Diclaimer: Ioomoc.

J.L.: I'm playing Re:5 now. My biggest complaint: Sheva's AI. Let me put it to you this way. Ludacris's song "move bitch". Every time I'm shooting, she runs right in front of me. HURDUR, I Sheva, I like Chris shooting me! It's good so far though. Anyways, forcing myself to take a break…

Two days later: Jill

Of all the people to deliver the bad news to Elza Frost, the task was given to me. God…Joseph…She had taken the news surprisingly well, holding Joey Jr. close to her. I could see the swelling of pain within her though.

"If there's anything I can do…" I spoke softly, my own heart pounding. I'm glad I wasn't the one to discover his body…poor Ada seen some sick shit….and on top of Joseph's body being recovered, Steve's dead, and there went Claire's undercover mission right out the window…that wouldn't matter though…

"No…I'd just like to be alone with my son." She spoke. The two year old little boy didn't quite understand what was wrong, but he seemed to know something was wrong and was clinging to his mother. I nodded and watched the young woman and her child left my office. The reality of what's at stake has only been brought to surface. I closed my eyes. Somewhere, Chris was losing his temper. When Ada had informed me that Wesker had Claire, I had agreed to be the one to tell him. Ada refused though, and informed him herself. Of course, he reacted well…Our bedroom redecorating is just fantastic if broken windows and furniture are what you consider good taste. Chris stepped into the office, his eyes everywhere but on mine.

"Hey." I spoke. His shoulders were sagging.

"I'm going after her." He spoke, I nodded.

"Let's get our equipment then." I said.

"No. Jill…we lost Joseph…and…Claire's in danger…Maybe you should go visit Dick." Chris spoke. I grunted at the mere mention of his name.

"I think our priority is getting Claire back." I reasoned.

"It's been two years and other than Claire and myself, he's the only family you have." He spoke, finally locking eyes with me.

"Locked away in prison for life and thinks I sold him out." I replied bitterly.

Two years earlier: Jill

The prison was cold. My father sat before me. His age was showing, grey hairs now decorating his head and dark circles under his eyes. I smiled at him, feeling a little awkward. It had been sometime since I had seen him.

"So…still with Wesker?" My father inquired. How did he know? I shook my head.

"It's a long story, but…" I bit my lip. Should I tell him I've been married for nearly a year? Dick was glaring at me, and threw a newspaper at me. It was an old one of the Policeman's ball, with a snapshot of me on Wesker's arm as we were speaking to the Police chief.

"I know my daughter when I see her in a picture." Dick continued. I looked at him confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Jillian, be honest with me. You made a deal with Wesker to stay out of here, right?" Dick asked.

"Yes." I spoke, worried about where he was going with this.

"That's all I needed to know. Get the hell out of here." Dick spat. I stared at this man, severely confused.

"What?" I asked. Dick leaned over.

"Don't play stupid Jill. You sold me out to further both you and Wesker in your careers." Dick retorted. My jaw dropped in disbelief. What?!

"What are you talking about? I wouldn't do that to you!" I spouted out, confused and feeling the disgusting twinge of anxiety and betrayals grow within me.

"Get out of here. I will not tolerate any more lies Jillian." Dick spoke curtly and stood up, leaving the room. I balled my hands into fist, not knowing whether to cry or lash out in anger. My father was treating me like some rebellious teenager who had just ruined his business deal.

Presently: Chris

The look of resentment decorated Jill's face. She'd been quiet for a while now, refusing to make eye contact. If I take her with me to rescue Claire…that puts her at risk…

"Look, I think it's a good idea for you to do this. Ada's going with you to clear your story." I said. Jill's eyes flickered up to mine. She wasn't wearing the contacts Ada had told her to, and no matter how many times I saw her eyes, I couldn't get use to her beautiful bright blue eyes being replaced with cat-like dull grey ones. She closed her eyes, breath escaping her.

"Chris…" She whispered weakly.

"Look, I'm going for intel…when you get back from the prison, Ada will send you to be my backup, alright?" I offered. I was far too numb from the news we'd been receiving that I really just wanted to get Claire back.

"Fair enough…just be careful..." Jill replied.

The next night: Rebecca

As I continued taking notes on the creature William had become, my thoughts drifted to Joseph's corpse and Claire's kidnapping. It doesn't make sense, what does Wesker really stand to gain by doing that? He's only pissing off Chris.

"You didn't see Chris or Jill off?" Forest asked.

"No…I've got to develop a cure for this…and with Alexia pulling her egomaniacal move, I'm the only one who has any clue of how to do it aside from Annette….she's worked herself into an exhaustion really." I explained.

"You couldn't take five minutes to see them off?" Forest inquired. I set my clipboard down and turned to him.

"Jill's body is rejecting the virus now. Her eyes are changing rapidly, black circles forming under them and her skin is paling." I confessed.

"What?" Forest's voice cracked.

"I don't know what it is exactly, but the way the virus works is that it bonds with specific DNA and enhances the body's natural attributes…however, something has changed inside Jill, and the virus cannot bond with her DNA…it's seen as no better than cancer. Jill will deteriorate as her body fights its own cells." I explained.

