Chapter 1

How did he get there so fast? I raked his horrified face, looking at the dead men on the floor. I raised the gun again. I didn't know what to do. The adrenaline was seeping away, confronted with the impossible situation before me. Shooting Edward. AH


This is the most insane stuff I've written lol. If you've read my other stuff (please do) its a lot more sane. The summary doesn't really do the ideas here justice- the whole chapter explains the ideas. Which sadly means its a bit of a long winded waffley chapter. Feel free to skip this chapter and read the next one first to get a gist of it. I know that's weird, but iv done it before with a story with an uncompromising first chapter and I went back to the first one after i knew where the story was going, and I didn't regret giving it a second chance. Please bear with me, I know its weird, but its worth the time it takes to understand the ideas. Hopefully ul have a gist of it by the end. You won't regret reading it- promise.

Finally the day of meeting. So much preparation and waiting… my life's work.

And I was only 18 years old.

Born for negotiation, politics and tactics nailed into me from the cradle. A political experiment.

I was born daughter of Aro Swan- chief of the organisation the Volturi. Famous in whispers across Italy for organised crime. But that's all they are to the public- a whisper. Because beyond that whisper, you're in and say any more and you are plunged into a dark world.

My world. I was born breathing the air of distrust and deceit. For people who learn anything about us, their family, homes, bank accounts and jobs are suddenly under our control. People keep their heads down. Occasionally an amateur tells the police but that shows how little they know. You don't contact the police. Those people lose relatives, contacts and jobs immediately.

The police fear us too. Almost all of individual police members either don't ask about us or are inside the desolate world. Trying to do anything about us and they find themselves with a quickly delivered bullet inside their brain. Names forgotten quickly, no questions asked.

And I lived at the centre of this. I was taught about the insignificance of human life as a child in nursery is taught about Genesis. My father has never shown affection- I only learned the meaning of the word when I was twelve. I only realised what I had missed in my childhood when I had come across a book I shouldn't have- a child's book. For children. About family and love and friends. It was alien to me and halfway through the story I found myself so alienated by the book- I couldn't understand it at all- that I stopped reading it and burned it. Books like that are hidden for a reason.

I live in one of my father's houses- I suppose they could be called mansions but only because they are much deeper than they appear- there are no gardens. I move around constantly- threat of kidnap and bombings are always immanent.

Because of them. The Cullen Clan. The most complex organisation in our field. Pulling in people with the same ruthless terrorisation and threats that we use for organised crime, and people disappear rather then actual recorded bodies. Somehow they claim they have morals, and we are almost 100% certain that means they are based by the Italian government. They were essentially a family organisation, I think.

That's what makes us so different. The crucial difference- they have family. Their people have bonds and trust and work together as a family. When Volturi works together, everyone for himself. No catching bullets for anyone else- no romantic crap. I've been lucky, I've always been brought up to think like that. Some soft hearts who cry at death, at brutality -people just initiated- they go mad sometimes, it affects them deeply. I've always understood the way Volturi works. Everyone in for himself- if you have family, bonds, trust, love, you will never succeed. Anything people can use against you- they will. Even in your own organisation, your own colleagues will kill your family to control you. No-one may never even find out who killed them except you- whose business is it?

Everyone for himself. Except for me. I even less choice than the people kidnapped at midnight with bullets inside their loved ones. I was born into it- born for it. Every word said to me was designed to shape me- create me. The ultimate mastermind for Volturi. I can see bonds between people- I can see levels of superiority by watching body language in a room. I can tell the intelligent, I can tell why people are in the organisation, I can tell who counts.

Yet I was ultimately made for negotiation. Negotiation with the Cullen Clan. I know more about them than I know about my organisation. Or should know about my organisation- I know more than people think. Did I mention every man for himself? There are so many things about Volturi that are meant to be kept from me- things people imagine I don't know- hope I don't know. Why? If I'm created for the organisation, shouldn't I know everything? No. I should know as little as possible- because of the negotiation.

I am going to be the first person in Volturi to speak for the Volturi to the Cullen Clan.

This project has been planned for 18 years. A child- born for the negotiation with another organisation. If her family is planned so she doesn't have one, if she loves no one- doesn't even know how- how can she have anything to lose? What threats can they use against her? She doesn't have fear. My parents gave me strength and fearlessness- I have no childish fears. I have the urge of survival- but that's it. I do not care about anyone. I have no fear. I have nothing to lose. So the main weapon of the organized crime organisations is lost- fear. I don't live for anything so I am not even scared of death. Only the basic instinctive human will to live keeps me here. And intrigue.

