Sorry it took me so long, but with a term paper and what seems like a few hundred end of year exams, it hs, needless to say, been hectic. Sorry. THis was supposed to be posted a few ...months ago. I am trying to keep with the months of the story so they coincide with the real date, but it's not really working. Just pretend it's March 28 ^_^' There's a bit of each couple in here, A big theme, though, is the friendship between Tim and Leah. Alot of it is sheer fun, but make sure to pay attention, especially to your favorite tech geek. This chapter is mainly about him, really and it lets out some VERY important info for the next chapter.

Ch 16.

"Happy late birthday, Leah!" Timothy McGee entered the lab, looking down at the oddly shaped presents as he rounded the doorway. He looked up to see full fledged makeout session between Leah and Abby. They sat, Leah straddling Abby's lap as she sat in the rolly chair, frozen. He turned to walk out but Leah hopped out of Abby's lap and grabbed his arm.

"Sorry about that... Ohh! Gimme!" She grabbed the three bundles. Ther were two taller, more slender ones, and a short fat one. She automatically began the process of becoming a human shredder. When she was finnished, she held the three recurring, comical relief, mascots of Junjou Romantica. She huggled the Pink floppy bunny to herself, switching for a moment to the seemingly moustached panda before switching back. Abby marveled at the adorability of the small, fat stuffed chick.

"Thank you, Timmy!" She launched at the taller man, embracing him in a life squeezing Leah bear hug. Tim hugged back. Leah was likely the closest friend he'd ever had.

Tony waltzed into the lab to find McGee watching Leah excitedly place stuffed animals around the room.

"You gave a grown woman stuffed animals, McGoober." McGee flushed at the pet name as he did everytime.

"What's wrong with stuffed animals, Dinozzo?" Leah pouted, "I love stuffed animals! I have tons of them... Abby has stuffies, too."

"She does?" Timothy asked. In all the times he'd been in Abby's apartment, he'd never seen any fluffy, cute teddies or stuffed puppies as he had at Leah place.

"She keeps 'em locked up in the chest at the bottom of her closet. They're hidden in the false bottom. Besides, she's told me how you always kept the lights off for fear of vampire nightmares."

"Leah!" Abby whined.

"What? I was just trying to prove a point..." The girl plopped down in her ergonomic swivel chair.

"That's your bete noire, too McGoo?"

"No, I just have a problem sleeping in a casing made for an expired person." He loosened his collar a bit. Ziva smiled slightly at Tony's tight jeans as she entered the lab.

"Sooooooo booooored!" Leah complained, spinning around a few times. Abby caught sight of her annoyingly, not soaked panties. She also noticed Tony glimpse them and Ziva frown of displeasure at the man's expression.

Definately going out.

"H-h-h-h-hey! The gang's all here!" Tony chirped loudly whilist Leah decided if it was supposed to be a bad impression of a car salesman or Porky Pig.

Either way, it was horrible. ZIva tre her of her thoughts

"I finnished upstairs with the paperwork. Thought I would come down and see if there was something I could do to help out."

"Unfortunately," Leah turned to face the attractive foreigner," ther's nothing to do down here, either." she frowned and was about to spin again but decided against it. She was getting a bit dizzy.

"I got it!" the senior field agent drummed the evidence table. "Let's play truth or dare!"

"Aren't we a bit... old for that?" McGee put in quietly. If he was asked about his sexuality, he didn't know if he'd be able to stand up to the pressure.

"Do you have any better ideas, probie?"

"Good point..." they were all bored near to tears.

"I'm game!" Leah piped in, cheerfully. She seemed even more chipper and hyper today, despite the lack of work and excess of boredom. Tim suspected that Abby had given her caffpow. She came up behind him and, standing on tipptoes in her three inch platform heels, gave him a hug from behind. She came close to his ear and whispered "Don't worry, Timmy. If something goes awry, I'll save you." He put a hand on her grip. She always new how to reassure him.

