Hey, everyone. I wanted to give you an update:

1. Chapter 10 of Delusions of Grandeur is with my beta. She'll finish it as soon as she's done with school next week, I am sure of it! I would edit it myself, but Adrena has worked very hard on this story with me, and I just can't see updating it without her, so there you go.

2. I have half of the Rosalie and Emmett chapter of The Virginity Pact Continues! written. Patience, young grasshoppers, and it will be yours soon.

3. Only as a Guest is back on track! Watch for the next chapter to be updated by sometime early next week.

4. Take One for the Team has an epilogue in the works- don't fret.

And finally, my big announcement: All Work and No Play has been converted into a multi-chaptered story! I've received tons of reviews asking me to continue it, and after months of consideration, I have decided to take it further. Now that TOFTT is done (pretty much), I'll need an outlet for the smut, eh?;)

FYI, I'm also determined to reply to each review I get from now on.

So I hope everyone who liked AWNP will add it on alerts and I beg you to please keep reading my stories, I haven't abandoned them!

Thank you all for your wonderful reviews and your continued support. I really, really appreciate each and every one of you!

Respectfully yours (teehee),