The only and most deadly mission in my life- probably the last if truth be guessed. That's what I live for if anything. But no-one knows. I shall most likely die then or after- so what should I lose? Why should no-one send me there?

So I was born in a cold-hearted world for negotiation with another cold-hearted world. My organisation have nothing to lose with me- I have nothing to lose from my organisation. Why shouldn't I be used?

You're probably wondering what I have to negotiate. It was my mother's idea. She was not a lover of Aro's- they were often competing with each other for dominance. I know they both tried to kill each other with discreet snipers and stalkers. But they knew each others minds too well- they never managed. Not because of acquaintance or friendship, but they were so similar they could recognise every thought in the other's head as their own. My mother wanted to speak to the Cullen Clan.

She wanted to know if the organisations were so far apart, so competitive, so vengeful, so similar and hated each other so much- couldn't they join together? She saw the power and recognised the masterminds in the plans she saw them undertake. She ventured into the impossible- merge. She knew it was close to impossible- her favourite type of plan. So she created a plan beyond the possible- children born for negotiation.

She wanted a child like her. I'm not sure why- I think she wanted something as intelligent as her. Something that could talk to them with the intelligence, flair and fight that she could. She wanted herself to be there.

She pitched the idea as if it was already going to happen- and so it did. I think it must have been a way of hers, she could just say what she thought would happen with such conviction that it did. She must have also had some kind of physical attractiveness that she used over people. I wouldn't know. I'd never been shown a photo of her. It could create sentimental feelings. And it's not certain whether she's dead. I can't have attachments to anyone- let alone someone who could be alive.

Aro seemed the natural mate. I think it was decided silently- I can't imagine either of them would have admitted that they were the ideal pairing. So they slept together for a while. I don't know what happened much after that- no-one has ever dared to tell me. So I can only imagine the worst happened- they developed a bond to each other. That would explain her disappearance. Shortly after my birth. I don't know whether it was Aro- to remove his only weakness, or the Cullen Clan- to use his only weakness. It's only guessing, but I'm usually right.

She told the Cullen Clan somehow about her ideas for communication- she told them about her ideas about me talking to one of them. She said about my birth- and that negotiation would happen when I was eighteen. And very surprisingly- they produced a twin plan. They made a child. The Cullen child. One who knew as much as I did, was going to talk to me in the Cullen Clan interests as I would speak in the Volturi's.

I couldn't wait. The planning, the information, the back-up, the security, the words, the conversation- even the wit- was taught to me through countless lessons. I had been through many rehearsals, many scenarios. I knew how it could end up. I'd even be prepared for some of the outcomes practically. I'd been told that I may be succumbed to torture if I was kidnapped somehow, before or after the negotiation. So I was tortured by my own team. To prepare me. It was horrible at first. The worst months of my life. Then someone taught me how to cope with it mentally. How to think of it. And I was succumbed to it so much I found I could. I prepared myself for it, shielded my mind for it. Eventually I could be put through various, incredible tortures, without seeming to suffer discomfort. Of course I was, but no-one even knew. They thought I couldn't feel pain any more. But the shield was only for other people. They couldn't hear my pain. I could. But once I got to the silent stage, they stopped.

Of course, I still have scars. And I see them everyday. I dress myself to parade them- show what I could endure. There was nothing I was prouder of than the cuts, incisions, burns, surgery, stings, bites, ripped skin, stretched skin, broken bones and deformities. My body was incredible and I loved every scar that defined me. I could remember every day. I could remember my mental struggle and eventually my victory. I could remember my thoughts through every horrendous event.

The torture was also part of my training against people. I did not know one person who had not personally put me on a rack, set fire to me, cut inside me, snap bones… Whenever I saw anyone around me I remembered when they had tortured me. And I was sure, every time someone saw me they remembered how I looked when they caused me pain. Sometimes their sickened expressions made me smile.

But enough about my history, huh? You, like me, will be waiting for me to finally meet the only person in history like me. Do the job I was born to do.

This was the day.

If you've read this, review. Please... I know it's insane, but it takes a really good direction and it is worth reading.