They sat in a big, loose circle on the floor, some of them with legs outstreched, others, indian style. McGee closest to the door, Leah to his left, Tony, unfortuantely, close to him at right. Leah sat at abby's left, hands entwined. Ziva sat at Tony's right, seeming distant from the rest of them in her usual manner, despite the fact she was in fact, quite close.

"So, who's gonna start us off?" Leah asked as she practically vibrated with energy, Pigtails bobbing wildly.

Definitely the work of Caff-pow...

"You always did love this game, Abby eyed her woman affectionately with a touch of playfulness. It turned to that ferrel, seductive smile for but a second, but it was enough for Leah to stop vibrating and blush madly, fidgiting momentarily.

"Oh! Oh! Me! Me! I got one!" Dinozzo was all too hyper for his age. "Leah, I d-"

"To-ny!" She drew his name out in a whiny, five-year-old-esque voice. "You're supposed to ask me truth or dare, first! Have you forgotten the rules to pretty much the most elementary game?"

"Fine, Druth or dare?" He sighed, giving in. No one resisted that voice; it was mega-taboo in Gibbs's land to do such.

"Dare!" she grinned wryly.

"Okay... I dare you to... Make out with Abs!"

"Tony! You can't dare them to do something personal and private like that!" The girls started into a fit of giggling, their faces red once they stopped.

"Easy! And, Ziva, that's sorta the whole purpose of the game. To test your limits, put you at the brink."

"And it's not like we've never kissed in public before." Leah took that a her chance to kiss Abby, sweetly at first and then growing increasingly... hungry. They rocked back and forth, fighting for dominance. Things became more and more heated by the minute as they slowly ran out of oxygen. Abby began to win as Leah's small body began to tire and numb. She pushed Leah to the floor, rapidly losing memory of their audience in the moment. Reddish brown hair was strung about her on the floor as she lay flat on her back, strongly gripping the material of Abby's blouse. Leah melted as she felt cold, delicate fingers massaging her thigh, making their way up to her skirt.

Tony leered at Abby's ass and got a good visual of her black lacey number hiding under there. He saw where her hand was creeping as the girls nearly tossed right there in front of him. He felt his own pants grow tighter. He made no motion to stop them, instead, moving toward them, enjoying every ounch and angle of his own personal porno. McGee was fumbling with his tie and looking away blushing, wishing Tony would stop looking at them and mimic them using him as Leah.

Ziva, too, blushed and looked away, deciding to put an end to his dirty-rooted happiness. She cleared her throat and the girls stopped mid kiss, turning with their puffy lips still glued together. Abby hastily removed herself from the frame of her smaller lover. Clearly embarrassed at the blunder of thier zoning out, Abby wiped at her smudged black lipstick.

"Sorry... we got a little carried away..."

"That's perfectly OK, Abs." Tony said with false sincerety. A pink McGee tugged again at his collar.

"Let's continue, shall we?"

"Go ahead. We have all the time in the world."

"I meant with the game, Tony."

"Of course."

"Right," she looked around at her potential victims, gaze stopping on Ziva. "Ok, Ziva, Truth or dare?"

"Considering that half of my knowledge is classified, Dare."

"Splendid," she smirked, "I dare you to kiss Tony." Ziva flapped her mouth like a bronze goldfish, babbling. Leah half expected her to sprout gills.

"Come on! It's not like all of us didn't notice you two sneaking off a few times and then dissapearing and reappearing an hour later fith frumpy clothes!" It was Tony's turn to play fish. He was a very red fish.

"Now that you mention it, they did look pretty worn out when they popped back up."

"You guys knew?" Tony asked as the red drained from his face completely... he wasn't red now. He was whiter than Abby.

"It's not that hard to figure out; you've been agreeing on everything all day."

"And I got a movie and you didn't snatch it away from me, regardless of wether you were there or not."

" You aren't going to tell Gibbs, are you?"

"Have I told him yet?"

"He hasn't been glaring more than usual...."

