Yaoi (guy on guy action)
Implied Rape
Blood & Gore
I don't own Naruto or Vampire Knight nor do I make money off of this fanfiction work.
8/30/09 Edit
Revised version of chapter one.
Chapter One
Pure Blood?!
The sound of slamming woke a four-year-old child, and he sat up, rubbing his eyes tiredly while looking around in confusion. What had woken him up? A scream erupted from somewhere in the building and he tensed. But then, as he listened, the screaming stopped abruptly, leaving a deafening silence that made the boy shiver. He got up silently, his barely forming vampire senses stretching as far as they could go to find some sort of confirmation of life around him. His eyes narrowed and he bit his lower lip.
Sliding open the door silently, the little boy crept down the corridor without making a noise. He didn't know what was happening, but his kaa-san had told him to always be as soundless as possible. 'You don't want to alert the enemy, ne?' she had asked him, and he had nodded, even though he didn't get it. Why would they have enemies? She had sighed when he asked. 'We're different from others,' she told him patiently. 'They don't like us because we're different from them.'
The little boy stopped at the end of the hallway and listened. His brows crinkled but then relaxed when he heard his kaa-san's voice, but he frowned again as he listened. The tone of her voice made him his lips purse slightly; something wasn't right. He peeked into the other room curiously, and couldn't contain a gasp when he got a sight of the room.
The walls, curtains, everything was covered in blood. Then, as the realization hit him, so did the smell. The vampire in him licked its lips in anticipation but he fought off the hunger as he looked to the middle of the room, where his mother sat, huddled over a bloody figure that the boy identified to be his father. But, no, it couldn't have been, something in his mind protested. His father was strong and no one could even make him bleed, much less tear through him.
The little boy soon realized that his mother was scratched up as well, and his confusion and horror became apparent on his tiny face. His mother was strong as well, even though she wasn't as strong as his otou-san. What had happened?
But soon he heard a laugh and glancing around automatically before seeing the black shroud by the nearly black curtains. His eyes widened even more when he saw the bloody silver dagger held securely in the man's left hand.
As if sensing him, his mother and the man turned to look at him at the same time. His mother looked as if she wanted to cry as he watched and there was no disguising the fear or the haunted gleam in her ruby eyes. She quickly looked back at the man and screamed at him, but the boy couldn't hear. He had turned to look at the man before paralyzing terror consumed him.
The man was smiling at him, and the boy tried to scream but couldn't. The smile sent warnings screaming through his head. That was the only thing apparent on him; his creepy smile.
Such malevolence shouldn't be allowed in your house, said a voice inside his head. He paid no attention to it as he gazed in trepidation.
But soon the man stopped looking at him and walked to where his mother and father lay. He was aware of how his mother was yelling at him, telling him to run as far as he could, but something rooted him to the spot.
He couldn't break free as he watched the man throw his father across the room. His otou-san smashed against the wall with a sickening snap, causing paintings and artifacts to follow him down to the ground. A slap echoed through the room and the boy watched as his mother fell to the floor screaming, the man falling on top of her. And the boy was forced to watch as the evil man did things to his mother, causing her to cry out from pain. The boy didn't even realize he was hyperventilating.
It was something that would give him nightmares for years to come and the boy found that he couldn't take his mother being in pain. Rage and hate swirled in his belly, making him forget that suffocating fear that had held him paralyzed. His eyes glowed with an unnatural red, showing his vampiric heritage for all to see. There was a shift in energy and, suddenly, he was free.
Fangs exposed, he snarled and ran at the man, all but a black blur. The man didn't know what hit him until he was down on the ground rolling with pain. The boy looked down, a cold smile gracing his normally innocent lips. His right arm swung down, and he let the wind cut up the body painfully.
Blood splattered across the already red walls. Something inside him throbbed, telling him that this was his duty; his duty to kill the cursed Level E vampires that roamed the earth. His heart beat loudly even as he tore the man apart, limb by painful limb. He didn't notice when the man disappeared from his sight, all but bloody ashes.
