I keep running the image of Jane holding sweet baby Kaylee in his arms through my head. He almost looked happy and whole.

I keep wondering what was running through his mind.

Maybe he felt disgusted. This baby was there to torment him and his faded memories of his own daughter. She brought up all the life he tried so hard to keep deep down inside.

Maybe he felt depressed. Holding her reminded him of everything that had slipped through his fingers.

Maybe he felt overwhelmed. Suddenly surprised by this actual, real presence of a baby, at a crime scene. Overcome her sweet innocence in the big, cruel world.

Maybe felt nostalgic. Simply remembering his own days as a father, cherishing the memories of his little girl.

Maybe he felt jealous. Someone was going to get this precious bundle when his was taken away in a twisted sense of vengeance.

Maybe he felt vengeful. Perhaps this baby reignited his severe hatred of Red John, the one who took away the precious things in his life.

Maybe he felt simply lighthearted. Kaylee's simple pleasure in being held brought that adorable grin to his face.

Maybe he even felt thankful in just that she was unharmed. This baby had spent almost the whole night alone in that car, and she seemed perfectly okay.

Maybe he felt smug. Mr. Know-It-All knew the moment he saw the powder in the bag that there was a baby in the car…okay maybe that was all in my head.

Maybe he felt a little bit of all these things. Maybe something different.

I just can't get the picture of Jane with a cute baby girl in his hands and that killer smile on his face out of my mind.

I can't help but imagine that maybe there was another emotion beneath his smiling façade. Maybe he was hopeful. Maybe that baby in his arms made him hope for a new future, a new family…with…with…...

Maybe, just maybe it's possible.

Maybe I need to stop trying to figure out what Patrick Jane was thinking.

Especially when it seems he knows every thought in my head…well almost.

I sigh. Back to writing case reports.

Well, I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this chapter or at least don't think it was terrible.

It was short I know, but I still enjoyed writing it. It wasn't from Jane's perspective like I had said it might be, but it was close. I wanted to keep with Lisbon's point of view simply because that's kind of the story's title. Ingenious, I know.

I promise, promise, promise that next I will write the end scene of Red John's Friends. I still have some time this week before I go back to school to crank it out. Then I've got to transcribe new scenes before I can write any new chapters.

Okay, so some more Writer's Insights for you again this chapter. (I just like sharing some of the writing experience with my readers). My very favorite part of writing this story might just be naming the chapters (or maybe getting reviews!!). I love to pick out one element from the scene to name the chapter.

For example, Chapter One was about how in that scene from Flame Red, Lisbon's blushing gave away how there was something more in her thoughts. So I aptly named that chapter, "Lisbon Blushes."

Chapter Four was another ingenious chapter title on my part (if I do say so myself)…(and I do!). A little nod to the Wizard of Oz of course (I love this quote!). This is the point in Red John's Friends where Minelli and perhaps even Lisbon realize that Jane just might be a horse of a different color. He doesn't want to follow any rules in seeking his vengeance, even if it means leaving the people who've grown to care about him.

Okay, Okay. I've rambled enough. I'll leave you to figure out the rest of any secret significance in my chapter titles.

As always, thanks a million for reading. Please, please, please let me know what you think! I'm always open for your reviews, suggestions, thoughts, and ideas.
