I don't know why I decided to let Jane do this. Maybe I just wanted to prove him wrong and that he really can't read my mind. But I should at least give him a chance. If he could read my mind.

"Are you ready? Feeling awake? Mentally alert?" Jane asks.

"Yes." I nod.

Patrick smiles. "Fantastic. Okay." He outlines a screen with his fingers. I stare skeptically. "I want you to imagine a screen between you and I. On that screen I want you to project a basic shape, like a square but not a square. Got it?"

My mind races through shapes. A triangle. That's easy and not a square. I grin. "Okay" I nod again.

"Lock it in. Now I want you to project another shape and put that shape around the shape you already have." Patrick instructs staring into my eyes.

Another shape…let me see…a circle! Easy enough. I nod again. "M'kay"

Patrick grins. "Excellent. Here's the fun part. Now concentrate and project that onto the back of my mind. Look right here. Open up your mind and send it to me."

I concentrate on the triangle inside the circle. This seems like a load of bogus.

Patrick continues, "Okay now I'm starting to feel it. It's a triangle inside a circle."

Wait! How did he do that?! I can't let him know he won.

"Nope." I tell him trying to look honestly.

Patrick loses his air of confidence. "It's not?"

"No." I tell him quickly thinking up a more complicated shape. "I was thinking of an octagon inside a rectangle."

Patrick looks at me straight in the eye. He knows I lied. "Liar."

I smile at him in defeat. "Alright. Alright, you got me."

Van Pelt smiles over at us. "Hmm pretty good huh? He got me and Rigsby the same way."

I cringe to think that I'm on the same mental level as Van Pelt and Rigsby but am really curious how he figured it out.

"How did you do that?" I ask.

Patrick looks at me cavalierly. "Oh that's nothing. That's just the calibration key to real mind reading. Now I have access to all your innermost thoughts."

I scoff, the skeptic. "Yeah right."

Patrick looks at me seriously. "I'm serious."

I stare back at him smugly. "Okay. So what am I thinking right now?"

"You're thinking, "I am so glad Jane is joking around and he can't actually read my mind."" He informs me.

"No." I'm taken aback. How did he know? "Well actually yes. But. But not for the reason you think." I feel heat rush to my cheeks. This means he knows everything. How amazing I think he looks in that three piece suit. How I wish he would unbutton more than just the top button on his shirt. Damn, how can he be so right?!

Patrick looks at me curiously. "What reason do I think?

I stutter trying to get him to drop the subject, "Never mind."

Rigsby brushes by. "You're blushing," he points out.

Patrick examines my face. "You are blushing."

I wish he would just drop the subject. Patrick can't really read my mind and we've got another case. He doesn't know how I feel about him and if I can help it, he never will.

This is from season one episode nine.

I hope to add more of Lisbon's takes on the speacial shared moments between her and Jane.