Underneath the newly revealed vampire, the boy blinked at the horrifying scene he had done. A weak cough was the thing that cleared his mind.
"My son…" He looked quickly towards the voice of his mother and ran to her side as she coughed weakly. "Our Pure Blood legacy…lives within you…and your brother. Find…h-"
And everything went silent once more.
Zero pressed his lips together tightly as he glared at the cluster of girls in front of the Night Class gates. He rubbed his nose unconsciously, as if trying to hold back the oncoming migraine starting to form in his head. He had the sudden impulse to just leave, but then he would be leaving innocents with bloodsuckers.
Not that he was alone. The Perfect across from him looked as if he already had a migraine, eye twitching when the Perfect heard something from his fangirls, who watched him with rabid hungry eyes and whispered amongst themselves. That was Uchiha Sasuke, and he had already tried to scare off his devoted worshippers. Why did he have worshippers? Because he fit the "tall, dark, handsome, mysterious, and deadly" cliché to a T.
From what Zero had heard, both of their pasts had something to do with family members getting killed by vampires, and Zero knew that when given the chance, Sasuke would do anything to eliminate all the bloodsuckers that inhabited the planet… not that Zero wouldn't do the same.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a familiar clang that told him of the gates opening. He walked quickly in front of the girls as a boundary line they couldn't pass, and if one did, normally his glare would make the unlucky girl go scurry back into the crowd. He fingered his concealed Bloody Rose, wishing more than ever to take it and point it at the rabid girls waiting to see the other vampires.
Zero watched with stony eyes as the Night Class exited the gates. Dislike seeped through his every pore as he glared at Kuran Kaname, the president that kept the other vampires "in line". Zero could have snorted. As if vampires could be kept in line at all. They were damned creatures, unable to take orders. The only reason they were pretty was simple, it was easier to lure prey. There was no way the Night Class could handle going around without real blood. From what the silver-haired Perfect knew, most of them were spoiled when it came to blood. It was perfectly logical that they weren't used to restraint like Zero.
The noble vampires were glaring at him as if he were a pest that was annoying them, and Zero smirked. It always did make his day better when he could annoy those son-of-a-bitches.
Kaname was watching the others emotionlessly, and turned to face Zero after seeing the tenseness from his little group. There was an unmistakable warning in those rich wine eyes. Zero's smirk disappeared, and a hateful sneer made its way to his face. One look at that damn Kuran made his good mood just fly out the window.
Kaname glanced at his group again, and saw some were staring at the Uchiha with unveiled disgust. The Pure Blood cocked his head and gazed at Sasuke with both eyebrows raised, as if he wasn't impressed. Sasuke snarled at him in response. The Vampire Nobles around him narrowed their eyes at the Uchiha in extreme dislike and Idol, the emotional one of the group, bared his teeth threateningly at Sasuke. How dare that little punk snarl at Kaname-sama!
Kaname looked away from the Perfects, obviously dismissing them, and started to the dorms, not looking back to see if the other vampires were following him or not. The Vampire Nobles lingered, glaring at Sasuke before walking away. Yes, Zero was not the only one hated by the bloodsuckers.
Soon the vampires were gone and, as the girl groups diminished, Sasuke passed Zero with a look that had the silver-haired Perfect trying to figure out what the dark-haired Perfect was thinking. Even though they were practically bonded siblings, Zero still thought of Sasuke as an enigma.
Zero patrolled the school quietly as the sun set, and he began to feel just a tiny bit tired when a gust of wind wafted by, causing him to shiver somewhat. It wasn't like it was cold or anything, but the wind had brought a sense of bad feeling with it, causing Zero to feel the same sense of dread that had appeared that night so many years ago. His hunter senses screamed danger at him, and his body tensed slightly. Something big was going to happen, and soon. He put his hand inside of his jacket.