"There you go, then. Now kiss already!" They looked at ach other for what seemed like an eternity, gaining reassurance from one another silently. His emeralds melded with her pools of chocolate. They kissed. It was soft and sweet and yet full of passion and fire that drove newly found love. They broke apart and if the girls haddlt began with a corus of "awwwww!" they would have remained in a state of oblivion. Tony coughed lightly for the awkward situation, and lightly and gently unwrapped Ziva's arms from around his shoulders. There was a silence.

"McGee, truth or dare?" Tony came out of nowhere, commandeering Ziva's turn. Despite Timothy's gut, he went with truth.

"Hmmmm... What's on the top level of the library that only you get to go up there?" His breath hitched but only for a second. He hoped the resident 'ninja' hadn't noticed. He sighed mentally and gave a truthful, yet somewhat misleading answer to the question.


"Why so secretive if it's just batman and friends?"

"I dunno, I just follow Leah's rules. Leah?"

"Some of the volumes I own are worth alot and I like them in pristine condition. I even make him wash his hands before he goes in. And he can't touch the door knob; me, Ianto or Jack always does it for him."

"How much we talking?" Tony asked. How much can a stupid little magazine cost?

"Millions. Especially the rare and retired ones."

"Seriously? That much?"

"Yeah. Now ask someone, Timmy."

"Abby, truth or dare?" Abby considered her choices.

McGee's dares are liable to be no fun and his questions wouldn't be too personal...

"Truth" She shocked Tony with this. Glad to be able to still suprise you, Dinozzo.

"Ok, uh..." he struggled to find a question. He hadn't anticipated her to chose truth. A sweet smile spread across his lips as he came across one.

"Is Leah the only woman you've ever loved?"

"Depends on what your definition of love is, and if you mean a girl or a woman."

"Infactuation doesn't count except in extremes, and any human female." Abby seemed to step into deep thought.

"I had a few big crushes here and there in eighth and ninth grade, but nothing serious. I didn't love them. Then Leah came into my life and no one thereafter really compared. So, I skipped around with guys, always guys cause dating girls was too painful 'cause it brought back memories of us."

"That is so sweet Abby..." Abby turned to Leah, staving back tears.

"You turn!" she cirped in false jubulance, Leah knew better. "Truth, right?"

"Unless you were planning to dare me to let you takeme in back, yes." She smirked.

I'll settle with truth... for now. Did yo uhave anything to do with all my stuff always selling for atleast $100 over the asking price when me and my mom went broke after.... you were... buried?" There were those rivulets of moisture in her eyes again. Leah wiped Abby's eyes, comforting her and in the process, getting black smudges of mascara everywhere.

"Yeah, I told you about how I tracked you for a while after the fact. When I saw you were in debt, I did the only thing I really could; I bought stuff. I sent agents of the agency to garage sales, used the internet, anything of yours I could get my hands on. helping from helped me feel... like I was still there for you. Connected, in a way. I was the one who sent you your first Bert, too. I was the secret admirer"

It's never been a secret that you admire me...


The doorbell rang at five in the morning that Saturday, and the light of dawn lit up the landscape of the rundown apartment complex. Abby's mother was sound asleep in bed (not that she could hear the bell anyway) and her father had been run off years ago by Leah. She had moved back in with her motherafter the funeral, no trusting herself to be alone.

She stumbled out of her room to the front door. Rubbing her sleep filled eyes, she groggily looked through the peephole and saw the tail of an old, military style longcoat running away. She immediately suspected the hoolums who'd been terrorizing the town with ding dong ditch AND smokebomb. Stupidly (considering the smokebombings), she stepped out into the light of morning, hands up in defence of non-existent smoke. Her neighbor across the way, stared at her, thinking her a madwoman.

She felt something soft rub against her foot. Abby looked down, half expecting it to be a smokebomb with a remote controler in the hands of an pesterous brat. Instead she stared at a blue-grey stuffed hippo, a note tied at it's neck with a black lacey ribbon. She hadn't noticed it's presence in her flurry to attemot to catch the bandits. She picked the plushie only to drop it at the sound of a rather unflattering noise. Her neighbor, who was now wattering her big, red, potted petunias, shook her head, a frown of dissaproval was smeared on her aging face.

