Well everybody, its me and I have a new story...well...prologue, hence why its so short. This has been uploaded as something experimental...I have most of chapter 1 done at the moment but that will be entirely depending on the kind of responses I get from this -and no, telling me that its too short doesn't count. I am just interested in knowing whether or not this prologue sounds like something that could be interesting- keep it in mind that the rest of the story would be in a different style...think of this as someone older looking back, yet reliving it at the same time...or some sort of omniscient (go english lit!) narrator who happens to be in the same mind as the charatcer.
As an explanation for the style...I happened to have the introduction of A Series Of Unfortunate Events in my head at the time, particulary when Jude Law aka Lemony Snicket is talking...the chapter will either be in 3rd person or Sora's POV...depending...
I'm planning on this being an adventure/comedy, most likely T rated, mostly AU but not really - it re-tells some of the basic plot points of KH only in a completly different situation...if that makes sense...I really don't want to give too much away but it involves a kind of cross between life in school and life saving the worlds...
and no, there is no connection whatsoever to The Matrix in this story
Read and hopefully be engaged xx
Isn't that just the most annoying thing?
When suddenly you're roused from the warm haziness of your dreams about talking gnomes and various other garden features by the insufferable high-pitched shriek-like noise that is…
Little did I realise then that something so irritating, something so insignificant as the small alarm clock currently residing on my bedside cabinet could ever be the start of what would turn out to be both the greatest and the worst thing that could ever happen to me.
Urgh…this is really getting annoying, so before I finally decide to silence that infernal clock and get my lazy backside out of bed, let me first say that I'm going to tell you all a story. A story that involves such wonders as talking animals, moody warriors, hopeless romantics and their futile quests, a fair number of keys, an even larger number of doors, strange dreams, and above all else the most important theme that underpins most if not all tales of adventure:
The battle between good and evil.
So without further ado, and more annoyance from the small object that I may just throw at something, hopefully not my cat – who happens to be sleeping peacefully in her small bed on the other side of my room – I'll stop rambling at get down to business. You may find yourself drawn in, you may wish to direct yourself away from this page as quickly as possible but love it or loathe it, this is my story, and you are going to be a part of it.
Welcome to my world.
Lets start from the beginning shall we…?
Don't worry, my new year's resolution is to be able to make decisions more easily...and faster XD
As soon as i'm happy with chapter 1 and at least one response to this i will post it up...
Please all bear in mind that I am infact an extremely slow updater, I try not to be but I have a tendency to get distracted very easily by shiny things
+ school work
+filming projects - I got a video camera for christmas and I have so much to film
+making a Reno costume for charity dress-up and touching up my Sora costume for Midlands Expo on February 21st