
I was going to be really mean and not post all of these in one go. But you know what, I'm too nice for that.

Each one is set on the train ride to Hogwarts at the beginning of the year, it was my attempt to document how I thought their friendship would develop.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not Harry Potter. Not these characters. Damn, I don't even own the laptop I wrote it on.


They sat opposite each other, grey and blue eyes flitting back and forth, seizing each other up. Rose snaked her fingers across the leather of the seat as the train swept through the countryside.

'Your dad said to stay away from me?'

Scorpius asked; his voice sounded hurt, confusion etched into his pointed features. She looked at him, suddenly at a loss for words. She blushed as she looked down at her hands, folded in her laps. It was a blush that started from her neck and spread, right through to the tips of her ears. She bit her lip worriedly and blinked a few times, her mouth opened and closed as she struggled to find the words to explain herself.

Suddenly, there was a loud clatter as a young boy stumbled through the carriage door. Hestood, smiling tentatively at the two of them completely unaware of the frosty atmosphere he had bounded into.

"Hi Rose!" He grinned breathlessly and, turning to Scorpius he gave a little wave "Hi, I'm Albus!"

He broke the tension. He always broke the Tension.



Review after every little mini drabble dammit

Thank you!