Title: Persuasion
Pairing: Kurogane x Fai
Words: 274
Rating: PG-13?
Genre: General? Angry-fic? Whut?
Spoilers: Kurogane's past, the Tokyo arc, and very, very slight hints at Ch 182
Disclaimer: I own nothing; CLAMP does. Isn't that lovely?
Summary: Tokyo-arc fic. Kurogane's making choices for other people, even if they don't agree – it's for their own damn good

Notes: Was going over Ch 182 and Kurogane's past a few days ago, and there'd been a thread going around the fandom at one point which drew a parallel between Fai and Kuro-mama from as related to Kurogane, and so many delightful connections formed in my mind…

Not too sure about this one, but meh…

Edit: *cries* Damn this site, it won't allow a strikethrough tag!! Oh well... *resorts to brackets and italics* *sigh*

His whole childhood he'd gone along with his hahaue's wishes to let her put her health in danger for the protection of their lands, and he can't begrudge her that, and hadn't thought, still didn't think that she'd been wrong. But it had torn at him to watch her crumble day by day, to let himself just watch her withering and do nothing to stop it, because that had been what she'd wanted.

But she had died, and so had Kurogane's patience.

He'll be damned if he'll let another person close to him get away with harming themselves; he will submit to no one's will, he'll go along with no one's wishes, won't care how well they mean.

So Tomoyo can well and good keep all her care and mercy, what did she know, being lenient with those who aimed to kill her? Souma can damn well shut up, Amaterasu too. And that mage, that mage is worst of all, and what does Kurogane care that his life is one endless, hidden torment, what does he care that his eyes –eye– beg for release (and tear at his insides) with all that clear-cut, tired pain? He'll live, the gods be damned, he'll live and crawl through it with kicks and screams if he can't any other way, and Kurogane will just have to drag the lying fool behind him if he can't find the strength or will; the mage will not give up, will not give in, this one will not slip easily through Kurogane's fingers.

And with his bloodied back turned at the Witch he carelessly holds up the man and binds him to himself.

Erm… thoughts?