A/N: All characters belong to Stephenie Meyer

This is my first time writing anything (expect school related of course) so please be kind to me. All characters are human. I would like to say thanks to my beta – JennBell. I hope you all enjoy the story.

Chapter 1


Edward Cullen.

It had to be Edward Cullen.

Who compared to him?

No one.

"Edward Cullen" I finally blurted out hoping my answer satisfied her enough not to push further but of course I was wrong.

"Cullen?" She questioned in a disgusted voice and paused probably to swallow the vile in her mouth.

And I knew it was coming.

To be quite honest, I wasn't surprised by her reaction, I knew how she felt about him.

"Cullen?" She repeated as though to make sure she heard me right the first time.

I sighed and almost felt as though telling her I was joking but she was my best friend and I didn't want to lie to her. "Yes"

I waited for what seemed to be hours before she finally spoke, "Seriously?"

I knew she wouldn't understand. She and Edward had a thing if you even wanted to call it that. They dated for about a month back during freshman year but it was never anything serious and then she moved to Arizona shortly after that.

"You asked" I said twirling the phone cord in my hand. I wished she would drop it already, I didn't feel like going into detail about my crush on Edward Cullen.

Another long pause.

This can't be good.

"Hmm" I heard her say a few times probably while she thought of a good insult to say about him. "I don't even know what to say or how to begin"

"Hailey" I took a deep breath "You're not mad at me or anything?"

"No! Why would I be mad at you?" She asked a little too loud in the receiver.

Because you dated him.

"You dated him" I really didn't want to bring up her past with him but I couldn't really think of anything else to say.

Suddenly I heard a burst of laughter come from her end.

"If you want to even call it that" She said between giggles. "We went on like two dates and never even kissed."

I didn't know why, but I found myself relieved even though I knew I never had a chance with Edward.

"Oh, I know that" I paused for a moment to figure out how to put what I was going to say next. "It's just… I know how you… you know… feel about him…"

Again she burst in laughter.

"Feel about him?! I don't feel anything about him!" Then she started laughing again and I had to roll my eyes at her even though we were only on the phone and she couldn't see.

"You hate him" It was the only thing I could come up with.

Ever since their thing or two dates, whatever you wanted to call it, she said nothing but bad things about him.

She laughed again and I was almost tempted to tell her to knock it off. I didn't find my crush on Edward Cullen that amusing.

"Naw, I don't hate Cullen."


"He's just… not my type. I feel indifferent about him. But I don't hate him." It seemed as though she was trying to convince herself and me at the same time.

"Oh" I said a little surprised.

I heard a sigh on the other line, "I mean, he's… you know… hot."

Hot was an understatement.

How about beautiful.

I wanted to tell her that but decided against it.

"And he knows it" She began again "I guess, he can just be a jerk sometimes, to people that he's not friends with, you know?"

Uh huh.

She continued, "But he can also be amazing at the same time."

Oh, I know.

"I know. It's just a stupid little crush" I tried to sound as though I didn't really care.

She huffed and I knew she was probably shaking and rolling her head at me. "It's not stupid."

Yes it is.

"You two would look cute together…"

No, we really wouldn't.

He's beautiful and I'm not.

I was about to ask her why she thought that but all of the sudden I heard someone pick up the phone.

"Hailey," Her mom said, "It's time for dinner."

"Okay, Okay mom, gosh, I'll be down in a minute" She sounded a bit annoyed, which I understood. I would have been a little annoyed if my mom just got on the phone like that to.

"Bella, I gotta go. We'll continue this conversation another time and you can tell me all about your crazy Cullen fantasies"


"Can't wait" I said biting my lip.

There was no way in hell I was ever going to tell her about any of my fantasies regarding Edward.

Then I heard a click on the other line and I hung up my phone and lay back down on my bed and closed my eyes.


My mind drifted to Edward and I didn't even attempt to stop it.

You two would look cute together, she had said.

Why did she say that?

You two would look cute together…

It was most definitely not true.

You two would look cute together…


I let out a frustrated growl and rolled over on my side.

Edward and I aren't even friends. You can't even call us aqantinces either. So I guess we are whatever you would call between a friend and an aqantince.

I don't know.

You see, his mother Esme and my mother Renee are best friends. They had met when they were at the very same high school we both attend in Forks, Washington. They both ended up going to Stanford University together where my mom met my dad, Charlie and Esme met her husband Carlisle. Both, after only one year of dating married their significant other, moved back to Forks and a year later found themselves pregnant at the same time.

Edward was born in June while I came shortly after in September.

I guess we were meant to be friends by default.

But that never really happened.

I mean, growing up, we were friends, but after middle school he started hanging out with different people and that was the end of our friendship.

I couldn't blame him though, if I had the opportunity to be friends with his friends I probably would too.

They ruled the school. They were all beautiful too, but of course, Edward was the most beautiful.

He could get any girl he wanted, and he did.

Rosalie and Edward had been dating since sophomore year.

And I'm not going to lie, I'm completely jealous of her.

She is blonde and beautiful and has Edward and everything else I want but don't have.

She hates me though and I don't know why. I never ever dare to talk to her. The only answer I could come up with in my head was how possessive she is of Edward. Maybe she hates the fact our families are so close and she doesn't have that.

But she has Edward.

And I don't.

There was is reason she should be jealous of that.

Besides, every time our families do anything together, which is quite often, he would bring her.

It sucks.


"Bella" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. "Bella, I need to talk to you."

Great, I needed a distraction from my Edward thoughts.

I rolled out of bed and headed downstairs to where my mom and her boyfriend, Phil, where sitting at the kitchen table.

I took a seat next to them and watched as both of them stared me down like I had a third head.

"What?" I asked, not being able to handle the suspense.

My mom rolled her eyes at me, "We're going to the cabin with the Cullen's this upcoming weekend."




"Why?" I looked at both of them and glared, "Do I need to go?"

My mom let out a sigh, "Of course, it's only for the weekend; anyway, Edward's going so it's only fair you come to."


A fun filled weekend of seeing Edward and hearing him disgustingly mope on about how much he misses Rosalie. The cabin was the only place Esme and Carlisle wouldn't allow Rosalie to come, even though sometimes he would still sneak her there.

"Thanks mom," I said while I started to get up and walk out of the room. All I wanted to do was go back to my bedroom and sulk.

"I'm not done" I heard my mom say in almost a whisper.

What the hell.

What more could there be?

I turned around just in time to see my mom's face turn a little pink.

This can't be good.

"As you know I'm starting a new job tomorrow so I can't drive you to school." She said quickly.

Okay, so what?

I'll take the bus or get a ride from a friend.

I shook my head not quite understanding what she was trying to get at.

After a few seconds she let out a little sigh, "I asked Esme and she said Edward will drive you. He'll be here at 7:30 to pick you up so be ready."


No! Hell no!

"Why can't I just take the bus or something?!" I yelled at her.

There was no way I wanted to burden Edward into driving me to school.

"Mom, we aren't even friends!" I spat out.

How embarrassing!

Of course, my mom didn't consider my feelings when she asked Esme. "Edward already agreed to it. He's going to be driving you home too. Just be pleasant to him. Please" She pleaded.


I rolled my eyes at both of them before exiting the kitchen and stomping back to my room.