Abby blushed, but otherwise ignored her, giggling instead when the toy farted once more as she picked it back up. She removed the note from under the perfected bow.


Sorry for your loss. I will always be here for you. Hope this little guy cheers you up. I've taken to calling him Bert.

Your secret admirer

Abby drifted back to the present.

"That was you?" Leah nodded. "I still have that note!"

"I knew you were depressed so I thought I'd cheer you up. Abby flashed back to the party. Jack had been wearing and old Captain's Coat... a dark navy colored, scruffy, longcoat.

"It was Jack who delivered it, wasn't it!?"


"Wow, that's one old jacket..."

"You should ask him to tell you which war it's from. And I assure you. It was his coat." she chuckled in reply. "Truth or dare, Tony?"

"Uh... I dunno. Dare, stupid!"

"Don't call Leah stupid, Tony!" She chided and Glomped her, following her as she fell to the floor. Leah simply blinked, smiling for a moment.

"Y-you can let go now, babe... or at least let me sit up..." Abby hauled herself up and pulled the petite redhead into her lap.


"Mmm...much" Leah hummed, content.

"HELLO! Waiting for my dare here!" Tony yelled, ruining the mood, let alone the atmosphere.

"Go... pee on a wall in the hall or something..." All she wanted to do was go home and snuggle. Tody rudely brought her back to reality.

"I am not going to get fired for simple misconduct because of a stupid dare."

"Using a chicken then?"

"I suppose, how many do we get?"

"Three." Tim winced inside. As Gibbs would say, his pooch was screwed.

"Fine, truth or dare, Leah?"

"Truth, sorry, Tony, I don't trust you enough to choose dare."

"You could always use a chicken." He retorted. Abby stared at his as if he just said he was seriuosly pregnant.

"She hasn't used a chicken since eigth grade, Tony... She isn't about to start now."

"Ah. An oath of compliance and mercy. I admire your commitment."

"S'not like I've played this game since ninth or tenth..."

"You've never played at a bar when you're drunk?"

"A, Why would I go to a bar and drink crappy, watered down beer when I live with a prize winning wine maker?" He showed signs of curious confusion. She continued. "That wine at my party was made by Ianto's hand."


"Seriously. B, I have a high tolerance to alcohol. I don't get drunk."

"What if yo udown a-"

"-Barrel keg of wine? Remember? I don't like beer all that much."

"Fine, wine."

"No, I wouldn't get drunk. Trust me, I've done it before."

"Fine... your truth is... when was your first time, where, and who?"
"Ninth grade, couch upstairs in the office of her house, Abby."

"Wait, Abby was your first?"


"So, wait, Abby how old were you that time in the cab? You said that was your first. And she said ninth so... thirteen, fourteen... fifteen?"

"Fifteen." Leah replied. "I was fifteen."

"Fifteen!? That's almost as bad as Tony!" Ziva said, without thinking. Leah blushed at the comparison.

"It was Abby's fault..." She whined.

"Back to that question. Abs?" Abby simply hung her head, squeezed her eyes shut tight, and shook her head in refusal.

"She was fourteen, it was the year before freshman year, before she knew me, before she knew that you should be yourself and not try to get in with the in crowd. She wanted to have something to brag about to the others. Happy, Tony?" Leah held a deeply red and embarrassed, hurt almost, Abby. Tony realized what he'd done by asking the question and lowered his head in shame.

Hey, did you buy that couch from me when you went on your little shopping spree?"

"Didn't you reconise it? It's in the library. You've even sat on it."

"I knew it felt familiar."

"So, Tony, when did you figure it out." She asked the new couple. They straightened up, sitting in stark silence for a few moments. Tony's hand crept to Ziva's.