Suddenly there was a rustle of leaves by the branches on Zero's left, and he tensed more as he shot into position, holding out the Bloody Rose. He soon relaxed when he recognized Sasuke coming toward him, but raised an eyebrow at the other Perfect's disgruntled expression.
"Chairman-sama wants to see us in his office right away." Sasuke said, scowling. He turned and walked away. Sasuke seemed more off-put than usual, as he muttered, "Stupid idiot, almost getting himself killed. I could have sliced off his head. Not to mention that he appeared right when that omen came…"
Zero pursed his lips as he started walking with the other Perfect to where the Chairman's office was. So he hadn't been the only to feel that horror that had been floating in the air. If it was one thing that Zero had learned, there were no such things as coincidences and he would have to start being more careful than normal.
As they walked, both Zero and Sasuke noticed a head of dark hair headed in the same direction. They both knew that Kaname paid the Chairman a few visits from time to time, but yet it seemed a little suspicious for them to all be headed there at the same time. So that left one thing clear; something was up, and it was big enough to get the Perfects and the Pure Blood involved.
"I'm glad that you all could make it." The words were spoken solemnly from a normally cheery headmaster. Unblinking eyes settled on the three other occupants in the room, and the tension in the room coiled like a snake getting ready to strike.
"The information that I'm about to tell you is of the utmost importance. You will keep this secret with everyone but," Chairman Cross looked at Kaname, "the Vampire Nobles."
Kaname nodded slightly, and gestured for him to start again. He inclined gracefully on the chair he sat in.
"A new student will arrive tomorrow to start out in the Night Class."
There was a question in the air, but the three kept quiet because they sensed something else that would be more shocking than that. After all, having a new student wasn't a huge deal.
Another vampire, Zero thought, disgusted. As if they needed more bloodsuckers here! As if sensing what he was thinking, Chairman Cross sent him a warning glance that appeared more menacing than ever seen before. Zero scowled at him as Cross continued.
"But he isn't a regular vampire," The Chairman's voice sounded weird, as if he were in a daze, "He's a Pure Blood that comes from a family that was supposedly wiped out hundreds of years before we were even born.
"Actually, I'm pretty sure that there are still tales about their family. The family name was Namikaze."
Zero and Sasuke were sitting upright in their chairs, one glaring at the window while the other was staring at his clenched fists. The terse silence was broken by the politician of the group.
"Really?" Kaname drawled out, both eye brows rising slowly. "I have heard about that blood line before. Hypothetically it was said they not only had vampire blood but shifter blood. Could that have been true?"
Cross shifted in his seat with a frown. "We actually don't know if that's true or not nor do we know how they got wiped out in the first place. All we do know is that the person who killed everyone else was from another line like the Kuran's."
"Mr. Cross," Kaname said, eyes narrowing slightly. The room temperature dropped slightly. None of the occupants moved uncomfortably though, as they were used to it. "I hope you don't think that the Kuran line would do something so despicable."
"No, no. Of course not! But while I don't suspect, we cannot rule anyone out."
"Certainly," the Pureblood said graciously, eyes relaxing into their normal expressionless gaze. "Please continue."
"The Perfects, Vampire Nobles, and Kaname-sama will go and greet the new student at seven in the evening. He is a little… eccentric. You will probably have to find him somewhere besides the main gate. But don't treat him like royalty," Chairman Cross warned. "He hates that kind of thing."
"Che." Sasuke muttered as he shifted in his seat. His scowl threatened to split his face.
As they got up to leave, the Chairman called them back.
"Oh, and, his name is Uzumaki Naruto."
The next day…
Sparkling blue eyes traced outlines of the clouds in the sky as they passed overhead. As the passenger shook his head slightly, his sunshine-colored hair shifted in front of his gaze. He absent-mindedly brushed them aside as he rolled his eyes to look at the one driving the car.
