Last one
Many thanks to everyone who has ever reviewed/favourited/alerted
Special thanks to Hypeniated who always reviews, how are you lovely?
And another special mention to soccercrazyfreak, happyhypere, kallou and Wolfie-Hime. You guys have been the first few of regular reviewers and a mention to Livie-chan, miss you girl!
And to my first ever reviewer of this story The Authoress of Heartbreak, how special!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, unfortunately
Now onto the story
One of the Boys 17
Sakura and Gaara walked into the school office. Once again they were getting a detention and once again it was during basketball practice. Sakura sighed; the worst part of the whole thing was that she couldn't even suffer with Gaara because they were separated. The grumpy old lady at the front desk who had nothing better to do than terrorise children handed them the dreaded pink slip. She pulled back her lips to reveal a hideous grin. The creep. Sakura snatched the piece of paper and headed off to her assigned room, she wished Gaara was there. After the dance they had sort of gotten together but not much had changed from before. They were still best friends but friends with benefits. Sakura smiled at the thought.
"You think detention is that funny Haruno?" Iruka growled as Sakura entered the room.
Sakura immediately stopped smiling, who could smile with a teacher like Iruka in front of them? Sakura slumped into a chair and layback, ready for three hours of nothingness. She watched as Iruka pulled out a book and wondered if there was a way to get out. Sakura glanced around the room, there was a window but it was on the opposite side of the classroom and there was an air vent but Iruka wasn't a complete idiot. Sakura sighed and laid her head on the hard wooden table. Detention sucked. Sakura was trying to fall asleep when she heard a knock at the door. Iruka looked up from his book with a very annoyed expression, he crossed the classroom and pulled open the door to see Sasuke standing there.
"Ah, yeah, Sensei I don't get maths so I was wondering if you could help me with these problems," Sasuke held up his homework.
Iruka rolled his eyes, "Yeah, alright, come on in."
Sakura's eyes widened as Sasuke moved from the doorway, Gaara was outside gesturing her to come. Sakura looked at Iruka, he had turned to his desk, now was her chance. Sakura grabbed her school bag and ran for it. Sasuke close behind her, they closed the door behind them and Sasuke jammed the janitor's mop in between the doorknob and the floor. The three then sprinted for the school gates and only stopped once they had reached the next block.
"Thanks Sasuke," Sakura smiled.
"No problem, I need to go home now and I guess I'll be seeing you in detention tomorrow," Sasuke winked at Sakura and walked off, leaving her and Gaara alone.
Sakura frowned at the thought, ditching detention did have its consequences and so did trapping a teacher in the classroom. Sakura then felt a safe and warm hand envelop her small and pale one. Her frown disappeared and she leaned into Gaara as the two walked home.
"You know Saku, this has been one hectic term."
Sakura didn't reply but she agreed. She had gone from one of the boys to a girl and back to her regular old self all in the matter of a few weeks.
"But it ended well," Sakura whispered.
"Yeah I guess," Gaara said.
Sakura kicked her best friend in the shins.
"Hey! Is that a way to treat your boyfriend?" Gaara asked but he didn't seem too injured.
"No, but it is a way to treat a jerk."
"Come on, I was joking," Gaara laughed.
Sakura turned her head, she wasn't really mad, she was actually ridiculously happy. Gaara had said he was HER boyfriend. Hers. He was hers.
Gaara stopped walking and turned Sakura to face him, "Sakura, I'm being serious now. It didn't end well, it ended perfectly."
Sakura stood there gaping and had no idea what to say, Gaara had a solution for it though, he leant down to her small face and Sakura closed her eyes as his lips met hers. Again she felt the amazing sensation of fire coursing through her body. She grasped his shirt and pulled herself to him, he wrapped his arms around her petite body. This time there was no teacher to stop them and they didn't seem like they were likely to stop in a while…until…
"Oh shut up you old fuck," Sakura broke away from hot kiss, despite Gaara's growls, to abuse the very annoying teacher.
"EXCUSE ME MISS SAKURA WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Iruka yelled from the classroom window a block away.
Sakura was about to reply when Gaara grasped her waist and planted another strong kiss on her rosebud lips.
"Shh," He breathed into her ear, "Let's go."
Sakura was too out of it to refuse and the two went on their way.
"So my place or yours?" Gaara asked after they had been walking for a while.
Sakura smacked him playfully on the shoulder, "Gaara!"
"Just joking, but can I crash at your place?"
Sakura pretended to think about it, "I guess so…"
Gaara smiled but then he remembered something, "Oh, wait there is one thing that you need to do before I can go to your place."
Sakura was slightly confused; Gaara needed something from her before he could go to her house? He already practically lived at her place anyway.
"I've already said that I'm your boyfriend…I want to hear that you're mine. My girlfriend."
Sakura blushed heavily, she usually hated the idea of being owned but she decided she didn't mind if Gaara was the owner, "Alright Gaara. I'm yours."
Gaara held his hand to his ears and waved his other hand to prompt her to continue, "Annnndd?"
"Annnnnnd I'm your girlfriend," Sakura smiled and she curled into Gaara's side.
Gaara wrapped an arm over her shoulder, "Ahh. Now I can go to your house."
Sakura smiled and leaned into Gaara' strong chest, she wondered how he could like her. He seemed so perfect and she knew she had an endless list of flaws.
"Um..Gaara, there is one thing I want to add."
Gaara looked down at Sakura, "Yeah?"
"I…I love you," Sakura hoped what she said was too early but it just seemed so right.
Gaara's face split into a huge grin, he ruffled Sakura's pink hair and pulled her closer to him, "I love you too."
Sakura felt like she was walking on air, skipping detention had been worth it after all.
"Oh and one extra thing Sakura," Gaara scratched the back of his head.
"Can Rambo come along with me?"
Sakura rolled her eyes. She had completely forgotten about that dog.
Gaara dropped to his knees, "Pllleeeeasssse! He's a good dog, he really is!"
Sakura couldn't refuse a begging Gaara, "Oh alright."
Gaara cheered and then whistled, and sure enough the very loyal Rambo came running down the street towards them. Sakura sweat dropped, seriously how could her life get any weirder?
"Now to your house!" Gaara called and he then threw Sakura over his shoulder and raced down the street with Rambo barking at his heels.
Awww, happy ending. Very short but just a little fluffy filler I added in for old times sake
*insert smiley face*
That is it, I'm done. Finished OVER.
I'm glad to tell you the truth. Pheww!
I think I'm going to start another love story soon, so stay tuned and check my profile regularly. Also I have A Beatiful Day and Private School Girl, which are both romances and stories in progress. Enjoy your spring holidays and thanks for sticking with me!
REVIEW, the last chapter so you have to!