"No, no, no! This isn't happening! This can't be happening!"

Patrick Jane kept repenting these words in his head over and over again while he rocked Teresa Lisbon's bloodied body in his arms. Rigsby went out to call for help and it seemed like an eternity. Why didn't the paramedics come in yet? Her pulse was fast and weak, she had cold sweat all over her. And he noticed that Lisbon was getting sleepier with each passing minute.

- Stay with me, Teresa! Please, please, don't leave me!

- Jane? Patrick? Is that you? – She answered with a weak voice. – Don't worry I'm here with you. I'm not leaving your side. You're safe.

In a different situation he would probably smile brightly at her comment, but her words brought fresh tears to his eyes.

- Shhh! Don't talk, Teresa! Please stay quiet.

- Ok. Hey, you called me Teresa. – This was her weaker response.

- You are Teresa. You are my Teresa. I'm so sorry for everything! – As he talked he noticed that she passed out.

He just couldn't stop the tears. But he hadn't a right to be here holding her and crying. Everything was his entire fault. Teresa was stabbed because of him, because of his obsession. He was the one who should be lying covered in blood, not her. But he didn't listen to her. He had been a blind man who didn't want to see.

At this moment, Rigsby, Cho and Van Pelt entered the warehouse with the paramedics, who came direct towards them. Another group of cops and paramedics approached a man's dead body near them. Jane reluctantly let go of Teresa and let the paramedics take care of her.

- What happened? – Van Pelt asked.

- I don't know what really happened. When I got here the guy was laughing like a mad man and singing "Piggies" while twisting the knife on her. I'm glad I killed him, but I was too late. – Rigsby answered her.

Jane tuned out their conversation and listened closely to what the paramedics were doing and saying. One of them was on the phone:

- We have a woman in her thirties on the way. She was stabbed in her left upper quadrant and the knife penetrated the abdominal cavity. She is unconscious, her blood pressure is seventy over thirty, her pulse rate is one hundred and fifteen and weak. – He paused for a moment to hear. – Yes, we intubated her and we already started the saline infusion. We're taking her right now.

"This is good, right? It means she is at least alive." Patrick Jane thought to himself. They lifted her on the stretcher and he could see that she was intubated and I guy was ventilating her. He was following them, when a paramedic stopped him:

- Wait, sir! Are you hurt? You have blood all over you! Let me check on you!

- That is not necessary. – Patrick dismissed him with a hand gesture. – This is not my blood. I'm fine, really.

He continued to follow the paramedics and didn't notice that Cho, Rigsby and Van Pelt were by his side. He only had eyes for her. The moment they put her on the ambulance he tried to accompany her.

- Wait a moment, sir. Only family is allowed.

- Look, I'm a CBI agent and her coworker. I was there when this happened and I'm actually the reason this happened. She was protecting me. There's no way I won't be with her in that ambulance. Are we understood? – Jane announced with a calm but firm voice, looking directly into the paramedic's eyes who only nodded in response. Jane took a place at Libon's side and held her hand.

- Which hospital are you going? – Cho asked. – We'll meet you there.

The paramedic informed them and then closed the door of the ambulance, which immediately left. They got to the hospital quickly and a team of doctors and nurses were already waiting for them.

- Teresa Lisbon, thirty six years old, was stabbed about twenty minutes ago on her left hypochondrium. – One of the paramedics repeated the information while they ran through the hospital. – Her blood pressure is now eighty over forty, pulse is one hundred and ten and still unconscious.

- We have an OR ready for her. – One of the doctors said. He turned to a nurse and continued: - We're going to need three units of O negative stat. Let's move, people!

They entered the elevator and a nurse came to talk with Patrick, who was trying to get in too.

- Sir, I'm sorry you can't go any further. You'll have to wait here and we'll keep you posted.

- Where are they taking her?

- She has to undergo emergency surgery, sir. Unfortunately, you can't go into the OR. I'll take you to the waiting room. Please come with me.

Jane accompanied her without a word. He sat on an empty corner and tried to block everything that was going on around him. Trying to block his memories that were haunting him like an endless nightmare.


- Jane, Jane, Jane… You're so easy to fool! Just blab some crap about Red John and you come running. But it was fun to see you trying to convince everyone that this time you were right, that this time it was really Red John… How I waited for this moment. I've watched you all this time, I've learned about you, about your little obsession with Red John and I knew how I'd be able to get you here alone, pig. – The guy had a crazy smile on his face and held a knife against Jane's throat. – You told your little girlfriend to leave you alone, didn't you? And you misled all your friends, right? Thank you for making this easier!

- Who are you? – Patrick asked trying to conceal his anger at being tricked like that.

- You don't know me. You ruined my life, but you don't know me.

- Let's try to be reasonable. How come I've ruined your life if I don't even know you? – He was trying to buy some time until he discovered a way to manipulate this guy.

- You knew my wife. You probably don't remember her though. Just another one of the many people you schemed. Our daughter had just died and she looked for you behind my back. She knew I didn't believe in this psych crap, but she'd seen you on the TV and she wanted to contact our daughter. "She says she is fine. She is happy. She says that you have to let go." That's what you told her. And my wife believed you. But she was depressed, she didn't want to feel empty anymore and you told her that our daughter was happy. She wanted to be happy with her. And she eventually let go like you told her to. She wrote all this in her suicide note. Ro…

- Rosemary. – Jane interrupted him. – Your wife's name was Rosemary. I remember her. Your daughter died from brain cancer. Your wife was a beautiful woman, but she didn't have any life in her anymore…

- Don't you dare talk about my wife! – The man put more pressure with the knife on Jane's throat. – Don't you dare talk about her! You killed her. When you made up that shit about our daughter she finally had an excuse to stop fighting. She wanted to be with her!