"Ne ne, is this school really worth going to, otou-san?" he asked Iruka idly.
"Of course, Naruto-kun. Not only that but you'll be able to be around other vampires." Iruka looked at him through the rear view mirror and smiled encouragingly at the blond. Naruto grimaced and gave a reluctant, short nod.
Naruto sighed, his gaze moving from the sky to the father-like figure in front of him then back. Iruka had been very kind to him after finding him in the streets all those years ago, taking him in even though he and Naruto were different species. Iruka was a human who knew nothing about taking care of a vampire child, but he had nurtured Naruto all the same. Not only that, but he had gone through great lengths to keep them out of the eyes of the Vampire Council.
Naruto's shoulders drooped in defeat.
"Just remember, if they call me Naruto-sama, I won't be accountable for any damages done," he warned Iruka slightly before turning back to look at the sky.
By the time they got to Cross Academy the sun had already started to set. Everyone was either outside relaxing or taking some time to visit friends.
Driving past all these student made Naruto feel slightly anxious. It wasn't like he was new with the whole moving thing, he just didn't like it. He would have to make friends all over again, just like all the other times. Not only that but he would have to get used to the new school system, and his new schedule. He wondered idly who the Chairman of the school told Naruto's little secret to.
"You can just stop anywhere," Naruto told Iruka as he put on his Ray-Ban sunglasses. The dark lenses glinted in the sun as he opened the door, vehicle still moving. Once the car stopped moving he got out onto the sidewalk and waited for his guardian to come out as well. They still had to hide his bags before he went exploring.
Zero walked around the academy with an edgy, stiff posture while looking for his Perfect partner. It was time they had to find that other vampire, and he didn't like this one bit. His vampire senses were becoming stressed as he tried to analyze everything in his path.
"Konichiwa, Perfect-san!" a male voice chirped out, and Zero found himself looking at a beautiful youth who had blonde hair that substituted the sun and blue eyes pretty enough to be called jewels. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wondered how the youth had gotten past his awareness.
Zero's hunter senses screamed vampire, and he instantly narrowed his gaze upon the student he had never seen before. He pulled his gun, the Bloody Rose, out and pointed it at the male teen. He didn't think of the possibilities.
"Maa," the blonde tsk-ed, giving him a disappointed look. "It's not nice to point guns at people."
Zero noticed the choice of words and smirked. "But you're not exactly human, are you?"
The guy smiled easily. "No, not exactly. You can say I'm… vegetarian though." The smile became a full-blown grin, a cheeky one at that.
"Really now?" Zero asked almost drolly, raising an eyebrow. "I wasn't aware a vampire could go vegetarian."
"If they couldn't," the blonde said, grin still plastered on his face, "then how come you're still alive? You are Level D, after all. I wonder what's keeping you from eating someone."
Zero's eyes narrowed dangerously, all dry amusement gone in a heartbeat. But before he could try and take a shot at the student with the Bloody Rose, telltale footsteps were heard. He watched as the student grinned at the new arrivals and it was then that Zero noticed something lurking in that blue gaze. A type of heartbreaking emotion sealed up so tight it would take someone with amazing observation skills to see. He almost missed it.
"Vampire." Sasuke hissed out from gritted teeth. He stood inside the trees, shadowed. Zero could almost imagine a red film over the Uchiha's black eyes.
"Nice to meet you too," Naruto said sourly, sticking his tongue out childishly at the other Perfect.
It was then that Naruto turned his eyes from Sasuke, that he noticed the other Pure Blood vampire standing at the end of the clearing with vampire Nobles surrounding him. Sky blue met rich red wine with a tingling awareness.
They regarded each other with arched eyebrows. Naruto's smile brightened, the smile so big it made his eyes close.
"Naruto-san," Kaname said after a pause, smiling very slightly. "Cross Academy welcomes you."
Author's Note: Yes, REVISED chapter one. Please note that the other chapters after this one have not been looked over yet.