AN: Okay, its a new lolivers...where are they?! Come on people, where are your amazing loliver minds...I miss the biproduct of them:(. I've been loliver depressed, so here is my lollie goodness/saddened spririt from the lack of loliver story :)

We walk down the halls. I have my arm around her shoulder and she places her arm perfectly around my waist. About a year ago we would've stopped and chat to people. But now everyone's against us. We don't have a friend in Miley, Sarah, Jake, Becca, Joannie or Matt anymore, or anyone for that matter. I have her and she has me.

You'd think people would be happy I've found her, the love of my life. Trust me, they were….at first. I can still recall the guys patting me on the back and the girls hugging and squealing over it. But soon enough Miley got tired of it. I love Miley like a sister, but she just one day walked out of our friendship. She said and I quote, "I'm tired of being the third wheel!" And soon after that mine and Lilly's friends who were friends with Miley turned on us; I think Miley told them what we'd done to her and exaggerated it a bit or more. Then a few months after first announcing we were an item she and all her friends that were our friends were gone. "We were left without a goodbye or a reason", Lilly says. I've lost my best friend.

Miley's still Hannah Montana. We are still her only friends--- ex-friends that know about this. But think about telling the world that. I would, we would never ever do that. I miss having friends. I don't have any friends. I've lost my friends.

Lilly was my friend. Now we aren't friends. We used to have that love/hate relationship, but that's changed too. The hate was, I know this sounds corny, but canceled out from the amount of love we had--have for each other.

As we walk through the hallways we get stares. Multiple stares. People clear the path for us. I guess we just aren't as popular as we once were. This happens everyday, and its not any better at home. I've lost all normalness.

Our parents were also not happy when we started dating. My mom has always loved Lilly, but once I told her she was my girlfriend. She kinda has this "thing" against her now. I don't really know why she does but she does, same thing with Lilly's mom. She used to take pride in saying I was her long lost son. That's changed. Now if I even step foot in her house, instead of going to lie down on the couch lazily like I used to. I have to - I must sit proper while she formally asks me how I am and now my family is and such. I've lost my second mom.

Teachers treat us differently. If Lilly gets a wrong answer they scoff at her and glare at me. If I get a wrong answer it's just the same. The teacher will then say, "You only got it wrong because you were spending too much time with your girlfriend." I've lost any respect I used to have from my teachers.

I worry about Lilly every time we're apart. I think: who's against her now, who's giving her a hard time, who is she talking to in that class, or is she just sitting there watching and waiting for the bell to ring, like I am? I've lost all trust in my fellow classmates.

Lunch is different. We used to sit together with Miley and all our other buddies. That's changed. We now sit with all the so called 'Out casts'. That's us were the outcasted couple. We sit with the people that have never even spoken to the opposite sex, so a couple sitting there is different and weird, just how we feel all the time. I've lost my lunch table.

When I think of all I've lost, I become saddened for just a little bit. Then when that happens I look at the girl on my waist and stare into her blue eyes, and she smiles. And I realize I lost everything, but the most important thing in my life: Lilly.

Truscott and Oken against the world!

AN: How was it? **should i continue or is it good enough alone as a oneshot like i originally planned?**