"I-I belive...," Ziva answered on his behalf, "that we realized when we were trapped in that shipping crate."

"So it was a state of desperation that spurred the confession." she half chuckled. "How dramatic."

"I'd always thought it'd be more romantic when I told that someone special I loved her... But shit happens."

"I think, deep down, we knew we liked each other from the start."

"Well that's a no-brainer! I knew that before you did, apparently, knew it from the minute I saw you interact with each other at the crimescene at which you first saw me." Tony reminessed about how she had watched their every move that day, and how she had smiled at them, only when they were together.

"I wondered why you acted like an angel when she was around, but as soon as she wasn't you were a smartass."

"Yup! Now dare someone else. This is truth or dare, not the 'ask the happy couple questions till they go mad' game." Leah huffed.

"Fine, McGee, Truth or dare?"

Tony will ask me something about my sexuality or my sexlife for sure...

"Dare." he said quickly, causing Tony to spread a wry grin that made Timothy go to putty... except in his pants. Putty, thankfully, retains some form or shape.

"Way to step up, McProbius!" Now, I dare you to tell us your MOAS." He smirked and Tim's pants got even tighter as his hand went up to the breast of his coat where, inside the suitpocket, lay the love letter which now held a near permanent residence there. He automatically replied with a chicken, audibly swallowing.

"Aww, C'mon, Probie. I bet it has something to do with that stupid letter of yours, doesn't it?" He goaded him, jabbing at the Thick fabric.

This is one cruel thing to do, daring me to tell the truth.

"I said no,Tony!" he blushed.

"Fine! Dare someone, then!" he glowered. Wanting to get back at Tony, Tim smirked and retorted,

"So, Tony, since I can't seem to come up with a single dare tonight, you'll have to settle for a truth." He didn't give him time to object. "What exactly happened in that confines of that tight little box?" he flashed a falsely sweet smile. For someone who typically was unrelenting in his tales of his personal life, was uncharacteristically beet red, comically so.

"Chicken.. I think that's a little too... personal, even for me."

"Come, Tony, you're alway touting your experiences, tell us of this one." Leah smirked. He changed the subject before she could do any more embarrassment.

"McGee, truth or dare?"

"Truth seeing since you've made it obvious you aren't going to play fair." he fumed.


"Oh quit flirting, Tony, and dare him; you already have Ziva!" Leah caused them both to blush.

"Who do you have a crush on?"

"chicken." He said flatly, drawing what seemed to be circles, on the cold concrete floor.

"The point of the game is to reveal and expose yourself, Timothy. You do know that, right?" Timothy got a shade pinker at the sould of the velvet voice saying his name. He suddenly seemed even more interested in the slight pocks in the cement and the finger running over them. Ziva was intrigued by his behavior, while Tony gave up and reclined back on the floor, using Bert as a pillow. She followed his finger movements. It was now clear, she realized, that he was not drawing a circle, but a heart. She assimilated it and soaked the fact in, then studied him again. He was writing now.

McGee stopped at the second letter of his love's name as he noticed he was being watched. He blushed again and lifted his hand slowly and stealthily, almost, to his lap. It seemed red was his natural skintone today. Keeping his head down, He asked Leah how she'd played dead at her funeral.

"Abby said she'd seen your body, so it was open casket, right?"

"Timothy, do you really think-" Ziva began to whisper but Abby cut her off.

"It's ok, Ziva. I was curious about that, too. I have to face it a couple nights a week, so might as well face it now."

"Face what?"

"Reliving that nightmare." Leah winced.

"There are a few chemicals and concoctions that can make a living body seem dead. They suspend the body in a near lifeless state to the point where they are cold to the touch, have a near non-exisitant pulse, and have practicaly no heartbeat. I've wondered that, perhaps, that's where the myth of vampires came from. Basically I pullet a Juliet."

"You always were the romantic one." She petted Leah's head which was in her lap as it had been for the past hour.