-I'm sorry. I told her what I thought she wanted to hear. I was trying to help. – Jane calmly replied. – Listen to me carefully, I didn't kill her. Depression did…

- Fuck you! Don't try to use your mind tricks with me! It won't work on me. – The man was crying and laughing at the same time now. – And then after a time I saw you on tv again. I saw what happened to your family. Oh, how I was happy that day, because I thought that now you would feel exactly how I felt. But then after a time that wasn't enough: I wanted to kill you. And then I patiently studied you and discovered the perfect way to bring you to me: Red John.

- Go ahead. – Patrick decided to bluff. – You will do me a favor. I'm trapped. Every single day since my family was murdered I'm in prison. You'll free me.

- Shut up! Shut up! I'll cut you and watch you die slowly…

- Drop your weapon now! – Lisbon entered the warehouse and had her gun pointed to them.

- Look, Jane! Your little girlfriend came to the rescue! – Jane stiffened slightly, but it was sufficient for the man to notice. – Oh, what do we have here? You didn't want for her to be here? Why? Do you really want to die? Or do you care about her?

- I'm serious! Drop your knife or I'll shoot you! – Lisbon warned.

- Go ahead, honey. At this angle you'll probably shoot him instead. I wouldn't exactly be pleased with that because he'd probably die too fast. I advise you to lower your gun or I'll cut his throat open right now.

- Ok, ok, I'm lowering my gun. – Lisbon said while putting the gun on the floor without taking her eyes from the man.

Jane didn't like to see Teresa unarmed in front of him. He knew that this guy was crazy and he didn't have anything to lose. He tensed even more, which the guy noticed.

- Why so tense, Mr. Jane? Are you afraid of something? – He whispered to Jane. – All this time we've been here you were so brave, so in control. Is this because of your little girlfriend?

Jane could see that the guy was forming an idea and he didn't like it.

- She is not my girlfriend. She is my boss.

- Don't lie to me! – The man shouted. And then he started to laugh again. – I know that you were having an affair!

Jane and Lisbon stood still after hearing this statement.

- See, Jane, I know everything about you. I know that you and your boss were at it like horny rabbits.

- We're not together anymore. – Jane said.

- So, she doesn't mean anything to you, is that what you're saying?

- Yes, it was just sex. – Jane said, impassive.

He had to make the guy believe that Lisbon didn't mean anything to him. He understood that the man wanted to make him suffer, wanted for Jane to feel just the way he felt. If he sensed what Lisbon really meant for him… The man just laughed harder.

- Sir, this building will be surrounded by cops in a minute. You don't have to do this. – Lisbon tried to talk him out of it.

- Ok, sweetheart. – The man responded.

Lisbon started at his response. Jane didn't like this response: the man was planning something, he was sure of it.

- Ok?

- Yeah, ok. – He repeated. – But I have to look out for my safety. So I propose an exchange: you for him.

Jane saw Lisbon considering this proposition and interfered:

- Don't listen to him, Lisbon! He is not worried with his safety…

- Shut up, pig!

- Sir, if you just drop the knife, I can take you out of here safely…

- Do what I'm saying, bitch! – The man pulled a small gun out of his pocket and pointed it at Lisbon.

Jane felt himself freezing. He couldn't believe that this was happening! He and Lisbon alone with a lunatic who had a gun pointed at Lisbon and a knife at his throat. Where the hell was the rest of the team? Oh, yes, at the other side of the city where he had sent them. Lisbon was approaching them slowly with her arms up. Patrick looked her in the eye and tried to show her how sorry he felt. When she was near them the man took the knife off of Jane's throat, but kept the gun pointed to Lisbon:

- Stay right there, sweetie. – He pushed Jane from him a little. – Don't try anything, Jane. Slowly go over there. If you try anything I'll shoot her.

Jane obeyed him. When he passed Lisbon she shot him a look that said "you'll pay for this later". He wanted to smile at her, that brilliant and fake smile he knew would make her roll her eyes, but he couldn't.

- Now come here, sweetie. And don't try anything.

Jane watched helplessly as Lisbon approached the man. He made her turn around and suddenly he dropped the gun and stabbed her on the abdomen. She stilled, shock clear on her face.

- No! – Jane screamed and started to move in their direction.

- Now you know how I feel!

The man was laughing and singing while twisting the knife on her. Out of the blue Rigsby appeared and shot the man right between the eyes. Jane lifted Lisbon on his arms and made to leave the warehouse when Rigsby announced that he was going to call for help. Jane got down to the floor with Lisbon in his arms and he rocked her.

- I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! – He kept telling her.

- I'm fine, Patrick. – She responded weakly. – Everything will be ok.

And he held her more securely in his arms. For a moment he thought that he could still hear the song the man was singing.

Have you seen the bigger piggies

In their starched white shirts?

You will find the bigger piggies

Stirring up the dirt

Always have clean shirts to

Play around in.

In their styes with all their backing,

They don't care

What goes on around.

In their eyes there's something lacking.

What they need's a damn good whacking.

Hi, everybody! I'm trying my hand with a Mentalist fic, which is my new obsession! I will try not to take too long to update the next chapter. Oh, please forgive me for the grammar mistakes but I'm brazilian and sometimes it is really dificult to express myself in english or to spot the mistakes.