"So…wait…she'll become like…" Forest spoke, his hand motioning toward William.

"It's likely. You know how they can read our minds, whether they want to or not? Can you imagine them finding out? I need to find a cure soon." I replied.

"And William?" Forest asked. It doesn't matter if I tell him, not in the long run.

"Annette's research for the cure hinges on her restoring him. His body is too mutated to ever return to anything human like again." I replied and turned back to monitor the creature. My eyes caught Annette over by the control panel.

"I-You're wrong!" She screamed and her hand pulled the release valve down. Oh shit! The tank immediately started draining, William's whale head jerking up, those soulless eyes opening. I backed from the tank, knowing it wouldn't hold the virus riddled abomination for long. Forest already had his shotgun unstrapped from his back and ready. Annette took off running to the side.

"Run or shoot?!" Forest asked, panic striking his voice. My blood was chilling, but I shook my head.

"Call for back up at once!" I ordered and turned heel as William's giant clawed arm busted through the tank.

"Rebecca! Watch out!" Forest yelled and I looked back to see Forest right behind me, blood spat from his mouth into my face. The claw had skewered him through, missing me by just inches. I turned back and kept running, slamming the lab door shut securely before running off to the nearest computer to call for back up.

Meanwhile: Jill

I walked to the room where Ada and I were to meet my father. It had been years since I last spoke with him. Within the time it took for me to leave the prison and get back to Chris, I had found out that Wesker had paid him several visits, that which to destroy my relationship with my father. My resentment didn't come from that though. It came from the fact that my own father would believe that I would do such a thing. Ms. Wong had a different opinion about what I should do.

"I still don't agree with this Ada." I said as she sat down. She motioned for me to sit as well.

"You really need to tell your father about Chris." Ada spoke in a very offhanded tone. I grunted in annoyance. Ada, despite knowing that she was older, had a way of changing the dialog so that you would think she was much younger. The door opened and my father walked in, his eyes making contact with my own.

"Mr. Valentine, before you decided to end this visit abruptly, I am Jillian's employer and Legal council, and have been for the past three years. Hear me out. Mr. Albert Wesker is under investigation for illegal research of bio-hazardous materials. At the time of your incarceration, Mrs. Redfield here was being blackmailed into assisting him with security regarding the entrance to Mr. Wesker's facility of research under threat of imprisonment. I ask that you negate any information Mr. Wesker may have told you, as he is obviously capable of being involved with highly unethical occurrences." Ada spoke. I froze in my chair watching my father carefully.

"Is this true?" My father asked, his eye searching deeply into my own. I was grateful now that I had worn the contacts today.

"Yes." I answered. Ada's cellphone started ringing. She pulled it out and glanced over it.

"Excuse me." She requested and briskly walked out. I looked at my father as he took a seat. He studied me, folding his handed and resting his chin on them as his elbows rested on the table. 'She looks like hell' My father's thoughts penetrated my mind. I closed my eyes and looked aside.

"Mrs. Redfield?" Dick asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah." I confirmed.

"When did that happen? Last I checked, you had severed all ties with him." Dick inquired.

"Actually, the very reason of my last visit was to inform you of that. Chris came home early, around the time Wesker started slipping up with his research." I answered, not really feeling like diving into the long story.

"You really married Jockstrap?" Dick asked. I moved my eyes back to him and nodded.

"Yes…we live in his house." I spoke.

"Any grandchildren I should know about?" Dick continued.

"No. We work under Ada, the woman you just met, to investigate and take Wesker under arrest. Our missions send us out and around…not leaving much time for building a family." I answered.

"Are you sick?" My father asked. I sighed. My virus…it's starting to show.

"No." I lied.

"You're pale." Dick commented.

"Haven't been out in the sun lately." I responded.

"Your hair is lightening up." Dick continued.

"Wesker kidnapped Claire." I explained, both a lie and a truth for my worries. Dick's face stiffened.

"You guys are serious about this…." He muttered.

"A lot has changed. I wake up some mornings, remembering high school as if it was nothing more than just a dream." I said.

"It can't be that bad." Dick tried.

"Joseph's body was found the same day Claire got kidnapped. That Steve kid that Claire was dating, he's dead. Alexia-" I started.

"Anorexia Alexia?" My father interrupted.

"She's dead." I finished.

"What the hell is going on?" My dad asked.

"I couldn't really explain it. Rebecca would be the one for that." I spoke. Ada re-entered the room.

"Mr. Valentine, I must apologize, but a situation has come up and we must leave." She spoke. I looked at her, and didn't even try to understand.

"Of course. Jillian, I'm sorry I didn't have faith in you…but please, forgive me?' Dick asked. I nodded and left with Ada. Ada was quiet until we exited the prison.

"Forest is dead, and William is no longer contained. I've had no other choice to to send Leon in to resque Rebecca. Brad has already locked down the facility to ensure William doesn't escape." Ada reported. Another weight was added to my shoulders.

J.L.: Now…I really want to challenge you all. So…Keep your eyes out for someone in particular. A lot of thing will be brought together by this person. On another note, RE:5, definitely better with a real 2nd player, unless said 2nd player cuts you in half with a laser beam or like running into crocodile mouths. More chapters later.