"One of us had to be." she smiled with closed, relaxed eyes and pulled on one of Abby's pigtails. Leah was running low on energy; her emergency stash was gone and she hadn't had a single bar of chocolate that day.

"Ziva, I dare you to get refreshments for everyone. I'm gonna die of an anxiety attack if I don't get my fix soon." she moaned pitifully.

"Drama queen"

"Yes, miss crubby, I will get you some chocolate." Ziva chuckled.


"whatever." Ziva hurried off, eager to get the feeling restored in her legs again. She hit the machines in just the right spot, resulting in about seven bucks of free drinks and snacks. She jogged back, hands full, and passed the goods around.

"Abby, I was wondering... where do yo and Leah... you know..."

"Have sex?" Leah giggled.

"Girl's bathroom, Ziva, this floor. Door sticks as it is and there aren't many women working on this floor, so it's convenient"

"You may have a problem doing that here because, well... it's a bit less obvious when two women go in a women's restroom than when a man and a woman do. Why do you ask? Did you want to follow in our footsteps or were you wanting to watch?" she smirked, the chocolate around her face making it look a bit less dastardly.

"I love Tony and do not like women like that. And I do not watch porn."

"I meant were you planning on using our spot. And everyone watches porn at least once in their lifetime."

"I have not."



"So.... Who to torment...." Abby mused. Her pigtails perked and popped all over the place as her eves settled on Leah. Her gaze was dreamy and distant, her smile softened. Leah was almost absorbed completely in the chocolate she was slowly savoring.

"Why do you give everyone nicknames?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've always given everyone close to you a nickname. Why?" Leah thought quietly, well, quietly except for the munching noises and the sound or the wrapper crackleing and crinkling.

"I think... it's because it gives me a sence of closeness... like I belong." They looked at her and she elaborated. "Having a name for someone, a name only I call them, makes me feel... special." Everyone was silent, shocked once again at the depth of the answer. They never expected things like this from Leah; they made her, who seemed to be outgoing, sure, confident, and independant, look needy, shy, insecure, and reliant on companionship. They showed who she really was.


"Mmmm..." Leah hummed. She hadn't moved from her position, her head in the loving lap of Abby. She lay, eyes still peacefully closed, as Abby rubbed her head like a cat. She was exceptionally good at living up to her own nickname, for her soft humming of 'mmmm' could almost be mistaken for the purring of a kitten.

"McGee," She didn't peek open an eye nor did she move a muscle, "I dare you to kiss Tony."

"No!" was jis automatic responce from years of denying he was gay. What is she doing!? Is she trying to get my secret out!? Leah had a smile playing on her lips.

"Sorry, Tony, you're wrong."

"On what?"

"On him being gay. Trust me, Tony. If I was a gay guy and was dared to kiss you, I'd be all over you in an instant, wether I had restraint or not."


"Tony, I said I didn't like men, I never said you weren't gorgeous."

"You think I'm hot?"

"Ziva is a lucky woman." McGee burned. Ziva had effortlessly won what he'd craved for years now.

I've never gotten who I longed for, never. First Abby turned me down and hooked up with countless meaningless guys, I can't blame her for Leah, though, I like her alot, and they're meant for each other. But Tony. First there was Jeanne and now, even worse, Ziva. He clenched a fist. Leah, he looked over, still had the same smile. It wasn't evil or twisted, but knowing, sweet somehow, like a person planning a suprise party. He replayed what she'd said.

"Sorry,Tony, you're wrong... on him being gay... if I was a gay guy and was dared to kiss you, I'd be all over you in an instant..." He understood now; she was protecting him, making him seem even more straight, getting Tony off his back about it.

Tony seemed to deem it as reasonable thinking and accepted her logic that Tim was straight. She was also trying to help me get over him... by making me be angry with him and Ziva.

He looked up at Leah again. her eyes were now open, looking dead ahead at him, and full of emotion. Not watering, but they seemed to scream the words 'I'm sorry'. Sorry for what? It dawned on him; Tony wasn't the writer of his beloved note. But if not Tony, then who? He was snapped out of his favorite, velvety voice called out his name, turning him to jello, relaxed jello.

