Author's Note: Hello all my lovelies. I want to take this opportunity to apologize for not regularly updating and I also want to thank all my new readers who've joined with me over the past few months. I suppose I could tell you what I've been up to… Since graduating college, I began applying for jobs and finally got one in San Fran, so I've been moving around a bit and finally have settled in. Hence the delay.

It's been a while since I've visited Leah's world, so bear with me please. A please please pleeeease leave me some comments/reviews. Without those, this story would not be what it is today.



Chapter 21 – Super Sleuth Spying

After Jake left me to my own devices, I laid stretched out in bed and staring at the ceiling counting the tiles. I couldn't believe that I was so close to falling for someone who was going to use me. I thought I had better instincts than that and could tell the bad guys from the good… But maybe since my senses have been all crazy lately, I couldn't keep straight my emotions.

From here on out though, I'm not going to let him run my life. One way or another, Jonathan was going to pay. He was going to pay for humiliating me, for making me turn to girly mush and for falling in love with him. He was going to get what was coming for him. And I know just the vampire to help me.

"ALICE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, even though I knew she could hear the tiniest of whispers… this was an emergency and she needed to sense my urgency.

Under a second she slammed open the door and prowled the entire room with a frantic look. Realizing that we were alone, she settled and turned to me. "What's the big emergency?"

She stared at me prying my eyes for an answer and then her eyes went out of focus as her mind was catching on to my plan. "Oh, Leah, I see what you want and I'm totally down. In fact, I know just the perfect outfit for the occasion."

She turned swiftly out of the room and was back in under a minute with two outfits in each of her hands. "Do you want to be sexy," she said holding up a mini-skirt ensemble, "Or serious," holding up the other pant suit. She focused on the future and without needing my answer threw me the pants. "Get dressed. I'll wait."

When I returned from the bathroom, Alice was sitting on the edge of the bed and smiling. "Leah, Leah, Leah… I can't believe you of all people would come up with this idea. It's shocking. I can't wait!"

We walked downstairs and Edward was smiling.

"Don't you dare say anything, Edward, I'm not crazy… I just need to know the truth," I said to him before he could say anything to the contrary.

"I don't think following him is going to help much," Emmett said as he and Rosalie walked in from the kitchen. "I mean, come on, the guy's gonna know."

I turned to Edward, "You told him!?"

His laughter shook his shoulders before he spoke. "Of course, Leah, I mean come on! You and Alice are DRESSED UP to follow your soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend on his date with a person who wants us dead. That just spells trouble, I have to have a back-up plan."

He finished his sentence matter-of-factly. I turned to Alice and rolled my eyes. "That's why I'm taking Alice, cause she can see anything that's coming. Come on. It's not that big of a deal, besides, we look cute."

I finished and twirled showing off the outfit Alice put together. I was dressed head to toe in black, perfect for spying.

Before anyone else could disagree with Alice and I, I grabbed Alice's hand and went out the front door.

"Come on, Alice, let's get this over with."

We arrived at the mall and I heard Alice sigh. I turned to her with one eyebrow lifted in questioning.

"Well," she said straight out, "If I would've known we were coming her I would've brought your wedding dress to return and brought my credit card for Forever 21 as they just got some killer heels…"

"ALICE!" I growled, cutting off her tangent.

"Well, Leah, that was just rude, I would never interrupt you."

We got out of the car and she scanned the parking lot, finding our target instantly.

The blue Mitzubishi Lancer Evo stood out among all the cars, as it was really one of a kind. I walked over to it, checking constantly over both my shoulders for any sign of the man who broke my heart, but sighed internally when he was nowhere to be found.

Alice popped the lock with no hesitation and started searching the car as I stood guard. Moments later she came up from under the hood and sighed in frustration.

"There's nothing, the car's completely clean," she stated. "I guess we'll have to resort to following him. We need to know what they're planning and how we can stop it from happening. I really think there's still time to bring us to our side but we'll have to persuade him… and fast."

"Well then, let's go," I said and turned on my heel with Alice in tow.

We entered through the main doors and Alice smelled the air. Instantly she picked up his scent and we followed it to Hot Topic. We peered inside the windows and saw him and Crystie toward the back searching a rack of clothes for sale.

Alice scoffed. "The sales rack, really? Come on people…"

I smiled and kicked her shin lightly.

"Well honestly, it's indecent and immoral."

I shook my head and motioned for her to listen. We stood outside the window for a while listening to the two of them talk about the pros and cons of the items in the shop and just when we thought they weren't going to give us anything to go on. Crystie finally got down to business.

"So what are we going to do about the Cullens, Jonathan?" she said the surname with disgust pronounced on her voice. "I mean, honestly, you've let your little charade go on too long, are you sure you'll still be able to go through with the plan?"

She looked up to Jonathan's eyes and the Jonathan I knew was no longer there, replacing him was a completely different person, he was no longer the man I fell in love with. In his place was someone new, someone filled with hate. An all-consuming hate that was completely unexpected.

"Yes. I will. I thought I loved her," hearing him reference me without my name and with such disgust on his voice made me shiver. "But I was wrong. She was just a genetic freak that used her witchcraft to lure me in."

Before I knew it, I was turning the corner of the window and halfway through the door before Alice jumped in and pulled me back. "No, Leah," she hissed in my ear. "You can't. You'll give us away and we won't get anything!" she whispered hurriedly.

I turned and walked a bit away before I turned abruptly to her and faced Alice.

"A GENETIC FREAK!? WITCHCRAFT?! WHO DOES HE…Ugghhhh!!!" I whispered loudly enough to get across the point that I'd rather yell what I was saying but not giving away our position to our betrayer.

"I know, Leah, calm down, you need to calm down and relax."

I breathed in deeply a couple of times, calming my nerves before speaking. "OK. I'll calm down, but that asshole's going down… mark my words. Alice we've got work to do."

"OK, let's go then."

The drive home was silent and the time passed slowly even though Alice was taking her Porsche to racing standards.

When we arrived back at the Cullen mansion it was empty. "They're all out hunting and will return later," Alice stated before I could even question her.

"Alice, do you think I'm making a mistake?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, about him… am I jumping too fast to conclusions? Maybe he's just trying to lead her on to get more information out of her to help us. He couldn't really be bad, right?"

"Unfortunately, Leah, I think that he is completely selling us out… No matter how much it hurts, he's not the one for you. When I see your future, or try and look into the future for you… It's blank."

My brow furrowed as I finally allowed myself to think the thoughts that I wanted to avoid all day and night. "So that means…"

"Either, A, you are going to marry Jake and live a happy life together," she said. "Or, B, you're going to become a wolf again because Jonathan's no longer in your life."

I sat down on the couch in the living room, hardly able to breathe. "But if I, if I… I mean… If I…"

I couldn't finish my thought out loud.

She sat next to me and placed her hand in mine. "It's going to be OK either way. You're going to be alive… that much I'm sure of. We just don't know how much of you is going to be supernatural."

At that moment, I panicked and only thought of one person who could help me. In my mind I called out to the one person who would come at a moment's notice. The only person who would truly ever understand me enough to not judge me or want to fix the situation. The one person who would just be there to listen and to offer advice. I called to him. And minutes later there was a knock on the door. "I believe that's for me."

I got up from the couch, opened the door and he stood in front of me, just as I knew he would.

"I came as fast as I heard," he said out of breath.

"Hello Sam," I greeted him.

Author's Note: Again, I want to apologize for my long absence. I hope to get back into a regular updating schedule. This story is something I enjoy doing and have missed it so. As always…

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