potions on a shelf. She went over and found one that looked like the one. On it it said LOVE POTION. Daphne grabbed it and saw a warning label on the side,but, being at the tender age of 7, she didn't care to read it. all she thought was how great it will be to not hear anymore yelling all day.

If she read the warning label she would've known how fatal it was, the warning read:


Contenits are very powerful,

This potion, will be put in to action when the chosen two

drink it at the same time. This spell will be activated when

something comes from the heart, like a sneeze will ac-

tivate the females,and a cough shall activate the males.

This spell will only last untill broken by answering a hearts


Or, when the clock strikes 12:02 midnight. Also, this spell

causes acts of the heart,which are powerful.


Daphne had no clue of how things would turn out, or that granny Relda and Uncle J would wake up in the morning with a bad cough and the flu....