"McGee!" Tony shook him lightly. He feigned sleep.

"Leave 'im alone Tony. You can pick up the slack for him." Tony was about to protest, but she threw that look that mothers give their kids when they are about to complain about chores.

"Abby, Who's better in bed, Leah or McGee?"

"It depends on what you mean by better. Being with a boyfriend and being with your soulmate. On top of that, guys and girls are completely different in bed. Like with me and Leah, my role is usually reversed."

"What do you mean with the whole boyfriend vs soulmate thing?"

"While I gotta admit Tim's good in bed, being with Leah is different. It's more like we're sealing our deal, our love of one another, than just having sex. There's more emotion and care in it. It wouldn't matter if she was terrible in bed, which she is most definately not; she's the best I've had." Tony wondered if she remembered the time they were drunk and... "Yes, Tony, I remember that one time, and my previous statement still stands."

"I'm hurt, Abs."

"Well, like I said, she has a bit of an advantage, being my soulmate and all. Besides, she loves kink almost as much as I do, maybe even more." Leah blushed and grinned, but didn't more for fear that the endless, soothing head rub would end. McGee, after a few minutes of trying to figure out his mystery and giving up, decided to 'wake up'. I'm a mystery novelist and a criminal invesigator; I should be able to solve one little riddle.

"Wha'd I miss? How long have I been out?" he rubbed his eyes.

"Nothing much, just Abby saying that Leah's better in bed that you," Tony smirked.

"And you, Tony," she reminded him. She was smug now. Tim chuckled at the put down.

"I take it you went on without me?"

"Yup!" Tony bragged.

"May I continue where I left off?"

"But of couse, Timmy."

"Leah, what's it like being with another woman?"

"Apart from fantastic, amazing, and different, there's the fact that a woman knows what a woman wants."

"Men can be kinda selfish in bed, too." Abby added.

"It can be difficult, too. guys always teasing you and asking you to put a show on for them, dirty looks from homophobes and people who don't aprove."

"But is that all that makes it different from a regular relationship?"

"I wouldn't know..."


"I've never been with anyone else. Abby is all I've ever known."

"You'd never been in a relationship with anyone before Abby?"

"Nope. I was pretty much always miserable and alone my whole life. But then, one chilly night, she appeared at my door and, well, my life did a 180.

"No one else?"


"Wow. No one but Abs... that's some commitment."

"Even afterward, after I 'died', One night stands didn't feel right. She's been my whole life since that fateful night. Even when we couldn't be with eachother."

"That's gotta be alot of pressure on you, Abs."

"Not really, I'm just as comfortable as I was that first night we met, before we even were a couple, really. Except for a few select fights, there's never been any true pressure like some couples. I'm fine having her life fall on me."

"We're a near perfect couple."

"Oh, speaking of near perfect couples, is anyone doing anything tonight?" Abby asked entergetically. Ziva and Tony blushed as they held hands and shifted uncomfortably.

"We have reservations."

"Oooohhhhh! How about you, Tim?"

"No, actually, I was hoping to go over to Leah's and read-"

"Perfect! Drop by my apartment before you go to Leah's."

"Why..." He asked cautiously, having a sinking feeling. Abby and Leah, whom was now sitting up, looked at each other, grinned from ear to ear, and looked bach at him.

"We need help moving boxes. I'm moving in with Leah." Abby blushed and gripped the small hand as she nearly had a happy attack. She couldn't stop smiling.

"Abby, it's not like we didn't live together before."

"I know, but that was so long ago..."

"So you two were this serious before?"

"Have you guys never noticed the rings" They held out their hands.

"Wow... the commitment you guys have..." Tony said, awed and inspired.

"Civil union... wow..."

"We prefer marriage. Civil union sounds so..."

