Hey this is the intro to "How we Met"…the chapters will get longer and more interesting. I really just want to see how people take it. If readers are interested, then I'll continue. Thanks!
Pam's POV
To say the very least…..today had not been the most ideal day for me. I was behind on my work, which was nothing new. Dwight decided to sterilize everything in the office today; so the sickening, sharp smell of his homemade cleaning product hung in every crevasse of my desk and phone. It was especially nice the first time I picked up my phone today: "Dunder Mifflin, this is--" I was thrown immediately into a coughing fit, apparently spreading germs all over my work area; Dwight was less than pleased.
Roy seemed kind of distant the past couple of days…or months…probably something more like years. Something just wasn't right with us anymore, but I had loved him for so long. But there I go with the past tense again. My mother had brought it to my attention when I had spoken with her over Christmas; well more like complained about the barrette Roy had purchased for my Christmas gift. I'd like to tell you how beautiful and thoughtful it was, and about the gorge matching earrings and necklace that came with it…but I'd be lying. The only thing that came with the cheap excuse for a hair pin was Roy's, "…because you always wear your hair kind of ugly like that…"…yea. Oh but wait! After I stared at him blankly for a short while he added, oh so lovingly, "…but babe, you should really wear your hair down…then maybe you'd be sexier." My response? A few blinks accompanying an ajar mouth.
I'd been really clumsy today. If I was keeping score: I'd had 6 paper cuts; I knocked over Angela's accounting forms, and somehow managed to trip over my own feet, yanking off Michael's blinds…he is also, now, less than pleased with me. And that…get ready to be impressed….was all before lunch! Yes…continuing my streak I absentmindedly micro-waved my salad to crisps and walked into the men's bathroom. I think I stapled myself slightly as well…you know…if I was keeping score.
A little bit earlier though, I was having a pretty amazing fifteen minutes. I don't think I've ever been happier, just thinking about him, even though our relationship is mostly strained now. We make it work because, truthfully, I think we need each other. I thought of how we used to be before all the drama. It made me smile. It made me literately break out an extremely embarrassing toothy grin that grabbed everyone's attention. Well, I guess it grabbed Kelly's attention…and she forced everyone else to mentally note it for later. She's just…great…isn't she?
Now I sit here at reception…smelling Dwight's 'beat derived' cleaning chemicals, paper cuts stinging…oh and did I mention I broke it off with my fiancé? I don't think anyone's noticed yet though.
Yeah…definitely a less than ideal day.
Please review with your opinion…it's just a start.
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