"Lawyer-esque" Leah finnished. "but, back to the game. Tony, I dare you to randomly go up to gibbs and hug him. Just walk up to him, give him a big hug out of the blue-"

"Chicken." he said, horrified at the thought.

"Whatever beefhead. Do someone."

"By 'do someone' do you mean-"

"NO! I meant dare some one you baka!" McGee laughed.

"what's so funny, McGiggles? What's a... a..."


"Baka is Japanese for stupid or idiot, Tony." he chuckled, red faced from lack of oxygen.

"And you know this how?"

"Leah collects Japanese manga, which are basically long, paperback novel sized comicbooks. I've been reading them lately while I wait for my new comics to come in," he swiftly came up for a reason he'd read them when he normally read American comics.

"Ah... back on track. Ziva!"

"Truth Tony."

"Wow, you're getting the hang of it!" He joked. she glared. "Ok, OK. So, when we interrogated that guy after that bear ate the stiff at the forest a while back, you said you'd spent hours up on stage, waiting for the time your father actually came." She disliked him for bringing her father into this... and her embarrassing secret. "Just what were you doing up on that stage, Miss David? I'm gonna guess... tap dance!" Ziva looked off aimlessly at the floor, lost in the torrent of memories. Most of which were of dissapointment of her father's not being there.

"I was... a ballet dancer." Snickers resonated throughout the room.

"I can just picture you in a frilly pink tutu," leah smirked. Abby looked none too happy about her girlfriend 'imagining' anyone else in any way."...With a knife at your hip!" She began to gggle hysterically and they had to admit, a combat ballerina was a pretty funny idea.

"Ballet takes discipline and-"

"I know, I know. I was one, too when I was little. Prob'ly made for good training for you to start with, a more gental approach than shocking your system by jumping right in. How far you get? They kicked me out after my eighth fight. second year."

Ziva laughed. she'd seen Leah blowing off steam in the gym. She might actually be a good sparring partner for her.

"I lasted a while-"

Leah had burst out laughing again.

"Sorry, it's just really hard to imagine yo uin sequins and..." Leah was practically crying she was laughing so hard. Tony stared at her in much the same way she'd looked at Ziva.

"You were a ballerina?"

"Yep!" Tony'd been looking her up and down at her black, revealing attire. Particularly at her supermini.

"That would account for the skirts," McGee put in and High fived Tony.

"Good one, Probie!" He soaked in the gratification. Tony looked to Abby.

"What happens to your sex life if Gibbs makes you stay late?" Everyone's phones began to ring simultaneously, that was never a good thing. It was a mass text.

All employees of NCIS are to find something productive to

do with their time immediately and stop playing on company time.

Director Shephard

They all picked themselves up off the floor.

"Not much, most tests take at least two hours." Leah took Abby's hand and were going towards the door, following everyone en suit. They parted way with the group as soon as they were out of the door, however, going opposite the elevator.

"Whereyou guys going?"

"What do you think?" They turned into the girl's bathroom.


McGee shuffled papers, scurried about, IMed the girl, but still got nothing done. He couldn't kee phis mind off the note. He went through the facts he knew

-It isn't Tony

-This person knows my secrets

-I have no freakin idea who it could be.

Needless to say, it wasn't much. He stared at the list he'd made, but nothing popped out at him.

"Mah-Gee! Since yo ucan't keep still, take these reports up to the director."

"Yessi- Yes boss." he took the manilla case file. he wiped the tension from his face and headed in the general direction of the stairs. He glanced down at the papers and instantly froze. Who had written this report? He looked down at the bull pen, at Gibbs. Yes, he'd only passed him a billion times today in his attempt to get the missive offf his mind. gibbs had written the report. The handwriting, scrawley and near illegible, was identical to his mystery man's. Gibbs was the author of his famed loveletter. He lloked at Gibbs, who now stared straight back. Tim thought he saw snippits of a few feelings he knew well: fear, lust, compassion, embarrasment. He saw the things recently found in his own eyes as he'd stared at Tony. They were all looking at him in the glasses of those steely blues.